The Night Whispers

Daphne smiled and kissed him back as he squeezed her ass. That said, she scampered off to have "fun."

Esmeralda kissed her husband and then let him go, a small smile on her face. "He'll get out of whatever mess he's gotten himself into this time. He always does."

Jessica smiled at Faye as she left and then turned her attention to Kuro. "You really are something else, Kuro." She smiled and kissed his lips softly. "Thank you so much."
Isolt looked at Daphne and smiled as she headed off. Though she wasnt as much of a soldier he still would let her go off and have her fun. Kovo yawned and rested against the chair. Since it was becoming day he was getting tired and had started to fall asleep against the chair that he was tied to.

Clopin looked at Esmerelda and smiled and kissed her. "we should rest, Daybreak comes and we do need our rest. I know we are both stressed out." He smiled and rested his head against her forehead.

Kuro looked at Jessica and smirked and kissed her back. "Its what I can do for famoly hun." He smiled and picked her up. "So where are WE staying?"
"The room across the hall," Jessica said with a smile. "I made it as much like our room as I could so you'd feel comfortable. I hope you like it," she said, holding onto him and the bag he'd brought up for her.

Esmeralda nodded and took her husband's hand, leading him to their room. "We'll need to close the windows," she said with a little smile.

Daphne looked around, poking her head into different rooms to explore.
Kuro smiled and carried her into the room before setting her down upon the bed. he walked over to the window and drew in the shades so that the sunlight wouldnt get through.

Clopin nodded and smiled. "Right you are my love."

Other soldiers watched Daphne but said nothing as she walked past.
Jessica smiled as he set her down and went to the window. The bed was softer than she'd thought it would be, but that was just fine with her. She stood up and started to take off her dress, slowly moving the straps aside before reaching for her zipper.

Esmeralda closed the windows as she came into the room with Clopin, drawing the curtains so that it was nice and dark. Weariness fell upon her as the sun started to rise and she slowly made her way into bed. Her eyes closing moments later.

Daphne smiled at the men as she finished looking around on the main floor. Nothing especially interesting. With a little sigh, she headed over to her prisoner and saw that he was asleep. He had been relatively good, and he was cute...but she had no real desire to speak with him again. The "soldier" gig was boring when she wasn't really doing anything special, not to mention lonely since any man who dared speak to her without Isolt's permission would have probably been shot on sight.
Kuro looked at Jessica and smiled and walked over to her quietly and ran his hands over her shoulders before taking the zipper and slowly pulling it down to help her out of her dress. "There you go my love." He smiled then went over to the bed and yawned and laid down on it kicking off his shoes along the way. "Nice room you choose."

Clopin looked at Esmerelda and smiled before laying down beside her and laying down for the day to sleep.

But it was true, Many of the men would galdy take a turn with Daphne but all were deadly afraid of their commander. They knew that if she reported somehting it would surely mean an execution on the spot.
Jessica smiled at him as her dress fell to the ground. "Thank you," she said softly. "I thought you would like it," she said with a smile, slipping a soft shirt over her body before climbing onto the bed with Kuro. She put her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. "I'm so glad I have you, darling."

Daphne smiled as she headed up to the second floor to check out the rooms there.
Kuro looked at Jessica and smiled and ran a hand through her hair as she rested against his chest. "I am glad that I have you my dear." He smiled and kissed her neck before laying back and falling asleep.

A few soldiers watched Daphne and saluted as she walked past them. They all stopped and watched her, wanting some action with her.
Jessica slept well in Kuro's arms, enjoying his touch and presence. She dreamt of a peaceful life for the two of them, him enjoying her anyway he chose, and she enjoying his company.

Faye, on the other hand, found it terribly difficult to find rest that night. Only after a round of silent tears did the beautiful woman find any sort of peace.

Daphne smiled at a few rather attractive men and found herself wishing that she could have a little fun with them...but there was no telling what Isolt might do. She sincerely wished she knew where that man was. Perhaps there was something for her to do... "Excuse me, but have any of you seen Isolt?" she asked a group of men who'd just managed to avoid looking like they were staring.
Kuro rested beside Jessica for the night. His arms keeping her close to his body and keeping her warm despite his cold body. He enjoyed keeping her close and having her with him.

Kovo's sleep was ill at best, body still in pain and it told through his sleep. All he wanted was for Faye and his fmaily to be safe. even if that ment sacraficing himself.

The soldiers looked over at Daphne and nodded. "Ja wissen wir, wo der Kapitän ist. Er ist unten in den Versorgungsmaterialien." ( Yes we know where the captain is. He is downstairs in the supplies.)
"Thank you," Daphne said with a little wink. That said, she scampered off to find her husband and become and enormous distraction.

Esmeralda woke the next evening just as the sun's final rays were leaving the sky. She kissed Clopin and sat up to stretch. Only when she looked around her did she remember the heaviness in her heart. Her son was still not home. She could feel it. She sank back into her pillow and stared at her ceiling. What did those crazy people want?

Faye woke up alone. It all seemed like a dream, but she knew it wasn't. "Kovo," she whispered.

Jessica woke before Kuro and smiled at him. She moved some hair away from his face before she kissed him. "It's evening," the redhead said, her voice a bit raspy from sleep.
Isolt was looking over some crates. On the side of them read Eigentum des wehrmacht (Property of the Wehrmacht) They seemed rather Valueable. He ndded and added them off of a list then looked up as Daphne came in. "Hello My flower, what is new?"

Clopin yawned and slowly opened his eyes. He could feel the dispair that Esmerelda felt. He sighed and gently pressed his head against hers. "He'll make it out my love he'll make it out, He always does."

Kuro yawned and looked at Jessica before rolling and pinning her and kissing her neck letting his fangs trail over her skin. "well then."

Kovo slept, and as he did though he would try to reach out to Faye.
Daphne smiled and put her arms around her husband, pulling him close. "Isolt, it's terribly boring around here without you. Isn't there something I could do for you?"

Esmeralda sighed and let him comfort her, the pain she felt slowly started to be eased until it was once again bearable. "You're right, I'm sure. I've just missed him so much...and now he's in some terrible situation..." Another sigh. "Anyway...worrying won't bring him home."

Faye, for a moment, thought she felt Kovo's presence. But surely it couldn't be. He was far away from her now...wasn't he?

Jessica was surprised at Kuro's sudden energy, but she wasn't complaining. As he held her down, she could feel his body against hers, and when his lips trailed up and down her neck, she couldn't help but shiver. "Yes, my love?"
Isolt looked at Daphne and smiled and ran a hand through her hair then kissed her forehead. "All right, I guess you deserve somehting for following orders my love." He smiled and slid his hand up over her rear.

Clopin looked at Esmerelda and smiled and kissed her cheek. "Dont worry my love, I know you do and So do I. Look I'll call Aza in to help find Kovo and help him out."

Kuro pinned her down and slid down before kissing along her legs and thighs. He licked inbetween her legs for a bit before sinking his teeth down into her thighs and drinking.
Daphne smiled and kissed his lips as his hands slid over her toned ass. "Mmmm, thank you Isolt."

Esmeralda felt an immediate sense of relief as Clopin offered to call Aza. "I would feel so much better," she said, kissing her husband. "Have I told you I love you?" she asked, climbing on top of him.

Faye closed her eyes and decided to sleep more. After all, there was no one here for her now. It was only after she closed her eyes that she felt the true connection to her lover.

Jessica gasped just before Kuro dug his fangs into her thigh and moaned as he began to feed on her. There was a bit of pain, but it would subside soon enough. "Good morning to you too."
Isolt looked at Daphne and smiled squeezing her rear before leading her down the hall and to what used to be Esmerelda and Clopin's room. He smiled and looked at her. "This will be good."

Clopin looked at Esmerelda and smiled softly. He knew Aza could do the job but it always came at a steep price. "I'll make arrangements as soon as I can my love."

Kovo was connected to her and thus stood behind her in her dreams. "I will be with you soon my love."

Kuro held onto Jessica as he fed from her.
Daphne smirked and came toward him. "Of course it will, my love."

The ebony locks on Esmeralda's head flowed to her shoulders and she smiled, kissing his neck gently. "Thank you, dear."

Faye smiled when she heard Kovo's voice. "I miss you so much...are you alright?" she asked, almost afraid to know the answer.

Jessica lay back and relaxed as he continued to feed. She felt a little tired, but she was sure he would finish soon and then she could get some nourishment as well.
Isolt looked at Daphne and smiled before moving behind her and grinning,pinning her hands behind her. "I think im going to have some fun my love."

Clopin nodded and smiled. "we should get up and start to make breakfast for our two mortal guests hun. They do need to eat." He smiled and ran a hand down her side before sitting up.

Kovo smiled and looked at her and nodded. "My dearest Faye, I've been through much, MUCH worse, I can promise you that. There isnt anything they can do that can truely harm me..unless they got to oyu, my family. Thats why Im holding them off with useless information."

Kuro pulled his teeth out and licked the wound shut and watched her.
Daphne felt Isolt pin her arms to her back and smiled. She was already excited. "I love it when you have fun."

Esmeralda sat up and kissed his shoulder. "You're right, dear. But after, I want you."

Faye smiled softly. "You're something else, Kovo. I love you."

Jessica smiled as he looked up at her. "Was I good, Kuro?" she asked softly. "I hope you got your fill."
Isolt grinned and pressed Daphne against the wall. He grabbed some cord and tied her arms behind her then pushedher to the table and tied her to it and even used her panties as a gag.

Clopin smiled and kissed her. "I'll see what I can do my love." He smiled and looked at her then got up and dressed and headed out to make breakfast for the 2 girls.

Kovo smiled and ran a hand against her cheek. "And you are everything to me...stay safe my love."

Kuro nodded and smiled. "Shall keep me full for the day."
Daphne groaned as he pressed her against the wall and felt him tie her arms. She accepted the panties as her gag and squirmed a little against the cool surface of the table.

Esmeralda pulled on a robe and followed her husband to the kitchen to help him out. "I'll make some scones," she said, taking out the materials. Ironically, she could still bake like no one's business.

Faye smiled and kissed Kovo in her dreams before reality pulled at her and finally brought her back to the world.

Jessica smiled at him. "I'm glad. Why don't you help me dress so I can get something too?"
Isolt grinned and tied her legs to the legs of the table, running his hands over her silken clad legs. "So good my love." He smiled and ran his hands down along her sides watching her reactions.

Clopin smiled and nodded. "I'll go make the call then." He smiled and kissed her neck then wandered off to go and contact Aza.

Kovo watched the link sever before going silent. Kuro looked at Jessica and smiled and nodded. "Sure thing Jess. and if Im right i think I smell my mother cooking."
Daphne moaned softly as she felt his hands travel up and down her legs and sides. She wanted him, but she wasn't abject to letting him have a little fun first.

Esmeralda nodded and let Clopin go about doing that before she commenced the preparation of the scones and some brewing coffee.

Faye woke up and put on a red shirt much like her old yellow one, and some black jeans, heading downstairs to help.

"Is that so? Do you enjoy your mother's cooking?" she asked. Sitting up slowly.
Isolt looked at Daphne and grinned. "well well well what have we caught here huh? An american what are we going to do to this spy huh, Hmm wonder what i can do."

Kuro looked at Jessica and shrugged. "Dont really have any memories of eating normal food from her. I always fed off of her when I was young before learning how to hunt myself."
Daphne shook her head and played her part well. She seemed afraid, but she was very turned on....already wet in fact.

Jessica got up and pulled a few pieces of clothing out to get dressed. "Well, it smells good, in any case."
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