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Westbrook OOC

Not only that, but we do have the mayor and police commissioner already, who are NPCs.

Forgot to tell you, I loved Rainier's first name being Oscar, I'm almost imagining this tall, bald, black guy... Shaq like... Towering over Windy, his Captain, et al, with a grouch like expression, but when you get to know him? Big ol' teddy bear.
Also, not saying he's always a teddy bear, he can bring it, and be a dad figure to the other officers and the metas, and discipline as needed. For example, Windy would be intimidated by his size, and dadding her, and she's going to drop it after reminding she didn't say she was the tornado. She'll definitely lower her head when asked what she'd do if she caused property damage. About all I have written/plotted is her response.
In the interest of me understanding the potential ramifications of the direction the world is heading into, I want to ask @Frozen Princess : with regards to the Mayor of Westbrook, how many people and Corporations were negatively affected by the Mayor's attempt at media-manipulation and, more importantly, heavy-handed and questionably legal traffic-quarantine into the city? Does this affect his chances at a re-election and what are the chances that he will be removed from office?
Since it involved the airport, nil chance of re-election, and depending on anything Sapphire and Edith can broadcast, off the broadcast stations, going forward, it can get the federal government involved. Thing is, it's definitely fantasy to think they'll act quickly. Governor Nathan Fox has a higher percentage of getting something done (but it won't be quick either) or his same party rival, Dr. Emilia Quincy.

That's one of the things I planned on bringing up Friday morning as Rebecca Knight. After all, Fox would tell Quincy (since she's the same party)and his staff of the media freeze, and want to okay Amalia (?) even more quickly to get her and Rebecca back down to Westbrook ASAP. Gabe would even (off camera) have already told Rebecca to try to wrap things up, because of the media freeze.

This could be a situation where the operative there for one thing, could start the ball rolling with the feds. Will need @MsBloom as "Goldilocks" lead to tell her to divert... Err, since I'm Goldilocks (Jane Miller), lol. They'd still go after both, but would investigate the mayor as well (and thus learn the police commissioner is involved as partner).
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