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Westbrook OOC

Sounds to me that for now the heroes' best chance is Su-Ji and Edith since (as far as I have understood it) neither of them are subject to Schro's power nor are they sanctioned by Cpt. Fitzpatrick.

Then again ... just because you know something is about to go down doesn't automatically mean you can avoid it.
I'm curious about Blair's power: does Blair automatically-innately weigh more because of the metallic physiology?

Additional weight has its pros and cons, after all!
The Incredible Hulk, for example, weighs between 472 - 635 kg (1,040 and 1,400 lbs)

It means the Hulk is generally a very difficult being to move, for all people who are not possessing of a -kinesis power that ignores weight or is strong enough to be able to move said weight.

But it also means that if Hulk gets thrown, anyone or anything he lands on becomes vertically challenged. Sitting down also becomes a bit of an issue, since most chairs and benches aren't really made for that sort of weight.

In our case, if Blair weighs more, the car probably drains more gas to go, because it has a very heavy person that it needs to ferry from point A to point B, but the car is also going to weigh more and it's unlikely that it would get jostled much by a tornado.
Considering that Blair was a relatively scrawny person before their skin turned to some kind of non-magnetic metal (could be anything from Lead to Aluminium), and also giving them super strength as well as an inability to feel anything but pressure or not, rendering them impervious to both pain and pleasure, and assuming it is just their skin that has been affected this way I don't think the weight gain would be all that significant (especially not if the metal is Aluminium).
Guys, don't forget, Windy is packing cyclonic winds equivalent to an EF-2 tornado, which can cause a lot of destruction. The winds around her are 111-135mph. Let's say she's high end EF-2, and only one mph from being low end EF-3
That said, the car shouldn't flip since it's actually IN the ditch. Most ditches are 18 inches deep. Nothing for Windy's winds to get UNDER the below ground undercarriage of the car.
I'm thinking that, if there are difficulties getting the car out of a ditch (I have seen how it can be difficult in person), then Schro is just going to ask Blair to push the car back onto the road, since super strength is super strength.
On ditches, I'm counting on it being a paved, probably two lane, country road. Those drainage ditches around them are usually at least 12 inches deep to take the massive runoffs of strong rainstorms. An undercarriage is usually, the most, 12 inches off the ground.
@MsBloom Okay, smart move that Bailey farm is west, since even most south moving tornadoes take an easterly direction. Physics from the earths rotation, would send her east with her anticyclonic winds, because the jet stream will drag her east. Even if she hasn't made it that large (probably only about 2-3,000 feet high, not the necessary 25-30 to be caught by even the lower jet stream, I've seen dust devils do the same easterly motion, and they aren't caught by the jet stream, most all severe t-storms do the same thing. They usually top off anywhere between 35-60,000 thus the anvil shaped tops). Windy can't turn right until she stops her tornado!

Passenger (right) side of a south moving vehicle would be on the west, how I figured it out.
Would he even still be in the car and not battered and bruised, and knocked out by the 135mph winds that blew out the windows and battered him? Windy didn't even have to touch him, the winds would do all that.
Let's keep the physics as real as possible (even Windy has to basically turn left and unwind, before she turns right.)
To be fair, a tornado forms from cold air falling and humid, hot air ascending, their interactions spinning around one another to form the winds that form the storm in the first place. Speedsters being able to run in a circular pattern to form a storm is rule of cool as opposed to physics rule.
We'll stick to the basic meteorological physics you just mentioned and I've alluded for Windy to create the tornado. I.E. It can't be a real cold wintery day for her to do this, like natural forces, she needs the heat already there, as she creates the cool/cold air. Iowa has had their share of tornadoes clear into November, and I think it's the latest, September or October in our RP. Early fall regardless.
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