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Westbrook OOC

2013: Europe, Russia, specifically,for one thing same with Tunguska, Siberia and 1908 for another. Plenty of RL cover-ups, for latter, but everyone and their grandma had cells, even in Russia, for 2013.

However, there would still be cover-ups, that unless we agree Olivia is a bit better spy than most, she wouldn't have knowledge of other metas in her event for more European metas. And they aren't in powerful positions like her "Duchess of a small country" position she holds.

Would still like @MsBloom to opine a few possible scenarios as well. These are mine, all based in known real world goings-on.
Back to the question: not what nations, what People were affected? How many were there? What were their names? What did they do with their newfound powers to kick ass and get back at the perceived problems they faced?

Obviously Olivia went and became a super-badass spy and saved the king of her country and was a good enough spy to keep her super-powers a secret until now (HOW?!)- so how did any other possible metahumans?
or have metahumans existed before then?

Part of Edith's and Sapphire's investigation has uncovered a few possible previous metas, (a certain duchess among them) but also links to both Chelyabinsk, Tunguska and Roswell. This is where Edith's ex/girlfriend Ella comes into the picture. She will be arriving sometime in the next day or so.

Cover ups would be a good explanation, and government containment (much of which I feel is more than plausible for Westbrook too, with the airport closed down and a government agent on her way to catch up with Ella (who is on her way to Edith).

There is also in these modern times the usage of Fake News and Alternative Media vs Established Media. I think that is one aspect of what Edith and Sapphire have been doing during the heist, live broadcasting via MeTube because regardless of Edith's enthusiasm about the possibility of a Pulitzer it is unlikely that any established new media would print/broadcast their story.

This is something I feel Edith and Sapphire would have to deal with when returning to News 3. Disbelief and a choice between pursuing their story or their jobs.

Amaya can't get rid of it, but she can change the layout of the biology around it so that if affects Alexa much less than before, though its influence will regenerate slowly over time. Something like that, maybe.

Sounds exactly like what I was thinking yes.
Cover ups would be a good explanation, and government containment
Depending on the power, that gets really difficult though.

So, what kind of powers are we talking about here? Lasers and explosions? Or maybe perception-alteration and timeline-splitting-and-selecting? (These latter two are much more subtle than lasers and explosions, by the by: especially if the metahuman works to keep their metahumanity a secret, unlike Schro)
Marko is going to revolutionise the military. Except he will not be going public like Tony Stark and everyone in the States will worry about the presence of someone with WMDs in their country.

Though it is not like the police do not have access to their own WMDs...
Guys, I'm so sorry, but real life has dealt a death blow to Westbrook. If you haven't already, please read my journal, and if you want more information, please PM me. I'm most likely not going to be on, to even read tomorrow. Friday and Saturday most likely but Friday not a guarantee either. As soon as I post, I'll be going to the main RP thread and stop watching.
I'm sorry to hear things have taken a turn for the worse for you: I understand needing to reprioritize and wish you a good and swift recovery. Please take care of yourself.

And you as well MsBloom!
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