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Westbrook OOC

Sorry it has taken some time to get a response up but I am trying to figure out what to have Blair do. Part of me wants to have them agree to testify in exchange for Erin letting them just walk away, or whether to have them agree to be arrested and put into protective custody awaiting the investigation into the crimes of their family and their bosses.

Another part of me wants them to break free, give our heroes a run for the money and a few bruises here and there, put on a show for the cameras and go after the commissioner to apply their own justice on him rather than wait for Erin to do it by the book.
You're fine @MsBloom . Thanks for checking in! Any of those will work, I wish we could have Olivia and Amaya back down in Westbrook, but Olivia can't even text Marco until after this wraps up, and about the time Agt Miller, "Goldilocks" lands in Des Moines. Do you want Miller to rent a car down to Westbrook, or will someone pick her up @MsBloom ?
Do you want Miller to rent a car down to Westbrook, or will someone pick her up @MsBloom ?

I think it makes more sense that she rents a car and drive down to Westbrook herself. I think we agreed that the day after the heist she would ring Edith's door and wake her up. Whether Ella "Nepenthe" will be there or not at that time well just see which feels better.
There. I've posted now. Next stop ... Westbrook PD HQ ...

Also. When the current day is over I'll be introducing Janelle but like Marko I don't see her joining the team of Meta deputies right away, or ever. Which has me thinking, how will Westbrook PD handle rogue metas?
There's a difference between following the letter of the law, following the spirit of the law, and flat out breaking it with criminal activity, of which Schro and Blair are doing the latter. Most likely, if the other two follow the spirit of the law and tend to stop/capture/detain the criminals ala the X-Men or Avengers, the police can do little more than warn them, or plead with them to join the deputy metas. Help is help, even if it's vigilantism. The vigilantes just have to realize, they won't get a paycheck, small as it is, like Cardio, Cheshire and Velocity.
Or it could turn Captain Fitzpatrick, who employs three (four counting Erin who was already a detective before the meteor) into a quasi Jim Gordon ala The Batman (who starts as a Lt in The Batman series of 2004). We definitely want to keep her being like Gordon (without turning full on into him) since her likelihood of only discipling, without arresting, her four hirelings would create a double standard if she arrests the other two (or three depending what you do with Umbra) for doing what the other three are as metas employed by the police.
Which has me thinking, how will Westbrook PD handle rogue metas?
I feel like, in our world humanity does not need all the help they can get to fight Kaiju that glass every city they go to (with the rythm of a city every 3 months, give or take a couple weeks) so rogues would not be accepted very much. And villains would be very much vilified.
I feel that as well, sort of. It's like how law enforcement in "the real world" aren't too fond of vigilantes in general, at least not unless they themselves hire them as consultants and what not.
@MsBloom Ah, you see what I'm doing, training her for that role. Good! "Now you know, and knowing is half the battle", you're too good a writer to be left in the dark on the plans for our good District 3 Captain! If course, Rainier or Holmes will become new Captain of District 3. Probably Holmes, since I like the dynamic already started for Rainier and Velocity.
So I'm thinking we now wrap up the current day (which ever that may be) with the arrest of the Bailey family, some curse words and an APB for Blair and Schro ... (and the two of them wrapping up as well. Whether Schro wants to come along with Blair to go after the commissioner is entirely up to @Inkybus of course) ... and then Cpt. Fitzpatrick holds a debriefing with the team of meta's, their handlers and pr team.
What I'm hopefully working on: I just knew I wanted Rainier in partner/mentor of the youngest (Velocity) of the metas, and Erin, although she's a meta herself with her Oracle like knowledge now, as the head/lead. I've been at a loss of Rainier should be mentor of all three, or to have two others (if so: NPC mentor for "Lady Magneto" which is Cardio has to also be into fitness so they help each other, maybe mentor being slightly out of shape?) mentor one on one?
I just knew I wanted Rainier in partner/mentor of the youngest (Velocity) of the metas,

This makes sense since she is the only one in the team who is still a minor. The other's can legally be held responsible for their actions and I don't think they would need mentors as such. Erin can educate them on the finer points of the law.

What the team might need though is someone who can help them realise the full potential of their abilities, to control them instead of letting their abilities control them, someone not entirely unlike Professor X but perhaps without the psi abilities.

I think we also need to discuss what the next chapter should be.

I feel that while Blair continue their quest for revenge (in whatever manner that might be) it is time for Marko to make step into focus and perhaps Amaya too.

I am also thinking about what to do with Alexa. She would feel an increasing pressure from the parasite for violence. Maybe she goes off on some sort of vigilante crime spree to expose people she feel needs to be exposed. This is still very unclear but I'm thinking that she eventually yield to the parasites demands on the condition that she can choose the victims.

At the same time I want her to try to learn to resist, to go straight. Maybe that could be something Amaya could help with?
We need our "Wonder Woman" (Duchess Olivia Nevrakis) for a fellow meta mentor, but we need to finish Wednesday up for her to fly back stateside.

The rest of those are great ideas. I'll try to have the Wednesday wrap up post, up.... Ah, hopefully no later than Monday. 🙋‍♀️
What I'm hopefully working on: I just knew I wanted Rainier in partner/mentor of the youngest (Velocity) of the metas, and Erin, although she's a meta herself with her Oracle like knowledge now, as the head/lead. I've been at a loss of Rainier should be mentor of all three, or to have two others (if so: NPC mentor for "Lady Magneto" which is Cardio has to also be into fitness so they help each other, maybe mentor being slightly out of shape?) mentor one on one?
I have a query: are the metahumans that emerged from the burst of the meteor the first generation or have metahumans existed before then?
At the same time I want her to try to learn to resist, to go straight. Maybe that could be something Amaya could help with?
If you agree with it OoC then it will work, sure. This is a Freeform game, there are no rules to restrict us or guide us in this. The reasoning could be easily explained as an additional, dense organ that she has, which Amaya identifies and learns is what allows her secondary passenger to talk to her.

Amaya can't get rid of it, but she can change the layout of the biology around it so that if affects Alexa much less than before, though its influence will regenerate slowly over time. Something like that, maybe.

I should also mention that Marko is a tinkerer: he needs some time to get his set up and running to his satisfaction. His power is not something that affects his environment instantaneously: he needs time to make his power go, but by God, when it goes the breadth of his power is just massive. The difference between Ironman and Spiderman from a point of view of Verisimilitude. Not Realism.
For America, they'd be the first of the current generation. Sapphire and Edith are looking to see if the 1947 and that big UFO stink and possible appearance of comic heroes and following cover-ups are somehow connected, since 2013 meteor is canonically connected to Olivia getting her Wonder Woman-ish superpowers, but that's kinda the same generation. We haven't decided if '47 has anything, just the 1908 and 2013 definite meters do. 1908 won't have any survivors by now.
I believe now is a good time to agree as a group on whether or not there existed metahumans before the meteorite bursting.

From my understanding, Olivia got Wonder Woman powers in 2013: how many years ago was this from game start? And, more importantly: who else all got powers from this and why were they not found out until today?
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