Westbrook OOC

He still wouldn't have seen exactly where Windy went, though. Just the winds calming. He would have had to protect his eyes. Flying loose gravel and dirt would have still been dangerous, gotta protect those orbs!
I'm reasoning that Schro suffered various lacerations due to the shattered glass, worsened by the heavy wind, while getting choked out by a combination of seatbelt and really fast winds (hard to breathe with strong winds).

Anyway, I described him getting KO'd by this, though he could also die from bloodloss by an unlucky glass shard cutting an artery and stuff, make him bleed out and to his death if you want. Though in that case, Windy would be the one advancing her K/D/A ratio with Schro's passing.
Captain Fitzpatrick has an ambulance coming, and Windy feels bad enough right now, we'll attribute severe injury to her for her severe winds, but if first responders have anything to say, Schro probably won't die, just be locked up, even as he recovers. It's amazing what RL tornado survivors have lived through. Even that woman and her dad at the industrial building in Texas (I forgot if it was Pampa or Jarrell)
Forgot to say if @MsBloom wants to move the guest farmer family, feel free, since Windy has to field their questions and would be held up for about 10-15 minutes anyway.
Since Rainier is NPC, someone want to take him fetching his "partner" Windy? Good place to give him a first name. He doesn't have one yet. Just "Officer Rainier", thanks!
I love picturing the Captain looking down at the masked menace that is knelt in front of him, while the latter is just tuning in to Netflix Blairflix to watch some more illegal shenanigans go down with no one the wiser.
Also, I just wanted you to know, if you want to have a character completely immune to Schro's power, such as Alexa's shadowy passenger, just let me know. As it is, I am assuming that Alexa's passenger might be looking out through her eyes and hearing what she hears and all that good stuff, but it is no trouble if someone can completely ignore Schro's cognition-affecting powers.
such as Alexa's shadowy passenger

I've considered this and since the parasite/symbiot that took residence in Alex when the meteor crashed, turning them into Alexa, might be immune to Schro's powers since it is an extra terrestrial being. The fact that Schro could see through Alexa's eyes might simply be because the parasite allowed him to, as it seemed (at the time) harmless to allow him access.

In the end this could mean that the only one who can truly defeat Schro would be Alexa, or rather her parasite in full shadow form.

I have also contemplated a character with psionic powers (something along the lines of Phoenix who so far is completely overwhelmed by her new powers and thus has not yet surfaced, much like Marko but for different reasons. She too would be immune to Schro due to the ability to shield her mind from his invasion, maybe even block his powers completely.

However let us first conclude this first "episode".

I am thinking either that Cardio and Cheshire collaborate to somehow incapacitate Blair. (If Cardio wants something heavy to drop on him I am sure there is a tractor or some such vehicle of considerable weight on the Bailey's farm.

Another outcome that I somehow favour more is that Erin resolves the issue in a more diplomatic manner now that it seems Blair has at least heard her explanation for what it was, an order to stand down. Maybe the commissioner had ulteriour motives to not allow Erin to interfere with the Bailey's. (Maybe they grow something illegal hidden among the corn, or one of their barns could be used as a warehouse for drugs or something like that.)

This of course does not mean that Blair will automatically forgive her for not keeping her promise to them but they might perhaps let her go so she can go after the real villain.
@MsBloom I really like the idea of our "Nancy Drew" defusing this diplomatically... And in some questions to Blair after the first by Sapphire, I can finally show her "Columbo as a reporter" tendencies with those trip up questions, after all she's with Edith and just asked how they all could get out of this alive.

I just have to figure out how to avoid Blair getting arrested afterwards. Regardless of how the hostage situation at the Bailey's farm ends they are after all still guilty of bank robbery, not to mention the incident at The Golden Spoon. Would Erin let them just leave under promise to stay calm while she investigate the accusations against the commissoner?
Erin would probably want her to stay in town and agree to protective custody away from their family.

I'm well aware of Erin having to explain the difference between "protective custody" and arrested. Since Rainier was told to "ream his partner", you'd still get to go parent on Windy, like I wanted, but we can have the Captain and Erin talking about Blair off camera now, if you want.
They are, but remember... Captain Fitzpatrick isn't exactly sure who's listening in on that frequency, she just guessing it might be Schro. Putting Blair in a safehouse and protective custody can't be discussed openly. They would have to be sans ear pieces and face to face without giving the exact location of WPDs safehouse for Blair's protection.

Nice job, kind of what I was looking for on Windy's lecture. With a little I didn't think of (the part where he assumed Windy told the family she was the tornado).

I just have to figure out how to avoid Blair getting arrested afterwards. Regardless of how the hostage situation at the Bailey's farm ends they are after all still guilty of bank robbery, not to mention the incident at The Golden Spoon. Would Erin let them just leave under promise to stay calm while she investigate the accusations against the commissoner?
In my favourite setting, Vigilantes with a penchant for killing criminals and Villains usually got murder charges and, once caught by the Powers that Be, got an offer they couldn't refuse to join the metahuman organisation of the heroes- if they were not too bad. Villains who did not have a casualty rate exceeding a certain amount also got said offer.

The offer they couldn't refuse usually went along the lines of "Join us, or we are going to throw you in the Phantom_Zone.expy with the rest of the superpowered mass-murderers and freaks, with a casualty rate of 1/5th of the newcomers by the third month."

Maybe it could be something similar for Blair.

Then again, in my favourite setting humanity had to use these measures because Kaiju were destroying a city and killing millions of people every third month. So it was out of necessity- I don't think that applies in our case.
@MsBloom That's my thinking, and Janelle is approved for when she's ready. Since she's a counselor at the college, she probably could be asked to help keep high schooler Windy grounded, since she'll have the ramifications of literally being an EF-2 tornado. Being it has to cause her some mental trauma akin to being IN one. It could give your character (and mine too as Windy) more depth.

@Inkybus Definitely food for thought regarding Blair given, basically, a "Get Out of Jail Free" card if... We'll play everything by ear, and hopefully get this "Wednesday" chapter wrapped up.

From experience, from having that kind of conversation with a lawyer (very boring), and the fact Windy couldn't even see Janelle until the EARLIEST (police recommendation for counseling for Windy under police procedure: 24 hours, or earliest convenience for the counselor) is Friday: It might behoove us to skip Thursday completely.

Windy's first counselling session in Westbrook, and the actual meeting in Des Moines for our healer and her lawyer with the state government, could be around the same time on Friday. What do y'all think?
From experience, from having that kind of conversation with a lawyer (very boring), and the fact Windy couldn't even see Janelle until the EARLIEST (police recommendation for counseling for Windy under police procedure: 24 hours, or earliest convenience for the counselor) is Friday: It might behoove us to skip Thursday completely.

Windy's first counselling session in Westbrook, and the actual meeting in Des Moines for our healer and her lawyer with the state government, could be around the same time on Friday. What do y'all think?
I don't mind skipping ahead and giving the broad strokes of what happens, just as a bit of background info for the characters and all.

Also, I suggest that we ask a moderator/admin to move this OOC channel to Group Roleplay OOC Chatter where it probably fits better.
Good idea @Inkybus , I have things to do this afternoon, and probably won't get on tomorrow until about 3pm, so as Picard was wont to say on The Next Generation: "Make it so". You have permission to ask on my behalf.
Just a quick mention that I moved the thread by request. If it's an error please lemme know by pm!
Maybe it could be something similar for Blair.

Could be. In the end their only reason for having turned villainous was to get revenge on their family and on Erin (and by proxy the commissioner).

I was thinking (as I am sure you have already figured out) of having Alexa turn too, or at least try to. She will struggle to maintain control of her parasite after all.

It might behoove us to skip Thursday completely.

Thursday however is when Ella and Agent Miller? will arrive. The plan being for Edith to be abruptly awakened by the latter at her door.

Since she's a counselor at the college, she probably could be asked to help keep high schooler Windy grounded

She could be suggested for it but struggling to learn to control her psionic abilities she would not have been at work all week and all the Dean would know is that she is suffering from a very persistent headache.
If Blair and Alexa both do a heel-face turn and become heroically inclined, who is going to be a villain to make the heroes' lives interesting?
If Blair and Alexa both do a heel-face turn and become heroically inclined, who is going to be a villain to make the heroes' lives interesting?

I seriously doubt that Alexa's parasite will accept her turning heroically inclined.

She will struggle to maintain control of her parasite after all.

Also. It has not yet been decided that Blair will accept the deal offered to them by Erin, or whether they will honour their end of it if they do.

Here's what I think the deal will basically look like: Erin will promise to investigate the commissioner's involvement in whatever illegal activity is going on at the Bailey's farm in exchange to Blair standing down. She would offer them witness protection to testify against Schro, and for revealing the identity of the third (mysteriously vanished) bank robber.

In the end this does not really mean that Blair will turn hero.

I am also thinking that Schro probably won't stay in police custody for very long but would use his powers to escape.

We could also make new villains appear as needed.
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