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Learning Magic (RainbowxRude)

Sam moved in quickly after he pulled her in there. She looked around, taking off the glasses and looking at everyone that was sitting around together. There seemed to be so many people in here and she wondered if there were that many people in every room. She nodded, looking around at everyone. She was a bit shocked as Alexander was soon on the ground. She just stared at the girl that was on top of him oddly.

Sam just watched as the girl was soon next to her. She tilted her head to the side a bit. "That's odd... I shouldn't smell like Gabriel..." She said and couldn't help but shiver a bit as her neck was licked. "I'm Sam, by the way." She said in a voice no louder than this girl's so no one would 'wake up'. She didn't need anyone mad at her especialy a whole coven of vampires.

Alexander lifted the girl off the floor slowly. "Abby...Behave yourself. This really isn't the time. I brought her here so that she could get a course on vampire culture...That and I wanted her to try and find someone she liked. After all...You know what its like to be a vampire without a mate." He smirked a little, like it was some personal joke.

When he mentioned that, Abby frowned, squirming out of her grip. "Well...I can show her around and introduce her to our life style and bachelors. Should I introduce her to Zach?" This time she got a little smirk.

Alexander sighed a little. "If you must. Not that it matters. Zach hasn't touched a female in what? Two thousand years?" He shook his head a little, walking among the couples, obviously looking for someone.
Sam just watched the two of them interact and watched as he seemed to make fun of her for being single. She was a bit confused at that. But then again she would be considering she really knew nothing about Alexander's past and nothing about the history he had here. Pretty soon Sam was left alone with Abby, though she wasn't sure if that was what she should call her. It might be a nickname that she only liked certian people using, though she didn't know.

"So... How long have you known Alexander?" She asked this Abby woman, though she was sure that if He knew this Zach for that long then it had to have been for quite a while. She really felt out of place here. It seemed like everyone knew everyone and she was the only outsider.
Abby turned to her with a smile. "I have only know Alexander for about 20 years. It was his maker's maker that turned me...So I guess that kind of makes me his aunt...But I am kind of like a younger cousin." She smiled a little and took Sam's hand, walking her past the resting vampires. "I suppose you must already know about meditation and feeding... But I bet you know nothing about social structure and behavior."

She pulled Sam into a different room, this a library that was mostly empty, except for a single person in the middle, someone with bright silvery hair who appeared less than 20, who didn't look up from their book. "Now...Since everyone in the house is older than you, show them respect." She nodded towards the man in the middle of the room. "That is Zach...He is the oldest one alive since Alexander's grand-maker died. You are not to speak with him until spoken to. I will introduce you to him after everyone else...Oh...And don't let the boys bite you unless you plan on letting them do a whole lot more." Then she thought for a moment. "Don't let the girls bite you either." She took Sam's hand and led her out of the room.

After looking around the huge house, still a little lost in it after all these years, she found the room she was looking for. Inside was a gorgeous blond man who seemed rather busy with the neck of a human girl. Once he had his fill he let go, turning to look at who was in his room. "Oh...Hi Abby. Someone new?"
Sam nodded as she explained that she had only known Alex for so long and about his maker's maker creating her so that was how she was kind of related. It was a ll a bit confusing, but she was sure she could follow as long as it didn't get too complicated. She nodded again as she spoke about feeding and meditation but it quickly turned to a shaking of her head when it came to social structure. "Ya, I know nothing about that." She said, hoping Abby would explain a bit.

She followed her into what seemed to be the library with only one man in the middle of the room. She just stared at him, listening to Abbey. She didn't really know how to act. but she never said a word to this man, though she at least wanted to say hi or something like that. But she continued to listen and figured she would get to eventually after everyone else. She tried to remember everything Abbey said, thinking ahe was her guide in this tutorial to being a vampire. She didn't realy notice that her hand had been grabbed, thinking it to be a fairly normal thing.

Sam figured this house would have to be huge for someone that probably lived here for a few years to be confused as to where places were. Sam would surely get lost. Sam just stared at the man as he drank from the woman. She did smell quite tasty, but then again most people did to Sam. She just waved a bit, not knowing if she was actually allowed to talk to this one, so she just stood there nerveously.
Abby just stood there for a second then sighed. "Aw...Boring! I was hoping you two would click." And without another word, she dragged Sam out of the room, leaving the other behind. He didn't seem to care very much, as he just went back to his meal."

Abby did the same thing with several other vampires, Abby explaining to Sam how to behave towards each of them and none of them seemed to respond to Sam at all. At least not until she got to a tall dark haired vampire with a strange gray glow to his eyes. When he saw Sam, he suddenly perked up.

When he spoke his voice was thick with a German accent. "Oh! Hallo Abigail. How are..." He looked over to Sam and smiled a little. "You smell very good..." He leaned close his gray eyes charming. "Even better than a fresh human girl." But as he got close, his scent smelled like waves of blood, and it was obvious he wasn't a well behaved vampire like Alexander.
Sam gasped a bit as she was pulled out of the room. It didn't really matter though, he didn't really seem to be interested in her. As she was pulled through all the other rooms it was pretty much the same senerio. No one really seemed to notice her, but that was fine, because they didn't smell as good as Alexander did to her. She couldn't help but perk up a bit at this new one though, he smelled different than the others. Thoguh it was soon obvious why.

She had to admit, his accent was amazing and his eyes were gorgeous. As he moved close and she smelled him her eyes widened a bit and she automatically knew why he smelled so different. It smelled as if he ws bathed in blood. She could help but lick her lips a bit at the smell of it. "You smell... tasty." She said, looking up at him with a small grin. He still wasn't better than Alexander, but still, he smelled very good, though it only made her a bit hungry.
Abby seemed rather pleased with herself. That is, until she mentioned that he smelled tasty. Abby pulled her away hard. Leaning in close to her ear. "Sam...I don't know if Alexander explained this too you...Tasty is bad. Tasty means you are going to be a bite cushion."

But before she could say anything else, the other vampire pulled her away. It was obvious that vampire chemistry was easily measured by smell. And he didn't hesitate to show her exactly how he felt. He tore away the shoulder of her shirt and sank his fangs in, groaning at the taste of her blood.

Abby was sitting there, fists balled. If Sam enjoyed herself then who was she to say no? But Wulf was rather old and she would have to help the other get away if she wasn't having fun. "Behave yourself...She is single you know..."
Sam looked a bit worried as Abby pulled her away so suddenly. She just stared at the girl, not quite sure what to do. "Ya, he told me... But I don't know what to do." She said was couldn't say more because she was soon pulled away by the other and she gasped.

She just stared at him as he tore her shirt and then her eyes widened as he bit into her. It had happened quite fast and she didn't know how to get him to stop becasue she didn't want to be rude, but she didn't really see any other way of going about it. "Stop." She said simply, but in a firm voice, hoping he would, but she kind of doubted it. She looked over to Abby for help, wondering if she would help her. She didn't know what to do about this situation, not wanting to do somehting wrong, but not wanting him to bite her anymore becasue she didn't really like it too much, even if he did smell good.
And suddenly Wulf yelped as a fist crushed into his nose, making him let go. There was some growling and another yelp before Abby scooped up Sam and started to run back the way they came at full vampire speed.

After a few moments of recovering, Wulf followed at full speed, wanting the nice new toy back. Because he was older his stronger legs made him a bit faster. But the whole time he was nipping at her heels, not able to catch her. And with a crash, the broke through the library door, landing at Zach's feet. "Help please..." Was all Abby could gasp out.

Then Wulf came in full speed at them. The next few things happened faster than any of the vampires could follow and it ended with Wulf running down the hallway, a Wulf-shaped dent in the wall where he was. And standing above them was Zach, a smile on his face and he pushed the glasses higher on his nose. "Are you alright?"
Sam couldn't help but jump as Wulf suddenly let go. She would know not to go near him again, but for now they had to get away. She was a bit shocked as Abby scooped her up and was soon down the hall, like a pair of siblings playing, though this wasn't fun at all. She yelped as they crashed through the wall and had her eyes shut tight until they landed and she looked up to see Zach.

Sam tried to keep up with what was going on, but couldn't at all. It was way to fast. She only saw Wulf running away down the hall again. Sam just looked up at Zach who was smiling at the two of them. Her eyes wide with excitment and asked her a question, well she wasn't sure whether it was directed at her or Abby. Now Sam was too nerveous to notice this before, but Zach was very handsome, more so than Wulf. She just continued to stare up at him, not sure what to do.
Abby looked rather shocked when Zach spoke to them. She stood up quickly. "Yes Lord Zach..." She bowed a little. She was acting like him saving her was a present of some sort. But his eyes, which were a deeper richer crimson than any other vampire she had seen, were focused on Sam.

He seemed to be rather happy about something. He lifted Sam as gently as possible, his monstrous strength beyond what any normal vampire could do. She ended up pressed against his chest and he put an arm around her to keep her stable. "There we go...Sam I believe? Your scent is very pleasant. I wouldn't want Wulf to ruin that." And now Abby seemed even more shocked. But she didn't say anything. Instead she just walked out of the room, humming a pleasant tune.
Sam really didn't know what to do, especially when he picked her up like that. She could tell that his stregnth could have crushed her in an instant had he let it. She just stared at him, and now that she was even closer to him she caught his scent. She could only seem to nod as he asked if Sam was indeed her name. and then she blushed a it as he said she smelled good. "T-thank you, L-lord Zach." She said, her voice a bit shaky as she repeated what Abby had done. She could have bowed as well, but he was still holding onto her. "You smell... Divine." She concluded, still staring up at him. She had barely noticed that Abby had left, she would have to thank her later though, right now she was too focused of Zach. She couldn't help but jsut stare into his deep crimson eyes, not quite sure what it was about him that made her want to do that.
Zach smiled a little more when she called him Lord Zach. He moved back a little, just to get a good look at her. But he didn't want to let go of this young vampire. She was attractive to him in a way he hadn't known for a long time. "Well thank you very much Sam..." He lifted her whole body off the floor and carried her over to the chair he had been in. He set her in his lap slowly, laying her head against his chest. That was he could enjoy her scent and she could enjoy his. "Why was it that young and reckless Wulf decided that he wanted to chase you? Did you deny him something? He is nothing but a strong child..." He sighed a little, his voice full of wisdom beyond his appearance.
Sam just stayed still as he moved to look at her, he could look all he wanted in her mind. She certianly didn't want to stop looking at him. So she did the same to him. She couldn't help but smile a bit as he thanked her. She didn't think he had to do that, but oh well. She easily allowed him to pick her up, she didn't mind in the least. She even cuddled a bit into his lap, happily laying her head on his chest so they would be able to enjoy eachother's scent. She looked up at him as he asked her about Wulf. "Well, Abby introduced up and I made the mistake of telling him he smelled tasty and he said I smelled very good as well so he bit me and then Abby punched him and then we ran..." She said, not quite sure if she should add a 'your lordship' or something like that to it, but she guessed it would be fine.
Zach sighed a little. "I don't understand it. Vampires have the worst sex drive. It can't be my age...The only vampire I met that was older was the biggest sex addict I have ever met. I really need to teach him some of my self control." He sounded like a parent as he spoke and he reached up slowly, pulling his glasses off. "I am very sorry for his behavior." He other hand moved to her shoulder, softly stroking where the red marks from the bites were. "I will make it up to you somehow. For someone in my coven to behave that way is unforgivable."
Sam just continued to stare as he spoke about a vampire's sex drive. She actually smiled a bit as he said he needed to teach him some self control. She was amazed as he took off his glasses, he was just as attractive, if not more so. She looked a bit confused as he appologized for Wulf. ANd she shook her head as he said he would make it up to her somehow. "It's ok, Sir, You don't have to. You've already done enough just by helping Abby and I." She said with a smile. She really didn't think he had to do anything else, that was enough for her. She shivered a bit as he touched the marks on her shoulder, and she wasn't quite sure how to respond to his last statement, so she just kept quiet.
"You don't have to call me sir or lord or anything like that. I don't know why they insist on it. I am not all that great." He smiled a little and leaned back closing his eyes. "But I will make it up to you. Anything you want and you can have it. After all, you are a member of Alexander's coven correct? I don't want us to have a bad start just as a new friend comes to meet us." He moved his hand from her shoulder and rested it at his side.
Sam smiled a bit as he said she didn't have to call him by any special title. She smiled as he said he didn't think he was he was as good as they thought. "Well so far I think you're pretty great." She said, cuddling up to him a bit more, resting her head on his chest once more. She thought about his proposal for a moment and then decided that it might come in handy some time so she would have to accept. She stayed quiet until after he stopped talking. "Well I suppose I'll have to take you up on that offer then, though I'll have to think about what to ask for." She said, thinking maybe she could use it later. She couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable as he stopped touching her, like she should get off him lap.
Zach felt himself missing the feeling of her skin. His hand moved back to the marks, stroking her skin softly. "Well what exactly would a new vampire like you want? Its mostly just sex and blood on your mind right now." He couldn't help but smile, his eyes opening and locking with hers. He didn't want her to go anywhere. But his mind wasn't on sex. He was simply enjoying her company. And there was nothing wrong with wanting to be with her.
Sam felt a bit better as he touched her marks again. Apperently he liked touching her skin as much as she enjoyed it. She shrugged at his question, blushing a bit at the second part, but she nodded. It was completely true, that was pretty much the only thing on her mind. She was already looking up at him as he opened his eyes, so they met quickly. "Well I'm not sure, that why I'll have to think about it. Maybe hold you to it until blood and sex arn't the only things on my mind." She said, hoping she would know him that long. She was really enjoying being here with him, even if she was just spending time with him, she enjoyed it.
Zach smiled a little. "Well I am fine with offering you blood. I haven't really given sex any concern though." He smiled a little and pulled her in a little closer. Even though he had fed recently she still felt so warm to him and he was comfortable with her against him. Like she was meant to be there. "And I won't trust any other coven members with you after Wulf...He is more mature than some of the others."
Sam smiled as he said he would offer her blood and he didn't really seem to be thinking about sex right now. She just smiled at him and shook her head. "I think I can think of somehting that's better than blood...' She paused for a moment and she licked her lips. "Even if you smell more delicious than anything I've smelled before." She added and then looked back up at him as he spoke again. She was a bit shocked to hear the Wulf was the most mature, she didn't really want to meet the others if that was true. That would be a bit scary. She cuddled back into him, the way she sat it almost seemed as if she was molded to his form, a perfect fit for his lap as odd as that seemed.
Zach looked a little surprised about how forward she was. He liked it. He found himself moving his hand to run his fingers through her hair. "Thank you...I have never been told I smell that good." He suddenly realized something. She smelled amazing to him, better than any of the other vampires who tried for his affection. And he liked her. That meant something that he hadn't had a chance at for a long time. She was a potential mate. "You smell amazing too..." He decided that maybe he should test his chances. He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.
Sam couldn't help but smile a bit as he looked surprised at her fowardness, but he didn't really seem to him. As he thanked her she only nodded, not really knowing what to say. She just stared at him, thinking about what both Gabriel and Abby said about smells of others. He didn't just smell tasty like Wulf, he smelled divine to her. Maybe that meant that he was the one. That thought made her quite happy. She blushed a bit as he told her she smelled good too. "Thank you." She said simply and before she knew it he was kissing her. She was a bit shocked that he suddenly did this, but after a moment she melted into it, kissing him back. She was starting to like Zach quite a bit.
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