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Learning Magic (RainbowxRude)

Sam was enjoying his blood quite a bit when he tilted her chin up. She was fine with that. A shiver ran down her spine as he licked her neck and then bit her lip again as he drug his fangs across it, licking the lines he made. She couldn't help but let out a small moan at the feeling. She really liked her neck to be touched. She continued to stroke him for a bit longer before raising herself up and aiming a bit before lowering herself down again on his cock. He was larger than Alexander, and she had to pause for a moment to adjust btu she would be fine. She bit her lip a bit harder, her tooth peircing through as if her lip were paper. She grinned a bit, waiting for him to be fine for her to continue.
After two thousand years, the feeling of her sliding down on him was almost too much to bear. He groaned loudly and closed his eyes, his whole body tensing for a moment. "I forgot what it was like to be with a woman. I can't believe I missed this for all these years." He opened his eyes slowly, she rich crimson looking ready to boil. He really was the perfect mate for her. He wanted sex, he didn't care if he was bitten and he absolutely loved her more than anyone else after only a few minutes. "I am glad that Wulf misbehaved..."
Star moaned as well after she settled herself on his shaft. She hadn't had something of this size in her before and she was really liking it, especially since it was Zach that was making her feel so good. She was really starting to like him, though it still wasn't clear to her why, but she knew she was falling for him. She looked into his eyes, smirking a bit and taking the combination of that and his words as a saign that she could continue. As he spoke again she raised herself up again, almost as if she were to take him out of her, but once he finish she pushed herself back down, and hard, moaning as she did so. "Mmm.. me too." She said simply, raising herself back up again.
"I will have to allow Abby to punish him." As she pushed down, he let out a long groan. But even being rough with her vampire strength wasn't even to make the floor or chair even protest. He moved his hands to rest on her hips, stroking her stomach with his thumb softly. "You are very tight Sam...Are you not used to having someone big?" He leaned in and licked the marks Wulf had left, knowing they would be more sensitive for his touch. He adored this vampire and no one would take her away from him.
She couldn't help but smirk as he said he'd let Abby punish him. She would kind of like to know how that would turn out. She liked how sturdy this floor and chair were. Her and Alexander had completely broken the desk and cracked another in two seperate classrooms and they even managed to damage the floor as well. She was amazed that this chair would hold. She couldn't hel but blush a bit and nod at his question. "I've only been with Alexander, and you're bigger than him..." She said as she slammed herself back down again. She bit her lip this time, he was now licking her neck and that made her cringe, but in a good way. It felt quite good.
Zach found himself holding her hips a little tighter for a moment before starting to bounce her slowly. It felt great to have her around him and she was making the best noises. "I like your moans Sam. They sound so...excited." He smiled and groaned, his body squirming a little from the feelings. She was his perfect little lover already. Now he just had to make sure she was a perfect mate. "Sam...Do you like to read?"
Sam moaned softly as he started to bounce her, she helped a bit too, though she knew it wouldn't be anything for him to lift her like this. She smiled at his compliment. "Well I like your groans." She said with a smile and she really did like them. Her smile only grew as he seemed to squirm a bit underneither her. She was quite excited that he was seriously considering her as a mate. She would love it if it were this easy to find one. though she was pretty sure she was just lucky. As he asked her if she liked to read she smiled. "Yes, I do. I like fiction and horror the best." She said with a grin. She really like horror better though.
Zach laughed a little when she said that. "Fiction and horror? There is no such thing as fiction and you are living a horror story." He smiled and kissed her deeply, his tongue slipping between her lips and running along her fangs teasingly before he broke the kiss a few moments later. "Every kind of fantasy you could imagine, it exists. There is a dragon that lives in this very mansion." He smirked and started to bounce her faster, knowing she would be intrigued now.
Star laughed as well as she realizd that they really were the horror story now. She was still kind of thinking like a human. She kissed him back, not touching his tongue in fear that it would get cut on her fangs, but he soon broke the kiss and she smiled at him. As he told about the dragon her eyes went wide and she just kind of stared at him before closing her eyes and moaning softly. "I would like to see it somethime." She said, smiling as he picked up the pace. She was indeed very intrigued by his statements.
"You probably passed him on your way in." He kept bouncing her, interested in talking to her just as much as he was in sex. "Dragons are very sneaky..." He leaned in and licked her neck yet again. But this time he had a special treat. He sank his fangs into her neck, groaning from the taste and the feeling of warm blood in his mouth. Being the ancient and powerful vampire that he was, the pleasurable venom still coursed through her system as if she were human, though it wasn't as strong. But unlike others, his venom made her body heavy. If she were a human she would be sleeping right away.
She looked at him a bit oddly at him as he said she probably already passed him. that was even more likely because she was not only destracted by Abby, but also her nerveousness. She shivered as he licked her neck again, but instead of just licking he bit her and she gasped, her eyes widening. She was amazed that his venom still had an affect on her. She moaned softly, enjoying the feeling as she kept bouncing. She felt a bit odd, but nothing she couldn't handle. She kind of felt as if she needed to sleep, but she didn't really need to, she just felt a bit tired for once in her vampiric life. It was a bit strange, but she could only guess that it was his venom. She kipt bouncing, her breasts bouncing as well and she smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Zach would have loved to keep up their fun for the rest of the night. But he couldn't last too long after so long without pleasure. He could feel 2000 years of cum building up and he groaned against her neck. "Sam...I am going to cum soon...May I cum on you?" He licked her neck softly before nuzzling the skin. He wanted so badly to see how she would look wearing his cum. He could remember Greek girls who loved the experience. But that was in 5 B.C.
Sam moaned, her eyes half closed now, though not from tiredness, but from pleasure. She moaned, a bit louder as she kept bouncing and she smiled a bit at his quesyion. She nodded. "Go ahead." She said a bit excited about that thought. She was pretty sure that with two thousand years of cum stored up he robably would be able to cover quite a bit of her. And that image in her head arousedher a bit more, causing her to get even closer to her orgasm.
Zach did his very best to hold back, which only built it up even more. And when he was finally at his limit, it had been another minute or two. And suddenly, he lifted her off of him and turned impossibly fast, leaving her sitting comfortably in his chair and him in front of her, stroking himself. He groaned as he reached an orgasm 2 millenia in the waiting. And it was amazing. His cum coated her almost completely and his chair was covered as well. He was panting a little, which was almost impossible to cause in a vampire. "Ah...Sam...Thank you for that."
Sam was just about to orgasm when he pulled out which stoped her short but she didn't really have time to think about that. She yelped as he pulled out and left her in the chair by herrself but was soon being covered by his cum. She tried to keep her eyes open as long as she could to watch, but he soon got her face. After he was done She wiped her eyes off and licked her lips, it tasting just about as good as his blood. She just sat there, never having seen so much cum before. "I-it was my pleasure." She said, grinning a bit. She kind of hoped that they had a shower just for an occasion like this, but she wasn't quite sure.
Zach didn't seem happy though. He looked at her with a concerned face. And without a word, he dropped to his knees and leaned between her legs. His tongue ran along her with hesitation, pushing into her a few moments later. He put her legs on his shoulder and pulled her closer to him, wanting to make sure his tongue got as deep as it could go. But after working on her pleasure for a few moments, he noticed her taste. He groaned softly and started to rub his tongue inside her more ravenously. She tasted incredible.
She looked confused as he looked conserned. She watched as he soon kneeled infront of her but soon knew what he was doing as he was soon between her legs. She gasped as he ran his tongue along her. She bit her lip as he pushed it into her. He soon had his head burried between her legs and she let out a moan, still quite sensative from the sex. She was loving this, and he seemed to be enjoying it as well. She let out another moan as h sped up his pace. She wouldn't last very long at this rate.
Zach looked up at her as she continued to moan for him. He grinned a little, or at least as much as he could. She was getting ready to cum, and he was more than happy to make her do that. His tongue moved faster and harder inside of her, rubbing her walls as much as he could. If she didn't come quickly, he wouldn't be able to keep himself from simply fucking her again. Then he remembered something. He pulled his tongue out and wrapped his lips around her clit, suckling the small nub, hoping that would drive her over the edge.
Sam moaned again as he sped up even more and he was now going harder. She was loving how good he was at this. She looked down as he pulled his tongue out of her but then gasped as he started sucking on her clit. That felt even better than his tongue inside her. She moaned louder and after only a moment of him doing that she orgasmed, her back arching and she closed her eyes tightly, gripping the arms of the chair tightly, leaving little impressions of her fingers. It was probably the best orgasm she had ever had. After she calmed down a bit, she looked down at him, a grin on her face. "Thank you, Zach." She said, her breath a bit ragged which was odd for a vampire.
Zach smiled at her, nuzzling against her thigh softly. "You are very welcome Sam...Now how about we go take a shower?" He stood slowly and offered her his hand. He planned to walk through the mansion naked if she didn't mind. After all, most of them had been living here for centuries and they had seen him naked at least once. Abby even once tried to seduce him, but of course it didn't work. And he also wanted every to know that she was his.
She smiled down at him as he nuzzled her thigh, enjoying the affectionate jesture. At the sound of a shower she smiled a bit more and nodded, taking his hand and using him to help herself up. Once she was up she didn't let go of his hand, not wanting to do so. She wouldn't mind if they walked there naked, She was sure that she wouldn't be bothered as long as she was with him. She wouldn't mind everyone knowing that she was his.
Zach stood slowly and wrapped an arm around her before kissing her deeply. He was very fond of this girl and and he didn't mind letting her know. So he slipped his tongue between her lips and softly pressed it to one of her fangs, causing it to bleed. He let her enjoy the taste for almost a minute before pulling his tongue away from her fang and breaking the kiss. "You know...I have never had a mate in my very long life...I didn't think it could be this fun."
Star was a bit surprised that they didn't go the the shower automatically. He actually stopped and just kissed her. She was a bit worried when his tongue neared her fang, but when she realized that it was intentional she was pretty happy. She didn't suck on his tongue hungerly like she normally would have, but she just let his blood drip into her mouth, enjoying it throughly. She smiled at him as he broke the kiss and talked to her. She was a bit surprised that he had never had a mate before. "That's fine, I've never had a mate either. Though I havn't been a vampire for nearly as long as you." She said, licking her lips a bit.
Zach smiled a little. "Four thousand six hundred and twenty three...I am sure that you have been wondering." He lifted her chin and licked her neck like she seemed to enjoy so much before, his arms going around her as he walked backwards. He had been living in this house since the day it was built and he knew it well enough to get to the nearest bathroom without looking. He didn't stop licking her skin until he backed through the doorway. And even then, he only stopped to sink his fangs into her neck.
Sam grinned as she told her his age. She was wondering and she hadn't known he was that old, not that it really made a difference, but it sure was interesting. "Wow, You're older than I thought." She said, still smiling. She truely didn't care how old he was, she was his now. She bit her lip as he licked her skin, and barely noticed that they had been moving backwards. She gasped as he bit into her neck, a bit surprised, but she enjoyed it quite a bit. She moaned softly as he drank at least a bit of her blood, his venom going into her body.
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