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Learning Magic (RainbowxRude)

Zach returned the kiss gently, doing his best not to hurt her. But he was being more gentle than most humans. If you could break a steel bar with your bare hands, it wasn't like you could control yourself perfectly. After a few more moments of kissing her, he pulled away slowly, licking his lips. "You taste incredible too...Not like a human. Just..." He kissed her again, wanting to taste her again.
Sam was a bit surprised that he was so gentle, dispite the stregnth she knew he had. She smiled, licking her lips as well as he told her she tasted good. She was about to tell him the ame thing, but he kissed her again, which was perfectly fine with her. She kissed him in return again, he tasted so good, like more so than she could even describe with words. She didn't really want this to end, but she didn't know if Alexander would want her to stay. If she was staying with Zach she didn't think he would mind though.
Zach kept up this kiss longer, unable to pull himself away from her. But after almost a minute, he pulled away, smirking a bit. "You know...I haven't kissed anyone in almost two thousand years. I missed it." He leaned his head back, a content sigh coming from his lips. But two millennium of celibacy had its side effects. He wanted her badly now. More than he had wanted anything in a long time. The sparks of the kiss had set his sex drive ablaze. She wasn't safe from him now.
Sam was happy that his kiss lasted that long, She loved every second of it. She licked her lips again, savoring his taste on her lips. She couldn't help but smile as he spoke. So Abby and Alexander weren't lying when they seemed to be joking about him earlier. The smile on her face didn't fade as she soon rested her head on his shoulder. She didn't really notice but she had opened her neck up to him when she did that. At that moment she was thinking that if he just fucked her right there she wouldn't mind in the least. In fact she kind of wanted him to, but she didn't know if that was proper for their social hierarchy.
Zach did notice her exposed neck though. And he leaned in to give it a gentle kiss. Meanwhile, his hands were busy moving to her hips and softly rubbing her sides. He could feel every curve of her vampire body and he found himself groaning just a little. "Sam...I would like to see you without those clothes..." He leaned in close to her ear and ran his tongue along it, rubbing it against every since piercing. She was going to be his in one way or another.
Zach did notice her exposed neck though. And he leaned in to give it a gentle kiss. Meanwhile, his hands were busy moving to her hips and softly rubbing her sides. He could feel every curve of her vampire body and he found himself groaning just a little. "Sam...I would like to see you without those clothes..." He leaned in close to her ear and ran his tongue along it, rubbing it against every since piercing. She was going to be his in one way or another.

Sam was a bit shocked that he suddenly seemed to be so willing to touch her. She couldn't help but blush a bit at his statement. He was so restrained before, and now it seemed as if his libido was as strong as Wulf's. She didn't complain though, but she did shiver a bit as he licked her ear. "Well... Maybe we can arrange that." She said with a smirk. She was quite curious as to how bad he wanted her and how far he was wiling to go to get her.
When Zach pulled away from her ear like that, his expression made him look as mature as a little kid. He pouted and bit his lip shyly. Obviously his long time without any experience was showing. "Aw...But I wanted to see that gorgeous body...I didn't think I would have to bribe you." He closed his eyes for a second before opening them. "How about I take something off for everything you take off? Fair?"
Sam couldn't help but smile at his expression. She didn't know she would ever see a grown man make a face like that. But he did look quite cute as he did it. He was started to sound a bit perverted as he he said her body was gorgeous, even if she couldn't really see it wall becasue of her slightly baggy clothes. She didn't realize that it was jsut that obvious that she was hot. She looked into his eyes as he offered to take something off for everything she did and she smiled a bit. "Mmk, that's fair." She said nodding a bit. She slid off his lap, standing in front of him. he ulled off her shirt first.
Zach almost yelped when she pulled her shirt off. He knew things about the world few others knew. He had seen dozens of empires rise and fall. And yet nothing was as incredible to him as her without a shirt. He pulled his own shirt off slowly, almost afraid of what she would think. But, of course, he was flawless, like the rest of his race. But he was rather small framed. He only possessed enough muscle to give his body an attractive tone. "Very fair..."
Sam couldn't help but smile as he removed his shirt and of course it wouldn't really be that fair because she would still have a bra and he wouldn't have any more to take off in that department. But she didn't really mind that much. She just figured she would be able to tease him with that. The next thing she did was reach down and unbuton her pants, letting them drop to her ankles before she stepped out of them. She was in a pair of matching bra and panties. They were black with red pinstripes on them. and they were fairly small, not leaving much to the imagination. She smiled at him, waiting for him to take off his pants as well.
Zach stood now, unbuttoning his pants to match her. And once they were undone, he let go to let them drop but they stopped suddenly. He turned a little red and pulled them down, revealing a bulge in his underwear large enough to make anyone envious of him. His cheeks were turning redder. He didn't mind being naked for her, but just being naked for someone was so foreign to him. It felt wrong for him to be so revealed to anyone who wanted to look.
Sam watched as he went to drop his pants but they stopped. She knew why before he even pulled them down, but she was still shocked at the size of him. Her eyes widened and she just stared for a moment before blushing as well and looking back up at him. She was a bit surprised that he seemed to be so embarassed by this when it was his idea. "We can always go to your room." She said, assuming he had his own room. There were holes in the walls in this one so anyone walking by could see what they were doing.
Zach shook his head a little. While it was a bit embarrassing for him as a very long time loner, he wanted everyone to know that she was his. So he instead reached down and pulled his boxers off, freeing his length, which sprung up high and thick, almost begging for attention. "Its your turn. And since I don't have two undergarments, I think you should take off both." He was almost drooling at the idea of being able to have her. She was going to receive two thousand years of pent up sexual desire.
Sam couldn't help but smile a bit as he took off his boxers. She was a bit surprised how shy he seemed to be. It was a bit odd because normally a guy with that kind of package would be ready to show it off at any time. But it kind of made sense considering he hadn't eve kissed a woman in the past two thousand years. She smiled at his suggestion and she slowly reached behind her back, taking off her bra, letting it drop to the floor. She then took her panties off, putting them in the pile with her pants. She was very excited about this.
And when he saw her completely bare his blush suddenly faded. He got a small smirk and walked towards her slowly. "You are gorgeous all over..." And without a word, he pulled her against him, pressing his body to hers. "I can't wait to see what kind of fun stuff I can do now that I have a mate...Or at least someone who I want to have fun with. Its starting to come back to me. Like having sex on a bicycle."
Sam smiled as he moved closer to her. She was very excited about this. She bit her lip as he pulled her against his body. he felt surprisingly warm to her. She smiled, looking up at him. Her eyes widened as he said his mate, and she didn't really know what to do. "Y-you would want me as your mate?" She asked, actally a bit shocked. But then it hit her what he had said after that. "Wait... Having sex on a bike?" She asked, looking at him oddly. She had never heard of anything like that before.
"It was a joke...You know, like riding a bike. You never forget." He laughed a little. But then he gave her a serious look. "Why wouldn't I want you as my mate? I haven't had anyone I wanted for that spot for a very long time and I would love for you to take it." He wrapped his arms around her tightly and lifted her up before stepping back to his chair, sitting down with her in his lap again. "And you can even be on top of me if you like." He grinned a little.
Sam blushed a bit as he said it was a joke and looked off to the side for a moment. As she looked back up at him he had a more serious face on. She couldn't help but smile as he said he would love to have her as a mate and then asked her if would like to be it. She just smiled up at him, warpping her arms around him. " Yes, I'd love to be." She said, she had never been this happy before, at least not that she could remember. She gasped a bit as he picked her up and then they moved back to the chair, she was in his lap again. She smiled, enjoying the fact that he would let her be on top if he wanted. "Any way is fine with me." She said with a grin.
"Two thousand years without a mate and I have a gorgeous vampire sitting naked in my lap." He leaned in and kissed her softly. "This is a bit strange for me." He moved his hands to her hips. "Now I'm not easy to break like Alexander and neither is my chair...I want you to be as bad of a vampire as you can be and if I don't hear how much you are enjoying it you are going to be punished." He smirked a little, his role as a coven leader taking over. Domination was fun for him, but he would have to get his new mate try being dominant too.
Sam smiled a bit. She really liked his compliments. She kissed him back and could help but smile at his statement about Alexander. She then laughed a bit at the chair part but soon stopped and smiled at him. She was allowed to be as bad as she wanted? She had a michevious grin after he said that. She shifted her seating on him so she was straddling him with one leg of each side. "I can really be as bad as I want?" She asked, biting her lip, her tooth going through it easily but she didn't seem to notice.
When Zach saw that look on her face, he couldn't help but get excited. "Yes Sam. As bad as you want. You can do whatever you like to me. If I disapprove I will give you a warning." He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before getting into a comfortable but secure position. He was starting to wonder about the chair. But it had lived through Abby and several of the bachelors having a private party on it. He had confidence it would hold out.
Sam smiled and leaned in, kissing and nibbling his neck. She would start off a bit slow to see what he liked and then go from there. She really wanted to just sink her fangs into him, but she didn't know if he would enjoy that as much as she would. She trialed one hand slowly down his body, finding his stiff member and she began to stroke it teasingly, rubbing her thumb over the head when her hand got up there. She was sre he would like that. She kept kissing and now biting a bit, still wanting to bite him and it was getting a bit harder to hold back.
Zach seemed to like attention to his neck, just like most vampires. And when she started to stroke him, he let out a gasp, groaning immediately. It was obvious it had been a while. After all, her every touch set his body on fire. But he really seemed to enjoy it when she nibbled his skin, letting out a gasp on occasion. "Ah...You like biting huh? Well since its for a pretty vampire like you, go nuts and bite away." He smirked a little. "As long as I get to try a fetish or two."
Sam couldn't help but smirk a bit at the noises he made, it really was obvious it had been a while for him. As he gave her permission to bite away she was quite happy. She paused for a moment as he said he would get to try a couple fetished as well. She grinned "As many as you like." She said before going back to nibbling on his neck. She opened her mouth a bit wider and then bit him, almost as if she was going to drink from him, but then let go, only getting a small bit of his blood in his mouth. She moaned at the taste, it tasted even better than he smelled. She bit him again, this time drinking a bit more before stopping and continuing with the kissing and nibbling.
Zach had never really had a fetish for being bitten like so many vampires seemed to. But when she sank her fangs in he didn't even give a flinch to the pain. It didn't seem to matter that it hurt. Not when it was her biting him. So he rested his hands on her hips, letting her enjoy his taste while she bit him. And when she went back to the soft kisses and nibbles, he decided it was his turn to have some fun. He lifted her chin slowly, tilting her head up and exposing her neck. He didn't kiss and nibble. That was a bit too human for his tastes. Instead, he licked at her exposed neck softly, almost tasting her. He dragged his sharp fangs along her skin, licking the thin bleeding line before it healed.
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