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Learning Magic (RainbowxRude)

Alexander purred a little as she wrapped her lips around his cock. "Mm...You are getting good at that. Maybe you will have to teach Star." He smirked and moved his hand to the back of her head, stroking her hair softly. She was starting to earn a special spot with him as his little sex kitten. She was there for his fantasies and even if she got a mate, they would probably have this time.
Sam smiled as much as she could but soon began to bob her head slowly on his cock, almost in a teasing sort of way. She liked the feeling of his hand on her head because she knew that even if he pushed her head all the down on his cock he wouldn't be able to hurt her, but if Star started doing this while she was still human he'd have to be mor careful with her.
Alexander found his mind drifting to Star again, thinking about her as a vampire. God it would be amazing. He could bite all her wanted and show her the best sex he could give her. They could enjoy themselves for days at a time. She would be the perfect mate. And all at once he realized that he was probably toying with Sam right now. After all, she was very much interested in him. And he was just encouraging her by letting her do all this with him. He shouldn't be having sex with her right now. He should be letting her pleasure him. But then she started to bob and he couldn't help but push her all the way down just like she was thinking about. He would talk to her after he came.
Sam kept going in that same teasing way until he pushed her all the way down on him. She moaned softly, sending vebration up his hard shaft. As soon as he would allow her she would pull back, almost as if she was going to take him out of ehr mouth, but then pushed her mouth back hard on him, slurping him up, though not making the noise of a slurp. As much as Sam hated to know it, she knew he still liked Star better and that they would never work out. She just wished they could have met and he could have turned her under different circumstances, it would have been much more fun then.
Alexander groaned from her little moan. She was doing such an amazing job on his cock. Even though he wanted to stop her, it was so hard to resist. The more she bobbed and worked her mouth around him, the more he got lost in the pleasure. It didn't take long at all before he leaned back and groaned, his seed spilling into her mouth. And he found himself just making her bob up and down as he came, wanting more from her. The pleasure was addicting when he didn't have to worry about his partner.
Sam kept bobbing her head, knowing how much he liked it. She couldn't help but smirk a abit as he groaned in pleasure. She really liked doing this for him. Even if she knew she was just making it worse for herself to let go of him. She swallowed all she could as he finally came, and was a bit surprised as he kept bobbing her head for her, so she began to suck whatever she could out of his cock, thinking maybe that would help him finally be able to stop.
As Alexander finally came to the end of his orgasm, he was almost purring. She was amazing for him and she looked so cute. He moved her off of his cock slowly, licking his lips. "You are a very good little goth maid..." He lifted her chin. "And I have been a very bad vampire..." He pulled her up and sat her in his lap. "I shouldn't be doing all this with you...Treating you like more than just my coven member..."
Sam licked her lips once he pulled her off of him. She gladly sat in his lap as he spoke to her. She smiled sympathetically and nodded. "I know. It only make it harder to seperate when we do things like this, but It's just so much fun, And you're so nice to me and you make me feel so good." She said, getting a bit off topic, but she didn't mind. "I know, we should stop doing these kinds of things..." She said, looking down a bit saddly.
That sad look on her face made him pout and he leaned in, kissing her cheek. "Sam...We are going to find you a mate okay? It won't be hard...Find someone who smells good. Like more than food. Find a human who smells like I do to you." He lifted her slowly and set her on the bed. Then he went to the bags and pulled out a t-shirt and pair of baggy black pants that would hang off her hips in a sexy way. "Put these on...Goth maids are for the bedroom only."
She sighed a bit and nodded. She really liked him, but she knew he was already taken. She would just have to find her own man. She laid where he put her, not really wanting to go anywhere. "Mmk." She said as he handed her the clothes. She got up and took the maid outfit off and put the next set of clothing on. She wasn't trying to be sexy this time, just getting dressed and then undressed. She went and sat back down on the bed next to him, leaning ehr head on his shoulder. "But how am I going to find that person when everyone smells so good?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Well everyone smells good. But smell me. I don't smell like humans." He put her face against his neck. "I smell like something you want to have in bed right? Well if you find a human who smells sexually appealing, they are usually good mates. That is how I started to play with Star. She smelled good and I wanted to fuck her. And now I am in love with her. So..." He nuzzled her softly. "Maybe we can find you a boy who wants to fuck you just as much as you wanna fuck him." He smiled a little, standing and stretching.
Sam took a deep breath of his scent as he told her to smell him. It was true, just the smell of him made her a bit moist between the legs. She nodded, understanding what he meant now. She sighed and figured she would have to look tomorrow. She nuzzled him back, wanting to sleep all of a sudden. But she wasn't tired at all. She sighed, laying down and closing her eyes. She didn't know what to do anymore. She guessed that if she was going to find the right person for her it would probably take a while. She suddenly looked over at him. "What if someone smells good to you, but you don't smell good to them?" She asked, talking about if she happened upon and actual vampire that smelled good to her. She didn't know what she would do if that was the case.
"Well...If its a vampire its a bit different. If you like a vampire's scent, tell them. Mostly, they are very open. But if you meet with a prude that is very exclusive to their mate, well you can't do anything but be disappointed. I have been very lucky. After you tire them out, humans usually run off. I got to have mine as a mate." Alexander suddenly got an idea. "Maybe we should find you a vampire to be with...I know where a big coven is if you would like to visit them..." He stood, leaning down and kissing her new belly piecing softly. "I am sure you will find someone who likes your scent."
She listened intently, wanting to know all she can about vampires considering that's what she was now. She smiled as he mentioned a large coven he knew about. "Sure, that sounds like fun." She said with a smile. She was so willing to meet new people now a days. She couldn't help but smile as he kissed her belly button ring. It tingled a bit as he did so. She nodded as he said she was sure to find someone who liked her scent. She really hoped he was right.
Alexander wanted to be with Star. But he knew that she was with Gabriel as always. And Sam needed him right now. So he laid down with her and put arm over her. "Just let your mind wander. You won't be sleeping but it will be good for you. You can't just focus on life for too long or you will go crazy." He smiled and pulled a blanket over them, which was warm against their cold skin. "Tomorrow you will have lots of fun worst case..."
Sam smiled and nodded, closing her eyes as if she were about to sleep, but instead she ust began to daydream about random things such as how everything would go tomorrow and a lot about Alexander. She wished she could ust stay with him, but that was out of the question, he already had Star and Star had Both Alexander and Gabriel. She wished she could be as lucky as Star, being able to pick between two men.
It was a few hours before sunrise when Alexander sat up in the bed, his mind calmed and his whole body relaxed. He rubbed his eyes, feeling like he had been sleeping. "Well then Sam...How did you enjoy your first meditation session?" He kissed her belly ring again, smiling a little. She was really fun to play with even if he wasn't her mate. (Grah...I can't get a good post)
Star opened her eyes after a while, wondering how long they had done that. She looked out the window to see the rising sun which made her eyes hurt and she closed them quickly, rubbing them. It was a shame she wouldn't be able to watch the sun rise without sunglasses anymore. She loved sunrises. She Smiled a bit, looking over at Alexander. "It was quite nice." She said, enoying what she had thought about. She smiled, rubbing her eyes in a cute fashion before looking over at the clock.
It was very early in the morning, only about 5:30 am. And as he stretched, his back to the window, he wondered if the coven would be up. But instead of bothering with thoughts like that, he closed the blinds before pulling her close to him. "Well...Are you excited about meeting a bunch of new vampires?" He licked her cheek playfully.
Sam smiled and hugged him back. She nodded a bit "Very excited, though a bit nerveous as well." She said. She was always kind of akward with meeting new people, but it should be easier because they would have quite a bit in common. She kissed his cheek in return for his lick.
"Well just remember...I am a very well behaved vampire. I don't kill humans. Not all of them are like me. In fact, I know that at least three of them are like the leader of my old coven. Very old and very very horny. If they like your scent you will know." He straightened her clothes before digging through one of the bags and pulling out a pair of sunglasses for her. "These should be good for you." He slid them on her, smiling.
Sam nodded. She didn't really want to kill humans, but technally it was in their nature. She hoped that the one that liked her scent, or the other way around, would be like Alexander and not kill humans. Those vampires were the ones that made humans afraid of them, and she knew that. She smiled as he placed the sunglasses on her face. It was quite nice being able to see a little easier with them on. "Why thank you." She said with a grin and leaned in quickly giving him a peck on the lips before standing and stretching a bit out of habit.
Alexander smiled a little and in a moment, he was gone from the room, coming back a few minutes later with his own stylish pair of sunglasses on. "Alright. Lets hurry. They like to be up at night and meditate during the day so we won't have long to get there before most of them are out." He didn't want to say anything about her kissing him on the lips but he knew she shouldn't. So he simply shook his head a bit and jumped out the window. "Keep close." And he ran off as fast as he could.
Sam had barely even noticed that she had kissed him, it had become such a regular thing for her that it seemed to be normal. She nodded as he said to hurry because they would be out soon. They were still on human time, up during the day, meditating at night. Though that was probably normal considering she hadn't been a vampire for very long. She followed after him, out the window and ran off after him. She kept up with him quite well, staying as close as she could and trying not to fall behind.
Alexander stopped suddenly in front of a gigantic mansion. It looked like it could sleep a hundred people, and it did. He opened the door slowly, not wanting to expose the inhabitants to the light. He pulled her in behind him and closed the door, the dim lights showing that in the main sitting room there were dozens of people with blood red eyes, most of them paired up. "This is what a full sized coven is like Sam..."

And suddenly Alexander was on the ground, a vampire girl who looked about the same age as Sam on top of him. "Alexander is back! Did you change your mind about joining our coven?" Then she noticed Sam and suddenly she was next to her, sniffing the girl a little. "Oh my...You smell like Gabriel...And sex..." She licked Sam's neck softly, obviously finding nothing wrong with it.
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