Learning Magic (RainbowxRude)

Sam smiled as he peirced her ears, not even acting like it was anything to her. Which it wasn't so that made sense. She smiled once he was done and put her hands up to her ears, feeling where they were. She smiled, getting a fairly good idea of where they were. She looked up and nodded as he asked if she maybe wanted to get the other one done now. "Sure." She said simply and walked over, linking arms with him. "I was thinking while I'm getting all these peircings, why not get my nipple done too." She said, half jokingly. She really jsut wanted his opinion on it. "Or maybe my tongue." She said sticking her tongue out at him.
Alexander made a sour face when she mentioned her nipples. "I never liked nipple piercings. But maybe your tongue if you like. If you convince me that is." He smirked and kissed her cheek, walking with her to find someone to do her belly button. And when he did, he paid the man his money and stood back. "Just let him do whatever he needs to...And behave yourself Sam."
Sam noticed his disgust for the nipple peircings, so that was definitly out of the question. But he seemed to not mind the idea of a tongue peircing. She followed as he led her to the place where she would get her belly button done and she pouted a bit as he told her to behave. "Aww... No fun..." She said but nodded and followed the man back to a table where she laid down and she raised her shirt a bit, only so her stomach was showing. He told her it might hurt but she just laughed and started talking to him. "So, how long her you been doing this? How many customers do you get a day?" And she just kept asking him questions as he peirced it. She didn't even flinch nor did she even seem to notice that it had been done and he stared in amazment that she automatically healed. She just grinned, looking down at her stomach before running out and showing Alexander. "How's it look?" She asked, all excited.
"It looks very sexy..." He moved his hand down to her stomach and ran his thumb over the small piece of jewelry. "And it will be something amusing to play with when I am kissing your cute stomach." He smirked and put his arms around her. "Before we go do you want to do anything with your hair?" He kissed her neck now, giving a soft nip. "Maybe black streaks for something like that?"
Sam looked at him and grinned at his statement. Oh, how he turned her on. She thought about the question for a moment then looked back at him. "Do you think black streaks would look good?" She asked, almost completely basing everything off of his opinion of what would be good or not. It probably would look good considering the contrast between her red hair and the black, but she wanted to see what he woudl think.
Alexander could tell that she now heavily valued his opinion on her looks. "I think it would look great." He kissed her before wrapping his arm around her tightly. "Now...Wanna do that now or later?" He moved one hand down to her rear and groped softly before leaning in and whispering. "I almost forgot...We need to get you some new panties too..."
Sam smiled as he said it would look good. "I think we can do it later." She said, not minding in the least that his hand was now on her ass. And his comment made her smirk a bit. "Mmk. I think that's a bit more important than dying my hair." She said, looking over at him with a mischevious grin. "Otherwise I wont have anyhting to tempt you with while I'm in these short skirts." She said, Still grinning at him.
Alexander got a wicked smirk and licked her new lip piercing. "Alright...Well how about you grab your favorites and I'll grab mine?" He speed off like usual, gathering up a few pairs of panties, covered with little skulls and things like that as well as just plain black and red ones. When he came back he had a small smile. "These will look great on you."
She smiled as he seemed to like the idea. She did the same as him, running off to get panties with little ruffles and jolly rogers and even a pair with chains instead of cloth on the sides. She soon met back up with him and smiled, handing him the lot. She smirked at his comment. "That they will." She said and then walked off a bit, looking elsewhere at random things while he paid for them.
Alexander brought all of their things, which was basically everything in the store in her size, and put them on the counter. When the cashier rang it up, it was nearly 5 digits, But all he did was tell her a few numbers and after a few clicks, they were bagging everything quickly and being extra nice. "Thank you miss...I will come back here when you get more in stock her size." He smiled and walked over to Sam, pulling her close. "Lets go."
Sam was off looking at the other things in the store. She smiled, not knowing how much it cost for him to pay for all her things. She only knew it would cost a lot. She looked over to him after a while, noticing the crowd had pretty much gone back to whatever they were doing, some even leaving, though there were a few the stuck around just to watch and see what this vampire couple would do. She nodded as he said to go, reaching over and taking a few of the bags just so he didn't have to carry them all.
Alexander laughed a little when she took some of the things. "You know that those don't weigh a thing for me." He scooped her up and they were gone. He took her back to the school, looking around for an abandoned classroom again. But then he realized something. "Where is your dorm room Sam?" He kissed her softly. "I haven't seen it yet."
Sam just laughed as well, "Ya, I know, but I don't want to look like one of those shitty girlfriends that makes her man carry all her bags." She said with a grin as he picked her up once more and they were off. As he asked about her dorm room she just smiled, and took his hand walking off to her dorm. She walkd at a fast pace that would be quicker than running for humans, but it would be walking for them. they were soon at her dorm and she opened thedoor, stepping in and leaving the door open for him to come in.
Alexander stood outside of her door for a moment, suddenly looking a little nervous. He had not been in a girl's room for a long time. He had only been in his old mate's room a few times, mostly because they didn't care where they were in the house. It was weird to be in her personal space. He walked into the room slowly, biting his lip. "Your room is so weird..." It was full of bright colors and nothing was reinforced in case it go hit so hard. It wasn't a vampire's room. "I don't like it..." He looked rather timid in the unfamiliar environment.
Sam smiled a bit as he looked so scared all of a sudden. It made him look so cute. She couldn't help but giggle as he said it was weird and he didn't like it. "Well I wasn't a vampire when I was in her last time, so it is a bit odd." She said, looking back over at him. He still looked a bit nerveous so she walked over to him and took his hand, trying to get him to be his old self again.
When she took his hand, Alexander followed, still a little timid. But he slowly brought her to the bed and laid her down before laying on her amply exposed cleavage. He nuzzled against her skin softly, purring a bit. "Well this might be a nice room for just relaxing in. After all, I don't want to break your stuff. But how about my girl does a fashion show for me?"
She smiled and nodded "Yes, it will be good for relaxing." She agreed wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tighter to her chest. She perked up a bit as he asked for a fashion show and smirked at the idea. "Ok, that sound like fun." She said with a smile. She continued to lay there though, waiting for him to get up before she would get up and change clothes.
Alexander undid her shirt slowly, kissing between her breasts. "Alright. Show me how sexy you can be Sam." He smirked and sat up before laying back in a comfortable position. "If you are a good little goth for me I will let you suck my cock again. And I will give it all to you to swallow if you want." He undid his pants, showing his soft cock. He wanted her to see how hard she could get him.
She smiled and nodded as he sat back. She was going to do her best so she could suck his cock again. She really wanted to please him as much as possible. She slowly got off the bed, bending over the bags, showing off her ass for him and looking through the bags. "So which one do you want to see on me first?" She asked, not looking back at him, just staying bent over and wiggling her ass a bit for him.
"Well...Start with the normal stuff like the cute little t-shirts. And work your way up to the hot little goth maid outfits and maybe that one with the collar and the thigh highs." He smirked a little. He wanted her to work her way up to something really sexy and then maybe he would dominate his little vampire pet. She seemed to like it when he was rough enough to break a human.
She smiled and nodded, pulling out a cute shirt, just as he had suggested, as well as a pair of short shorts. She laid them on the floor, standing back upright and taking off her current 'uniform' in quite a sexy manner. She then got dressed in ust about the same way. Who ever know seeing a girl get dressed could be so hot? She was perfectly fine with him dominating her, He just had to be sure not to make too much noise because she had neighbors and she didn't need them waking up to him literally fucking her through the wall.
Alexander felt himself getting hard as soon as she started to get dressed. "I got a few cute bras for you too. I don't know which I prefer better...You dressed normally with that hot body or you in those kinky little outfits...Put on the maid outfit and you can suck my cock...After I cum we can continue until you put on something sexy enough to make me want you again."
She looked over at him as he said she could suck his cock once she put on a different outfit. She smiled and nodded, taking off this outfit in the same, sultry manner before bending over and digging through the bags, finding the outfit he wanted and putting it on, as well as a new bra and panties. She looked more sexy than she ever had before as she finished, looking at him with a mischevious grin.
Alexander bit his lip as she bent over like that. He wanted to fuck her just like that. But he had made a promise. But by the time she was done dressing, he was throbbing hard, groaning a little in annoyance. He wanted to cum now, her little fashion show making him very very horny. "You know...I think you are bad for my sex drive. I can't stop wanting to fuck you...Now on your knees for me."
She grinned as she noticed his now throbbing member. Just the sight of it was turnning her on. She smirked and nodded, walking over to him and dropping to her knees at the edge of the bed, waiting for him to come closer to her so she could get him into her mouth. She was starting to get pretty good at this.
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