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A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

"I can tell that you needed it. Do you still need another round?" Michael asked as he reached ou with his and as pulled her up, so her eyes were looking into his. "You know? I've never realized how beautiful your eyes are."
"Thank you." She replied, looking into his own. Christina couldn't keep her gaze long, though, for she was feeling anxious. "I need to feel you inside me. Please..." Normally, she didn't plead, she just took. But she wanted it so much, right now.
"Alright. I'll let you be on top this time." Michael said as he laid down and waited anxiously waited for her to get on him and push his cock into her.
She was rather grateful that he was letting her have her desire soothed. Actually, if he hadn't laid down, she probably would have pushed him down. Christina was lusting badly, at the moment, and wanted him to fuck her brains out. However, it looked like she would have to do all the work. Making herself comfortable over him, though her belly was still bothering her from earlier, she placed her arms and legs to each side of him. Slowly, she would slide herself down his cock, letting out soft moans every so often as she went further.
"Christina, if you ever want your lust to satisfied, I'm more than wiling to help you. All you need to do is ask." Michael said as he felt her get on top of him and his cock slide into her pussy. He was suprised just how lustful she could be, but at the same time proud that the same woman was also going to be his wife. After she got on his cock and was comfortable, Michael began to thurst his cock into her.
"The same goes for you, and you know this. And I don't ask, I take." She smirked, half-seriously. Of course she'd ask him. She didn't intend on just taking cookies from the cookie jar, without making sure it was alright. Getting caught off guard a bit, Christine moaned aloud as he thrust into her. She hadn't expected it at that very moment, but was glad he did it. "Oh, Michael..." Christina hoped it was alright to call him that, now.
"Yes Christina? Are you enjoying yourself?" Michael asked as he continued to thrust his cock deep into her pussy. He knew she was enjoying it almost, if not more than he was. After a few minutes, Michael released more of his semen into her pussy and womb,causing her belly to swell a little more.
He didn't yell at her. This had to be real, then, for if she was still nothing more than a slave to him then she surely would have been corrected. "Yes...Very much." Her body writhed as he released into her, making her feel as though she were becoming even bigger as he did so. "Please...I'm so close..." She felt heated, as though she were close to her own release, her climax of which she truly enjoyed. The way she was feeling, she wanted him to pierce right through her and just let loose.
Michael continued to thrust his cock into her deeper. His cock was getting soft, so he had to hurry and make her release, before his cock was too soft to use inside of her pussy. "It's going soft." Michael called out to Christina.
She realized he had began to go soft, and luckily reached her peak before he had gone too far so. His few last thrusts did it for her, setting her body off with an electrical current. Once her writing was over, her orgasm ridden out, she wanted to just collapse on top of him. Instead, she pulled herself from his body and laid next to him, her breasts and belly jiggling themselves as she did so.
"Oh Christina, my love for you is so strong, words cannot even begin to describe it." Michael said as he placed an arm under her head and looked deeply and lovingly into her eyes. Just looking at her eyes was enough to make his heart melt.
His eyes were beautiful, indeed, but she felt as though her own were beginning to close. Perhaps, she had done enough for today, but she fluttered her dark wings in order to try and keep herself attentive. "I love you, as well. You have given me freedom, and I still wish to stay with you, having you love me and hold me forever."
"I'll love you until the end of time and beyond, as long as you do the same for me." Michael said as he wrapped his arms around Christina's body and pulled her close to him. Michael knew where to scratch her to really make her happy, so Michael began to scratch under her chin again, much like he did earlier.
Christina smiled, a soft yawn escaping her lips. Michael had worn her down a bit, but that was alright. She intended on staying up with him for as long as she could. "My love shall remain unconditional. You know that." Liking the feeling of being scratched beneath her chin, the same low bat-like screech eminated from her mouth as it did before. It was a non-sexual pleasure of her's. What could she say?
"You love being scratched under your chin, don't you?" Michael asked as he continued to lovingly and gently scratching her chin. His love for her was unconditional as well. Michael would do anything for her.
"Yes. I do." She leaned further into him, her head resting on his shoulder as she did so. "I feel so tired, my love, my Michael." If he would let them rest for a little bit, she would be able to get back to doing what she did best for him.
"I know you must be tired. So I'll carry you to my bed. I know you'd also be happier sleeping with me than you would on your own, am I right?" Michael asked as got up and he gently picked Christina up and began to walk with her toward his room.
"Yes. I would like that." She enjoyed Michael's warm embrace, and couldn't see why she wouldn't enjoy it if he were sleeping with her. As she was lifted, her wings folded up behind her so as not to bother him, she felt her hands wandering along her body. Her belly, in particular, that of which she was not used to being even close to this size. Her hues closing again, she wondered when it would go away.
Once he reached his room, Michael walked towards his bed and placed her in it first, then got in himself. "Good night...." Michael noticed she must've fallen asleep in his arms, so he covered her body with the blankets and gave her one last scratch under her chin before falling asleep himself.
Beneath the blankets, subconsciously, Christina had wrapped her wings about herself. She did exhibit the actions and habits of a bat, after all, and this was one of them. As much as she would have been content sleeping upside down, her feet holding securely onto a beam or the like, this was fine as well.
The next morning, Christina awoke slowly, keeping her eyes closed as she did so. She knew that Michael had a tendency of letting the sunlight into his house, and she couldn't function as well with such light trying to blind her. Unwrapping herself, and kissing his lips gently, she would slip out of bed and make her way into the kitchen. She had other ways of seeing, of course, but now within the kitchen where it was darker, she could open those delicate hues of her's. Still unclothed, Christina bustled around and began to make her husband-to-be breakfast.
Michael felt Christina kiss his lips but didn't wake up. A few minutes later, Michael smelled his wife-to-be cooking something in the kitchen and woke up and began to walk towards the kitchen. He was still nude from yesterday's activities, but didn't really mind because his lover was the only one that was in his home besides himself.
Hearing him stirring, she could have hurried and covered herself, but what was better than being served breakfast by a curvy, naked woman? Turning from her work from only a moment, she smiled back at him as he entered the kitchen. "Craving anything, today?" Christina questioned, wondering what he really wanted to eat this morning.
Michael walked up to her and embraced her. "I'm thinking of butter'milk' pancakes with a glass of warm milk." Michael said as he began to gently rub her breasts. He wanted to try a meal with her breastmilk instead of a cow's milk. "So, do you feel like making some?"
Smiling into his embrace, she let her hands loose of her work and placed them upon his own. When he began to caress her breasts, the took her arms back around his neck, kissing his face as she did so. "If you feel like helping me, then I don't think I'd mind at all."
"Of course I'll help you with breakfast. Just tell me when and how much you need, alright?" Michael asked as he returned her kiss and gave her another with alot more passion. As he kissed her, he didn't realize his cock grew hard.
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