A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

Luckily, there was nothing right now that could burn or light anything on fire, so she could now rotate her body a bit and kiss deeply into him. Wrapping her tongue about his own momentarily, she would plunge herself in deeper to explore the inside of his mouth, one of her hands cradling the back of his head as this all unfolded.
Michael felt Christina exploring his mouth with her tonuge, so he began to do the same with his tonuge. He used his tonuge to rub her mouth, teeth, and tonuge. As he did so, Michael wrapped his hands round her ass and picked her up so he could rub his pulsing cock against her pussy. Michael was almost always horny in the mornings, and he always let Christina take care of that problem.
Moaning gently, passionately into his kisses, she felt her body being lifted easily from the ground as though she weighed nothing, and Michael had all of the strength in the world. Wrapping her strong legs around him, she began to grow even more aroused herself, taking his pulsing member into her hands and pumping it eagerly whilst they still kissed. He always seemed to be so switched on, and she always had one way or another to relieve it.
Michael felt Christina wrap her legs around him and began stroking his cock gently, but rapidly; and began to moan himself as the two of them kissed. As they kissed, Michael moved one hand from her ass and began to rub her pussy roughly and quickly, trying to get her pussy wet enough for him to enter.
She wanted to make sure she was returning the pleasure that he was giving to her, therefore she continued her actions upon his hardened cock. His moans were enough to turn her on, but his touch upon her pussy was what did it for her. Christina, feeling within her core that she needed him inside of her now, began to feel wet enough for him to get inside of her.
Michael felt his hand that was rubbing her pussy get wet, so he assumed she was ready to enter, so he began to poke and prod her pussy, just to get his cock ready to enter her pussy. Once it was wet enough, Michael pushed his cock into her pussy and began thrusting his cock into her.
His prodding made it even worse on her already aching form, but she remained patient and awaited for him to place himself inside of her. Her legs tightened even more around his body, then loosened up a bit once he was finally in and preforming as always. Breaking the kiss, she let her head fall back, and exposed her breasts even more to him, soft utterances and moans of delight escaping her.
Michael loved having sex with Christina, and he was sure she loved having sex with him. Since she'd yet to turn anything one that could be a fire hazard, Michael began to walk towards the living room while thrusting his cock into her repeatedly. Once there, Michael laid Christina down with him on top, all the while ramming his cock into her pussy.
As much as they did have sex, and as much as she enjoyed every moment of it, he never did seem to surprise her anymore. Yet each and every time felt like the first or second, his large cock always pounding her like a mallard duck. She had guessed that he didn't want to press on her belly too much, and that he wanted to have more access to her breasts, considering he let let lay atop of him once again. Her hands around his body, her legs wanting to weave themselves about his, she kissed into him again, periodically breaking off as a groan of erotic nature would emit from her.
Michael's cock was throbing with each and every thrust, as it if it was going to pump it's semen into her, but he was doing his best to resist releasing his semen into her and causing her belly to swell even more. As he moved his cock into and out of her, Michael began to lick and suck on her nipples, causing breastmilk to flow out and into his mouth.
The more semen he would pump into her body, the more likely the occurrence that she would get pregnant with their first child. But she couldn't also continue to function if she simply took in more and more of his fluids, unless he had a way of getting them out of her that she didn't know of. Not wanting him to hold himself back, though, she encouraged him. "If you need to, Michael...Release into me." Arching her back, his forces getting stronger, she writhed and moaned, holding onto him strongly as he rocked her.
"If...you say so..." Michael said as he made one last thrust and released a torrent of semen into her pussy and womb, causing her belly to swell dramatically. Michael didn't want to fill her up too much, mainly out of fear. Fear of pouring too much semen into her womb and causing her to burst like an overfilled balloon.
"Ahh...Michael...My God..." Though there was pain with his filling of her body, there was also much pleasure with the feeling of semen rushing through her pussy and into her womb. It was enough to set her off, her breaths becoming stronger as her climax came on strong.
When he finished releasing his semen into her, Michael realized her belly was twice as large as it was last time. "Eheh, I think you look drop dead sexy with your belly this big. Don't you think?" Michael asked as he began to gently rub her belly gently.
Once she had finished, she felt her legs releasing off of Michael's body. She wasn't quite sure she could continue to hold herself up upon his body with the extra weight upon her. "Will it ever go away?" Christina asked, looking up into Michael's eyes.
"Well, I could try and squeeze out the semen, but that may harm any children that maybe growing in you." Michael said as he placed a hand on her cheek and began to rub it gently. While he didn't show it, he was worried about her health and safety.
"I'm just going to be stuck like this, then?" She closed her eyes to his touches, laying her face into the palm of his hand. Christina loved him very much, but this was going to be hard on her.
"Well I said I could try and squeeze it out, but as I said, it could harm any children that maybe growing in you." Michael said as he continued to rub her cheek. As he waited for her response, Michael began to scratch her chin with the other hand.
For once, his scratchings beneath her sensitive chin gave her no pleasure at all. Rather, she stood herself erect, and would continue to hold all of the weight within her. She didn't want to risk losing his first child, if it was really within her.
Michael was worried about Christina when she didn't give her screech when he began to scratch her chin. "Are you ok? You didn't screech like you normally do when I scratch your chin." Michael said in a worried tone as he stopped scratching her chin and pulled her up so he could embrace her.
Wrapping her arms about his own, she nodded gently and kissed his cheek. "Yes, my love. I'll be alright. I don't want to endanger a child of your own that may be growing inside of me, so I will carry the weight along with me." No matter the pain of it all.
"Are you sure? Your belly may get too big and burst. I don't want that to happen to you, especailly if you really are pregnant." Michael said as he held her tighter in his arms, but trying not to choke her. He worried that her belly will burst if they have sex too many times.
"What do you want me to do, Michael?" She asked, closing her hues and laying her head back onto his shoulder. Her locks towered over said shoulder, draping gently over him as she looked up to await his answer.
"I don't know. I don't want to stop having sex with you, but at the same time I don't want your belly to burst because we had too much sex." Michael said as tears began to form and fall from his eyes. The stress of the problems Michael and Christina faced were almost overwhelming for him alone.
She turned around now, nuzzling her face into his neck. "Please, don't worry about me, Michael. I'll come up with something, and your possible child within me won't be harmed." Though, she didn't know whether or not there really was one in there. But she had to say something to make him feel better, didn't she?
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