A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

"Thanks. I'm glad you care abot yourself just as much as I do." Michael said as he began to rub her the back of her head and ears gently. He didn't know what he'd do if he lost Christina to something that could've been prevented, much like what is happening now.
It was not really herself she was thinking about, but rather his possible child within her and him. Her ears fell gentle into her hair, showing that she was enjoying his gentle, massaging touches. He still seemed to be sad, and so did she, therefore she would try and change the subject a bit. "You know, I still owe you that glass of milk."
"Heh, that's ok. I prefer to drink it from the source. By the way, what kind of fruit do you like the best? I've known you this whole time, but I've never bothered to ask until now." Michael said as he began to rub Christina's breasts in small circles. Michael would buy several kinds of fruit for her, but she never told him which she loved the best.
She looked down to see him rubbing her breasts once more, pushing herself gently up against him. Her back was beginning to hurt a bit, it seemed. When he mentioned fruit, her wings stirred to life a bit, her bat-like nature coming to life at the thought of fresh fruit. "The best? Hm...Oranges, probably. The juices are wonderful, and you don't have to worry about leaving anything left over." Being part fruit-bat, she could eat the whole thing and digest it easily, even the pulp and the skin. But it felt so much better to her to puncture the skin, than eat it. After all, it was within her nature.
"Oranges? Ok, I always thought you liked apples or bananas the most, but either way, I'll make sure to have one or two orange trees planted in the backyard for you to munch on. Or I could have an indoor garden built for you and have a fruit tree grove planted there. Do you like those ideas?" Michael asked as he gave a Christina a loving hug and kiss.
"I do, Michael. I pretty much like all fruits, you should know that." Oranges were just more fun to nibble on, in her opinion. "And you don't have to do anything like that, for me." Even if they both sounded like lovely ideas. Sometimes, she just liked her animal-side to take her over, and wished to fly and eat and sleep like a bat. She hadn't been able too in quite a while, though. And now, as she tried to sweep her wings out from behind her, she realized that she couldn't now either. With her weight, she was only able to make herself hover a bit above the ground. This saddened her greatly.
When he looked into her eyes again, Michael saw that she was quite sad and assumed it was because she couldn't fly like she used to before her belly grew to the size it was now. He tried to comfort her by holding her head gently against his chest. "Don't worry, when we get your belly back to it's former size, you'll be flying in no time." He said to her, as he resumed rubbing her ears.
Nuzzling her gentle head into his chest, his touches feeling calming to her, the looked up into his eyes and smiled gently before nodding. "I understand, but what do we do now?" After all, there was a good chance of her getting pregnant now, even if she wasn't quite sure how she'd know when it happened. But she still wasn't sure what they could do now, other than him helping himself to his breakfast some more.
"Well, would you like to spend some time together? Or maybe go out for a little bit?" Michael asked as he continued to rub her head and ears. He honestly didn't know what to do, if they had sex, Christina's belly would most likely grow again.
"We could always go out and spend time together, but how would I look like this to people?" She rubbed her belly a bit, then gave Michael a sort of mischievous look. That of which indicated that she was still naked, and that she would be showing off his wife-to-be to the world.
"Personaly, I wouldn't care what other people think about you. All that I care about is what you and I think about each other. Besides, that's all you should care about as well." Michael said as he stopped rubbing her head and ears, and began to rub her breasts and pussy. He loved fondling Christina's breasts and pussy almost as much as he loved sucking on her breasts and fucking her pussy.
Christina laid her hands gently over Michael's, trying to stop him from getting either of them aroused again. As much as she wanted to continue to feel him within her, neither of them seemed willing to risk it. "Michael, you don't want to get turned on again, do you?"
Realizing what he was doing, Michael stopped and looked back up at her. "Oh, sorry. I guess fondling and rubbing you became a habit of mine." Michael said to Cristina as he looked at he sheepishly. He just couldn't help himself sometimes when she was near.
She kissed into those lips of his, hoping to make him feel better. "I would have sex with you again, but I'm not sure how much more I can take of you." Christina put on a sort of smile, lacing her fingers within his as though trying to distract themselves from her body.
"Alright. I'll try to control myself when I'm around you. If I don't, please tell me. Does that idea sound good?" Michael asked as he returned her kiss with a more passionate one. He felt better when she kissed him, but he was still worried about her health and safety.
"Mmm..." Christina pulled out of the kiss, wrapping her arms more strongly about him. "And however will you be able to control those desires, without me to help you out?"
"I don't know, but I can guarantee that my love is for you and you only Christina, and I'll go to any length to prove it to you." Michael said as he wrapped his arms around her as well.
"We must try and find a middle ground. I don't wish to limit either of us. You know that." Christina began to walk forward, taking him along with her out of the kitchen.
"Of course I know that, but whenever we have sex, I just can't resist releasing my semen into you. It just feels so good." Michael said as he gave Christina another passionate kiss, though this one was intended to be several minutes long.
"Mmm..." Christina murred into the kiss, holding him tightly in her arms. She kissed deeply into him, exploring his caverns as she did so. His skilled tongue teased her, and she began to want even more, but she couldn't have it. Therefore, she savored what she had. One of her hands ran up along his neck, then through his hair, cradling his head within it as their kiss would continue.
"Mmmm." Michael too wanted more, but he couldn't, so he had to settle with he could get. As his tonuge explored her mouth, Michael held her tight in his arms as well. He felt one of her hands run up through his hair as he kissed her, so he began to do the same by rubbing her cheek and moving the hand to the back of her head.
This wasn't fair, to either of them. Why couldn't they just continue to have sex? If they did, she had an even higher risk of getting pregnant, which was good, but even more of a risk of losing to her own health. Which would be mad. Reluctantly pulling away from the kiss, Christina let her lips hover just over his as she caught her breath again, gently pulling on his lower lip with her teeth as she battled over this within her head.
"Careful with those teeth, I don't want to get stitches again because your teeth. Even though your a fruit bat, your teeth are still sharp." Michael said to Christina as he gave her a wink before pressing his lips up against her's.
"What can I say? I like to bite." Pressing her own lips back into his, Christina eventually forced herself to pull away from him. "I suppose, I should get back to cleaning up the kitchen, then." She muttered, rubbing her belly as she headed slowly back to where she was before they ended up having sex again.
"Alright. I'll try to control myself in the future." Michael said as he got off of her and let her walk to the kitchen. If his semen would just leak out, he could truly satisfy his lust and love he had for his wife-to-be.
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