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A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

"I know..." was all Michael said as he began to pound his cock into her pussy faster and harder. A few minutes had passed after he started thrusting his cock into her when he released his semen into her womb again, causing her belly to grow again. When her belly swelled this time, it began to creak and groan.
When be began to release into her body, and she felt as though her body was screaming out in a combination of pleasure and pain, Christina had to pause her actions. She found it hard to keep going into his body, and simply allowed him to continue to fill her with his seed. Once the erotic feelings were gone, the pain would take its place, but she was at least glad that he would be pleased by this.
"Ahh, that felt good. I'd ask to go again, but your body sounds like it can't take anymore of my semen." Michael said as he began to gently rub her belly, being careful not to put any pressure on it because it could burst.
At this point in time, she felt heavier than one who may have been through a full-term pregnancy. Removing herself from Michael's lap, she did a sort of sluggish movement and ended up plopping down on the couch next to him. Some of his semen seemed to slip from inside of her as she did this, her eyes closing as she tried to calm down.
"Are you ok Christina? You're just tired, am I right?" Michael had asked her. It was quite clear that he was still worried about her health and well-being.
"Yeah. Just a bit..." That, and she felt like she had a massive weight upon her even more, now. As always, though, she would do what was the best for him.

Laying her head back into the cushions of the couch, her silken locks falling off to the sides of her face as she did so, Christina rested her hues and finally caught her breath once more. "Did you enjoy that?" She asked, wanting to hear that he at least was pleased by that. Though, if she continued to lay the way she currently was, she wondered if he wouldn't try go get to her once more.
"Yes, I did enjoy it, and as much as I want to go again, I'm afraid that it would be your last. With your belly as big as it is, I'm afraid it would burst if anymore of my semen went into your womb." Michael said as he began to gently rub her belly, he wanted to suckle on her breasts, but he was too worried about her health to do so.
His touches were smooth and welcome upon her accommodating flesh, that of which would have to get used to all the other weight somehow. Whining lowly, though audibly, Christina laid a hand to his. "What am I supposed to do about this, Michael?" She questioned. She loved him, and lusted for him, but soon enough this would keep both of them happening the way that they were meant to.
"Well, I suggest we try to find a way to try and drain it out first before we do anything else." Michael said as he wrapped an arm around her neck and hugged her tightly. He cared for her greatly, but with her in the condition she was in, she'd be in serious trouble should she get pregnant.
When he hugged her so, she almost found it hard to hug him back, but found a way to do it anyhow. "Yes, but I don't really know of one..." It wasn't like she'd had this problem, before. Michael was the only man she'd ever let penetrate her, in the first place, and he'd most likely be the last.
"Well, I could try to squeeze it out, but it could either cause intense pain or it could cause your womb to burst." Michael said as he looked sorrowfully into her eyes.
"The pain, I can take." As for the latter happening, she doubted that it could wind up going well in any way, but she was willing to take the pain if she had to. For one, she couldn't even curl up to her love anymore, for two, it was already painful enough to have to bare the weight. She shouldn't have to do this until late pregnancy.
"Alright, lets go to the bathroom so we can clean up after I try to squeeze the semen out of you." Michael said as he helped her up on to her feet and walked with her to the bathroom.
Those were a set of words that she never thought she'd have to hear in her entire life, but as he helped her walk it became more and more known that her body was struggling to keep up with the load. It would creak and ache, wanting to be relieved. Inwardly, she wondered if Michael was actually alright with going through with this.
Once in the bathroom, Michael held her hand and rubbed it against his head. "If you somehow don't make it, I'll follow you soon." Michael said as he began to push on her belly.
His flesh felt cool and comforting to her, yet it held a sense of underlying fear. When his words finally hit her, they hit her kind of hard, as though reality may have just set in. As he began to push her belly, she groaned lightly, as though the shifting of the contents within were already enough to bother her. It would be a hard process, considering that once things went in, they normally didn't come back out as easily, but the more he would push, the more her body would soon begin to start seeping some of the fluids.
Michael saw some of the fluids begining to flow out of her womb and down her legs. "It's working. My semen is begining to flow out of your womb." Michael said as he slowly began to push harder onto her belly, causing more and more of the fluids to flow out and down her legs and onto the floor.
She expected it to hurt, because of the way things were alone. Going in was pleasurable, coming out seemed far from the fact. As he pushed more and more into her, her body tightened up, her wings cringing along with her clenched fingers. Christina tried her hardest not to make a sound, feeling the warm liquid make its way painfully out of her body.
About fifteen minutes had passed when almost all of the semen Michael had released into her came back out. "That's all I could get out Christina, the rest is still inside you." Michael said as he saw the large puddle of semen on the floor and realized that he'd need to get it cleaned up as soon as possible. The semen that Michael could not get out left Christina with a small belly.
She felt very sore, now, but more content that she was pretty much back to the way she was supposed to be. Her bare feet damp to the semen on the floor, Christina was finally able to speak again to her lover. "You go ahead and relax...I can clean this all up." The furry ran her slender, trembling fingertips through his hair, lifting his chin to place a soft kiss upon his lips.
Michael was surprised by her forwardness, but was happy nonetheless. "Alright, if you need me, I'll be on the couch, alright?" Michael said as he placed a hand on her cheek and returned her kiss onto her lips again.
As Michael left, Christina felt dizzy, but shook off the feelings so she could get to work. After all, she was doing to be his wife, wasn't she? Getting a few assorted chemical substances from below the sink, and several cloths and towels, Christina went to work. Soon enough, the smells of hard work would probably slip their way through the house, indicating that she was indeed doing her job and doing it well.

After a while of cleaning the liquid from the floor, and making the place all shiny and such again, Christina idly headed out of the bathroom and placed the cloths within the wash. The cleaning supplies were put away, and the laundry was now nonchalantly spinning of its own avail. Christina, on the other hand, began to feel odd again. Supposing it was from the chemicals getting to her, or something, she decided to go and lay down within her room rather than joining Michael on the couch.

Her room, that of which was warmer and darker than all the others, had a way of comforting her that Michael's did not. In here, she had the option to fly or to rest upside down, which she did decide to do. Since her belly was smaller now, she could lift her weight again. Therefore, she flew herself up to the ceiling of the room, wrapped her gentle feet and claws about one of the beams, and wrapped her wings around her form as she made herself comfortable.

Resting her eyes and relaxing herself, she wondered how long it would take Michael to notice she'd retreated to her own corner of the world.
An hour had passed, but Christina still hadn't joined him on the couch, so he got up and began to look around for her. Almost another hour had passed and Michael still hadn't found Christina, the last place he had left to look was her room. Everytime Michael went into her room, he thought it felt like a rainforest, without the light and rain of the real thing and almost always fell asleep in her room, and for some strange reason, it was always right below where Christina was resting when she was resting on the ceiling. As he opened the door to her room, Michael slowly walked inside, trying to see if she was here. Since her eyes were sensitive to light, Michael didn't turn the light on and looked up at the ceilling and saw Christina hanging from one of the beams on the ceiling.
She enjoyed the silence, and the darkness of her room. The warmth was very good for her, and would be even better whenever she became with child. Michael seldom seemed to be able to stay awake in here, which made her laugh inwardly everytime. Hearing the door open the slightest, her bat-like ears rose from within her hair and listened intently. She didn't even have to open her eyes to know it was him.

"Are you alright?" Her voice was soft, almost dream-like, as though she'd just awoken.
"Yea, I was just wondering where you went too. Since you didn't come to see me in the living room, I was assuming you were somewhere in the house. Though your room is the last place I always check for some unknown reason." Michael said as he continued to look up at her curled up body.
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