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A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

"Shall I get a trash can or something so you can avoid getting sick on the carpet?" Michael asked as he let her move on to her back and laid down next to her.
"I'll be fine, Michael." She muttered, closing her eyes and allowing the warmth of her room to comfort her. "I don't know what's come over me, though."
"Do you want me to stay with you and comfort you, or do you want me to leave you?" Michael asked as he wrapped his arms gently around her neck and breasts.
"Stay with me my love, my Michael. I feel so weak, yet I don't wish to be a burden to you." Within her mind, she told herself that she had just eaten something bad. Perhaps, though, his thick semen that coated her womb may have started to take its effects upon her unknowing body.
"Alright, I'll stay with you for as long as you want me to." Michael wispered into her ear as he began to gently rub and scratch her chin. As he did so, many things began to run through his head, but the one thing that kept coming back to him was pregnancy.
She emitted a low, gentle-sounding screech, as he scratched her chin. "Thank you." Christina managed to say back to him, pressing her lips into him for a moment. Having assured herself that it was probably just coincidence, she would close her eyes and rest easily while he made her feel content.
"You don't need to thank me. I'll do anything to make you comfortable, all you have to do is ask." Michael said as he wrapped his other arm around her breasts while continuing to rub her chin lovingly.
Suddenly, Christina would feel even sicker indeed, and would head out of her own room rather hastily. Not meaning to leave Michael, she felt bad as she swiftly shut the door to the bathroom behind her, beginning to get sick in the toilet. Another thing she'd have to clean later on, she figured.
Michael felt her break free from his embrace and heard her run towards what he assumed was the bathroom. After a few minutes had passed, she returned to her bed. "If you get getting sick like that, I may have to call for a doctor, unless you want me to call for one now." Michael said. He still couldn't see in the dark like Christina could, but from the sound of her footsteps, he could tell where she most likely was.
Having cleaned up and everything afterwards, Christina soon returned to the room and flopped down gently in her bed, rubbing her belly gently. "I'm fine," she muttered, closing her hues once more.
"Ok, but the moment you start to feel sick again, please let me know and I'll call for a doctor, alright?" Michael asked as he wrapped his arms back around her soft, warm body.
"You know I don't like anyone looking at me, except for you." She whispered, nuzzling herself into his body, her warmth surrounding him with such a gentle grace and ease.
"Alright, but I really do want you to be healthy when you do get pregnant, so our child when be happy and healthy as well." Michael said as he used one of his hands and began to gently rub and massage her breasts and used the other to rub and scratch her chin.
Christina began to wonder if he would care more for the child than her, but realized that it was probably sort of her 'duty' to her husband to bare his children without question. "Mmm..." She let out her gentle noises and utterances of pleasure, wandering her own hands over Michael's exposed body as he made her feel so good.
"Don't worry, even though out child will consume a great deal of time and love. My love for you will never, ever waver. I will love you with all of my heart until the day we die." Michael wispered into her ear and as he continued to rub and massage her body. Michael enjoyed rubbing and feeling her fur and body heat on his body.
Christina whimpered youthfully, noticing that he had seemingly read her mind. She nodded her head woefully, though, hoping that she could bare the perfect child for him. "Do you think it could be pregnancy, Michael? I mean...I wouldn't really know yet, would I?"
"Well, considering how much we had unprotected sex and the ammount of semen I'd released into your pussy and womb, I wouldn't say it's not, but then again, there is no such thing as a guaranteed pregnancy as well. I could order some pregnancy test strips for you, but they're effective about eighty percent of the time though." Michael said he placed his head next to her's and began to rub her cheek with his own.
Christina nodded. "I want to know, so if I am, I can make sure you have the best offspring possible. Though, I wonder how they will turn out, being of have you and me. Considering what I am, that is." Beneath her body her wings would shift, those dark eyes piercing through the darkness of her room as though it were commonplace to do so.
"I don't really care what our child looks like. I'll love him or her just as much. Though it does make me wonder if our child will have your wings and my eyes, or your eyes and my fur-less body...the posibllities are almost endless." Michael said as he began to think as to what their child would look like the most.
It would probably have the appearance of a human the most, considering much of her body looked to be that of a human, as opposed to that of a fruit bat. It may have little claws and wings, perhaps even her ears or eyes, but would probably look mostly of Michael. "And what would you have the gender be, I wonder?"
"Gender doesn't matter. If it's a girl, I'll let you teach her about the joys and wonders of the female body when she is old enough, and I'll do the same if it's a boy. Does that sound ok?" Michael wispered into her ear as her resumed gently rubbing her breasts in small circles.
"Hm...You don't know anything about the joys and wonders of being a female?" Christina grinned gently, through the darkness, wondering if he would be willing to take a lesson from an old professional.
"Well, I do...but I'd rather have someone who knows everything about the woman's body. Someone like you." Michael said as he embraced her and began to rub his cock against her butt again.
Christina turned her head to look over at Michael, feeling his cock rubbing against her ass. "Are you getting turned on again, my love? Am I going to have to fix it for you?" She smiled gently, for even when she was sick, she always seemed to have time to fuck around with Michael.
"I'm almost always turned on when you're around or involved Christina, and yes, I'd like you to fix it." Michael said as he began to poke her hips with his long rod, hoping she'd be willing to satisfy his lust again.
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