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A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

Some of his fluids had been periodically, nonchalantly leaking from her body, hiding itself beneath her fur as it did so, but more of it still remained. She needed to come up with a way to get more out. Either that, or she could just suck it up, have sex with him, and let him care for her when she was too big to stand properly anymore. Thinking about all of this began to take its toll, and Christina soon found herself nibbling at some fresh strawberries.
Michael laid down on the couch where the two of them just had sex. He wanted to prove just how much he loved her, so he began to think of ways he could show her. His first thought was to have a dark, fruit tree grove that had every kind of fruit tree on the planet, but the cost of doing so would quickly run into the millions, so he abandoned the idea and began to think of another way.
She couldn't stop but think of Michael, as she continued to nibble on those luscious strawberries. After a while, she wondered if one more time wouldn't hurt...And if so, at least she could play with him a little bit. Christina had needs to satisfy just like him, after all. Perhaps, she would learn to ignore her sex drive...After she had a bit of fun. Now that her work within the kitchen was done, she returned into the living room with a small bowl of strawberries within her hands. Sitting herself slowly next to him, she nuzzled his cheek, and hoped he'd play with her.
When he noticed Christina came into the room, sat down next to him, and nuzzled his cheek, Michael wrapped one arm around the back of her neck and used his hand to rub her breasts in circles, much like he'd normally do before they had sex. "Christina, you want to have sex again, am I right?" He asked her. Michael was sure he already knew her answer was yes.
"Hm? I never said that." She mumbled, suckling on the sweet juices from a strawberry as she did so. "I was just bringing you some fruit." Though, she wondered if he wanted it, too, considering he was rubbing her breasts in his usual before-sex way.
"Do don't have to ask. I can tell because you usually nuzzle my cheek in someway, though if you all you really wanted to do is bring me fruit, I'll still be happy." Michael said as he continued to rub her breasts and gently pulled her into his lap. With her belly as large as it was, it wouldn't take much for him to hurt her.
Christina allowed one of the strawberries she had picked up to linger just over Michael's lips, touching the flesh of the fruit to them gingerly. "I don't know how much longed I can do this, Michael." She wanted him. It was as simple as that.
Michael took the entire strawberry into his mouth and bit it in half using his front teeth, he then pressed his lips against her's and began to push the larger half of the fruit into her mouth. Michael wanted her as well, even though she was as big as a woman that was already nine months pregnant.
Willingly accepting the piece of fruit he offered back to her, she took it further into her mouth with her tongue and enjoyed the sweet juices of it before finishing it off. Christina took a soft hand through Michael's hair, hating this whole distraught feeling that was going through her mind now.
Michael began to chew his piece of the fruit went he felt Christina stroke his hair gently. With his lust and love growing, Michael pushed his head into her large, supple breasts and felt like he could fall asleep in them, the heat of her fur and the softness of her breasts felt like heaven on his face.
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Christina had well finished her piece of strawberry by now, and had picked out another sweet one from within the bowl. As she began to nibble steadily through the outer flesh of the fruit, she smiled down at Michael when she felt him laying within her breasts. She took a gentle hand to his face, caressing him so slowly and so wonderfully, her fur probably feeling very silken to him.
The fur on his face combined with the softness and warmth of her breasts felt so good, he felt like he could fall asleep right there. To prevent falling asleep in her breasts, Michael looked up at Christina's face with his head still in between her breasts. "Christina, the next time we go to sleep, let me use your body as a blanket and your breasts as a pillow." Michael said as he began to gently rub and suck on her breasts. As he suckled on her breast, He felt the sweet, creamy taste of her breastmilk on his tongue.
He could more than likely feel her heart beating, even through all of that soft fur and flesh. And right now, it was beating for him. Though she were accustomed to his touches, and knew what to expect of them, each and every one of them still seemed to send subtle jolts of electricity through her body. She caressed his face, and then began to run her fingers through his hair down to the nape of his neck. “As long as you don’t let me go, Michael.” The way he was drinking now reminded her of how a mother would feel at their young suckling on them for food. Yet, it had an underlying sense of lust about it.
As he continued to suckle on her breasts, Michael's cock grew hard beneath Christina's hips. Even though he was worried for her health, Michael just couldn't resist having sex with her whenever Christina was near. It was as if Christina herself was a drug to him, and an addictive drug at that. Michael pulled his head away from her breast and looked into her eyes. "I can't wait any longer. I need to feel my cock in your pussy." Michael said as he began to move his hips against her's.
She had a feeling that he was getting turned on by this, and had no doubt that he would soon want to have sex with her again. It was almost like an aphrodisiac to him, having her sitting before him naked, her wings occasionally moving of their own avail, her body inwardly aching for more. When she felt him move against her, the very thought of him being side of her again made her form writhe. However, if he were to keep doing this, then something bad could more than likely happen...But she soon moved her hips into his own, wanting to take the chance.
Michael began to push his cock into her pussy. He knew something bad could happen if he had sex with her too much, but he was willing to take that chance as long as Christina was. "So, shall I move or do you want to?" Michael asked as he held her tightly in his arms. He had a terrible feeling that this may be the last time he saw her alive, but tried his best to push it to the back of his mind and let his love and lust take over.
Her eyes seemed to roll back into her head as he pushed deeper and deeper into her warm, moist body. She had already been a bit wet from his actions up until now, so he didn't have much of a problem sliding himself in. "You've been doing all of the hard work, lately." Christina said, caressing his cheek with a gentle set of claws, before pushing herself into his cock even further. "I'll move, this time." Pushing him back onto the couch a bit, she kissed his lips sexily and began to ride her body into his erection.
Michael returned her kiss with a passionate, yet sexy kiss as well. "Alright. I'll relax and let you do the work for once. Though if you get tired, let me know and I'll take over." Michael said as he extended a hand and placed it on her cheek gently.
"Of course." She smiled vaguely, taking over his usual job. Though, she wondered if he would get as much fun out of it this way. Everytime she drove him back inside of her, she seemed to moan even louder than before, the friction heating her body up.
The heat of Christina's body and pussy on his cock was driving Michael wild with pleasure, though it wasn't as fun for him when he let her do all the work, but it was still just as pleasurable for him. "Oh Christina, that feels good. It feels just as good when I'm doing all the work."
Honestly, she wouldn't have minded at all if he did more of the work. Christina was more of a cock tease, herself. She liked to lick and suckle, to poke and prod, and to be a total turn on. Meanwhile, she also liked being pounded like never before. But she wanted Michael to rest, therefore she continued to go into him, closing her eyes and continuing to moan and pant. "Michael..."
"Christina..." Michael called out when he heard her call his name. With her moving as fast and hard as she was going, Michael felt like he was going to release soon. With her boucing on his cock, Michael felt like he needed to release as soon as possible, so he began to thrust his cock into her pussy with every move she made.
She continued to push herself harder, faster, her breasts rising and falling rhythmically with every single motion of her swaying body. Even her belly began to painfully jiggle, reminding her that his semen was still within her body. Then, he began to work himself into her, and she called out in ecstasy. "Please, Michael...Damn it..." Christina wanted him so badly right now, and wanted him to work her harder than ever.
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