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A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

Each time he stroked her hair, she felt even closer to him. To show her affection, she began to nip gently at his collarbone, kissing after each gentle bite to his flesh. "I'm glad you're happy...And I want you to remain that way, forever."
"Well, as long as you stay by my side, love and care for only me, will I not only be happy, but I will return the favor, by staying by your side, love and care for you, and only you." Michael wispered in her ear as he continued to stroke her head softly and lovingly.
"I promise." She whispered into his ear, nuzzling herself further into him. She ran both of her hands up through his hair, then down his jawline a back down to his chest, kissing him deeply. "You've made me feel so wonderful...So beautiful."
"Well, I'm glad I've made you happy." Michael said as he returned her kiss passionately. After a few minutes of kissing, Michael broke the kiss, and began to play with her large, supple breasts. "I'm glad you're so beautiful, but even if you weren't so beautiful, I'd still love you."
Christina laughed a gentle laugh, smiling softly as he played with her breasts. She was glad he was rather fond of them, and liked to drink from them. "Well, I wonder if there's anything we can do to celebrate this momentous occasion?"
"Well, I can think of two things. One idea is that he could have a fancy dinner and enjoy the night together, or we could simply make more love." Michael said as he continued to rub her breasts. He enjoyed being with Christina, just seeing her was enough for him to make his heart throb with love.
Well, she was rather hungry, but at the time she still felt inclined to do what he pleased, therefore she would ask him which he'd prefer to do. "I'm alright, with either. Or both." Christine smiled, then turned herself around against Michael's body. Now, her back was in his chest, his hands replaced upon her breasts where they seemed to feel most at home. She laid her head back against his shoulder, her ears perking up as she did so.
"Heh, well, lets eat first. I'm in the mood for a 'milk'shake. If you know what I mean." Michael said as he continued to rub her breasts. As much as he loved Christina's breasts, he always thought that they could be a bit bigger. "Say Christina, what do you think of having bigger breasts. I mean a pair that are bigger than what you have now?"
Christina blushed deeply across her cheeks, nudging herself deeper into his body. "You can have desert anytime you want." Closing her silver hues, she raised her head up once more when he mentioned enlarging her breasts. "Wouldn't that hurt?" She didn't really want to have herself cut open, but she supposed he had a better idea.
"Well, I've heard of a new drug that is supposed to enhance a woman's breast size naturally, but one of the more unpleasent side effects that I've heard of is rapid and uncontrolable breast growth, but that happend to only one woman out of ten thousand women. So the odds of it happening are very slim. Plus it is designed to work on only women, so women can still breastfeed there children, and in your case, husband." Michael said as he continued to rub her breasts in small circles. Although the thought of Christina's breasts growing out of control excited him, he knew she wouldn't like it because she wouldn't be able to walk, let alone fly.
Petting his head gently, a stray hand wandering down a trail to his leg, she nodded her head subtly. Her other hand went atop one of his, that of which was busy rubbing her so wonderfully. "Are you getting turned on by the thought?" Christina asked, smirking as she did so. "I'll try it, for you, my love."
"Thank you, and yes, I was getting turned on by the thought of it. In fact, I get turned on every time I just think about or look at you." Michael said as he continued to rub one of her breasts and used the other hand and begun to gently rub her pussy. Michael knew Christina wouldn't need much, if any stimulation.
"Then, you're probably turned on 99% of the time." Christina joked, wondering if he was really serious about that one. She had heard that men think about sex for most of their days, but Michael truly would be a living, breathing example of that, if he was telling the truth. "Mmm..." A seductive murr escaped her lips, her other hand now relaxing against Michael's tantalizing one. She felt herself beginning to pulse within her core, already.
"Oh Christina, lets make love now." Michael said as he began to rub his, thick, throbing cock up against her arse. He knew she didn't need much stimulation to get ready for sex, so he gently picked her up and began to use his cock to poke and prod her pussy teasingly.
His thick cock being rubbed up against her tight ass was already enough to get her started, much less the fact that she now had him poking about her sensitive pussy without remorse. "Please, let me satisfy you, first." After all, he had already done enough for her. She may as well repay the favor. "Can I?"
Michael placed one of his hands underneathe her chin and gave her a loving and gentle kiss on the cheek. "Sure, but since we are to be wed, you don't need to ask me twice, alright?" He said as he began to rub and scratch her chin, much like he would a cat's chin. He didn't know if she enjoyed it, but he would soon find out.
She let out a low, barely inaudible screech-like noise. It wasn't painful to the ears, but it was one of the few noises that she made as a fruit bat when she found it within her to do so. It just so happens that she has a sweet spot for the underside of her chin. As he would scratch her so lovingly, she would take one of her hands and grace his growing erection with it, watching his face to indicate that he was going to enjoy her little 'gift' to him.
"I take it you like having your chin scratched?" Michael asked as he felt Christina rubbing his cock. "Oh Christina, your hand is almost as good as your pussy. Though, I would like to see how your mouth feels on my cock."
She nodded gingerly, stroking him a bit harder, this time around. "How did you know, that's what I intended on doing." Instead of laying herself on her stomach, like she probably would have normally done, she turned herself onto one side and folded up her wings behind her back. Resting her soft head on one of his legs, her silken locks feeling so delicate to his flesh, she teased his head with her tongue a bit, before wrapping her mouth around the head of his cock. Seeing as it was the most sensitive part of his manhood, she would suckle gently upon him, being careful not to pierce him with her teeth. Periodically, that skilled warm tongue of her's would prod into his slit a bit, making her want to touch herself out of empathy pleasure.
"Oh Christina, how did you get so good? I feel like I'm going to release soon." Michael said as he felt the tip of his cock being felt by her mouth and tonuge. The feeling of her tonuge on his cock felt almost exactly like her pussy. Michael almost released his semen when he felt Christina's tonuge rub against his cock's slit.
Though she couldn't speak at the moment, her eyes pierced through him seductively. Needing to be touched again, she took his hand and placed it atop her pussy, encouraging him to ease her pains while she pleasured him. She took him in even deeper, feeling him throbbing within her mouth. If he wanted to release now, she would simply drink away his seed, licking the remainder of it off of his cock before allowing him to pleasure her.
"Oh Christina, I'm going to release." Michael said as he released his seed into her mouth and began to rub her when she took one of his hand as placed in on her pussy. He began to rub her roughly, trying to get her to release as well.
His hot release was more than plentiful, and she pulled back from him for a moment before swallowing it down after she got used to the texture once more. It was a thick feeling within her mouth, but she could handle it. Now, she cleaned him off, dancing her tongue over his soft flesh. Meanwhile, she pushed herself into his hand, needing to feel a bit more before being able to climax from his touches.
"Oh Christina, that was heavenly. It felt almost exacting like your pussy." Michael knew Christina wouldn't be satisfied that easily, so he continued to roughly and quickly rub her pussy, trying to return the favor she gave him. After a few minutes of rubbing, Michael felt her pussy begining to shake against his hand.
After all of the fluids were removed from his shaft, she felt her claws threaten to sink into his flesh as she was atop her own climax within several minutes. She continued to push Michael's hand into her body, until she finally moaned out a deep release. From within her, some of her juices would begin to seep out, probably on Michael's hand. "I needed that..." She breathed.
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