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A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

"With all of that extra weight, I don't think you'll be able to fly anytime soon. Though I don't mind keeping you entertained." Michael said as he gave her breasts two quick licks each, before grabbing them and putting both nipples into his mouth and sucking on them, causing more breastmilk to flow into his mouth.
A bit saddened by that, Christina would fold her bat-like wings beneath her body, trying to sit herself up to accommodate her master's desire to drink from her.
"Actually Christina, I'm glad you can't right now. At least now I can show how much I love and care for you." Michael said as he sat up and let her move around, before going back to her breasts to feed from them.
Pulling him in closer to her, her legs still wrapped about his body, she ran her clawed hands through his hair with ease, moaning gently at his periodic pulls at her breast. "Is it really that good for you, master?"
Upon hearing her question, Michael stopped drinking and looked into her eyes. "Is what good? Me drinking your breastmilk? Or you not being able to fly?" Michael asked as he felt her soft, furry legs still around his waist. Michael enjoyed the feeling of her furry body pressing up against his body.
"My breastmilk. You seem addicted." She put on a vague smile, pushing a bit closer into him. Any further, and that swelled belly of hers would be knocking into him. And she had a distinct feeling that it wouldn't feel too good.
"I am addicted to it. Unlike a cow's milk which has to be pasturized and cooled just for it to be drinkable only to have a bland, almost non-existant taste, where as your's is sweet, warm, and thick, much like cream with a lot of sugar. You should try a mouthful for yourself." Michael said as he pulled her into his hips, grabbed one of her breasts and gently turned it so the nipple was facing her mouth.
Lucky for her that her breasts were rather large enough to do that with such ease. As he held onto her breast, she began to suckle gently onto her own nipple. He was right, in saying it was addictive. Closing her eyes and moaning a bit into her own actions, she would soon stop and allow her master to have her back, the milk substance rolling over her tongue and down her throat with such ease.
"Well? What do you think of your own breastmilk?" Michael asked as he gently let her breast fall back to where it was. Because her breasts where large and sensitive to pain, Michael knew he had to be careful with her Christina's breasts. Her wings were also sensitive to pain.
"I can see why you're so addicted." She said, kissing into his lips, some of the milk still lingering within her mouth. Flapping her wings behind her back, Christina smiled into his form and caressed him easily.
"In fact, why don't we start drinking your milk instead of cow milk when I eat. What do you think of that idea?" Michael asked as he returned her kiss by sticking his tongue into her mouth and began to play with Christina's tongue.
She wrapped her tongue about his own, dancing about it before delving deeply into his mouth and exploring his caverns with such dominance. After several moments, she pulled her lips reluctantly away from him. "If that would make you happy, then it will be done."
"Alright, lets do it then." Michael said as his stomache grolwed, as if on cue. "Eheh. I guess my stomache can't get enough of your breastmilk." Michael said as he reached out and began to gently rub her breasts.
She murred at his touches, his hands massaging her aching breasts so wonderfully. Closing her hues, Christina let part of her body relax against his, but still gave him access to her breasts.
Michael wrapped his arms around Christina's body and pulled her so close, her breasts and belly were pushed up against his chest and belly. "So, aside from having sex and flying, whatelse do you like doing?" Michael asked as he held her close to him and began to stroke her head.
Pouting gently into his shoulder as he held onto her, she gave him the most honest answer she could come up with. "Master, I don't really know. You see, I have been owned before...I never had sex with any of my other owners, truth be told, but they gave me little freedom to go out and try to enjoy myself." Most of them were violent, and had no problem beating the shit out of her. Her fur his the scars they left behind.
"Well, I suppose we could always try some of the things I like doing, but first, I'll need to buy some clothes for you. Since you've been nude for as long as I can remember, you may have some difficulty adjusting to them." Michael said as he continued to stroke and rub her head. The one thing that was an indication that she was a slave was a collar that was on her neck.
Christina tried to ignore that the collar existed, for it showed a major sign of her enslavement. Now that she was thinking about it, she felt around it with her gentle hands and sighed softly. She couldn't ask for a better master, but the fact was that she was still nothing more than a slave. "As you wish."
When Michaelsaw her grab the collar around her neck, Michael gently grabbed her hand and held it tightly. "You want to be more than just my slave, am I right?" Michael asked her as he continued to hold her hand tightly. It was a well known fact that if a master removes a slave's collar, the slave is either considered free, or engaged to the master, but it was more often than normal that the former that happens.
His hand wrapping itself around his, she pushed her thumb across the top of his hand, her silken fur probably feeling good against his fleshy skin. "It's not...I don't know." Christina couldn't quite find the words for it, but she attempted to explain anyhow. "You're the perfect master, in many ways...You don't hurt me, you don't mistreat me. You give in to my desires, and I can please you like you wish to be pleased. And someday, I'll be carrying your children for you. I belong to you, and only you...And I don't think I'd have it any other way." Nuzzling her face deeply into his shoulder, she kissed into his neck after finishing what she had to say.
"Well, I know of one thing that will make even happier than you are now." Michael said as he reached behind her neck and began to take the collar off. He knew she'd be unbelievably upset and sad if he continued to think of and treat her as a slave. Once the collar was off of her neck, Michael threw it off to the side and placed a hand behind her head. "You're the perfect woman anyone could ever ask for. You're beautiful, you're a great cook, you know when and how to please me, you always make sure that both of us are in good health, and someday you'll want to carry my child. You're the perfect woman, and you'd make the perfect wife." Michael said as he looked into Christina's eyes lovingly and passionately, then gave her a deep, long, passionate kiss.
Tilting her head a bit into his shoulder, she wondered what that could possibly be. When he reached behind her neck and began to finger at her collar, she went wide-eyed and wondered what he could be doing. To her surprise, he had actually taken it off, and thrown it away from the both of them. Christina couldn't help but take her fur-laden hands over her now exposed neck, looking up at her lover with beaming eyes. She felt a strong blush beneath the surface of her face at his words, the took advantage of his passionate kiss. He wanted her to be his wife, and to be with him for a very long time, if not forever. What more could she ask for? Wrapping her arms about his body, then her wings, she murred into his deep kiss and held him there so strongly.
Michael continued to kiss Christina passionately as she wrapped her arms and wings around him. Several minutes had passed when Michael finally broke the kiss. "Christina, will you marry me, and be with me forever?" Michael wispered into her ear in a soft, lovingly tone. Michael finally admitted his feelings for Christina. He desperately wanted to hear her answer.
"If you'll have me, I'll marry you, and love you and only you forever." She almost felt as though tears were welling up in her soft silver hues, her hands caressing his back as she said this. "Thank you...For everything." Christina wasn't even sure what she was to call him, anymore, considering she called him Michael since she was brought here. Her wings would move gleefully behind her, her breasts and stomach jiggling as they did so. She still had his fluids within her, after all.
"Thank you....thank you so much. You've no idea how happy you've made me; and you don't need to thank me, because I fell in love with you since the first time we locked eyes." Michael said as he began to stroke the back her head. With each and every stroke, Michael made sure Christina could feel just how much he loved her.
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