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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Amaya nodded the best she could, watching him leave with tired eyes. It took a monumental amount of strength to move her arm alone, feeling her heavily bandaged chest and abdomen.
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Amaya required Sasuke to hold her up, too weak to hold herself upright as she drank every drop of water he had brought her. “How long was I out..?” She asked once she was done, looking to Sasuke again.
“Thanks… really..” She muttered looking him over- his appearance was different, not much, but a few details were different. “New look..?”
"Hm?" He seemed confused before he looked himself over. His nails were long and pointed and his hair had gotten longer. He couldn't see, but he had fangs and his eyes were sharp; pupils thin like a cat's were.
“It looks good on you..” She teased. “You look more like a god now..” She coughed heavily, causing her to wince and hold her chest in pain.
Pain radiated from her wounds, making her clench her teeth. “I’m fine, I’m fine, just a little trouble breathing normally..” She said, taking a moment to steady her breathing. “What’s more important is what we do now… He’s going to come back again.”
“We can’t just sit here and hope that he won’t.” She argued. “We need to prepare for a fight.” Amaya was in no condition to fight, she couldn’t even sit up on her own.
Amaya let out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes. “It’s not like I can do anything against you anyway..” She muttered. “But at least put up a barrier to make me feel better..”
“Only if my prince insists on sitting on his ass with no plan at all..~” She groaned in pain, feeling her wounds full extent now that she was finally awake.
It seemed to put Amaya at ease a bit. “Thank you..” She said softly. “At least that way you’ll be able to tell if anyone comes poking..”
Amaya nodded, trying to get comfortable in the bed. “So.. I know we didn’t get to talk much about it before, but what consequences will there be for binding you to my body..?”
Amaya gave a tired laugh, a sad look on her face. “Somehow that isn’t comforting at all.” She said.
Amaya looked away, a small frown on her face. “No, it’s not that.. I just don’t like the idea of you dying.. Plus I doubt we’re bound for the same place..”
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