Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

“Neither is having a bullet stuck in me.” She swallowed hard. “They entered through my back, at least one hit me in the lung.”
He frowned and helped move her so he could get to the bullet holes easier. He twirled his fan and it turned into long thin tweezers, "Do you need something to bite on?"
Amaya shook her head as she pushed as much of her sleeve as she could into her mouth, biting down hard and focusing on her breathing. Sasuke could almost see one of the bullets, just under her skin, lodged into her ribs. She had been shot three times in total, and while one was superficial and had only gone through non-vital areas, the other two had gone through organs or hit bone.
He took a breath and tried to work on removing the bullets quickly, knowing it would not be a pleasant experience for her the longer he took digging around.
Amaya stiffened as he started to dig into her wounds to remove the bullets, grunting in pain as she bit down harder on her sleeve. She knew it would be the best to get the bullets out now rather than leave them in and let them fester.
Amaya cried out as he dug for the second one, biting her sleeve hard and clenching her fists. Blood trickled out of the wound as he dug for it, bullet lodged deep in her back, giving him a bit of trouble.
Amaya let out a groan of agony as he finally got the last bullet, letting herself collapse onto the ground in exhaustion. “Th-Think I’ll get lucky and avoid having anything important hit..?” She joked.
Amaya laughed weakly, laying her head down on the ground, eyes heavy. “Must be nice to be a god..”
Amaya groaned and clenched her teeth, pain glaring from her wounds. “Just don’t get the priests involved, they’ll tell the school and then they’ll come sniffing around my business..”
"I won't say anything.." He said as he brought her to a spare room, laying her gently on the bed, "Just rest. If you get hungry, I'll go steal some food for you."
“No, I don’t think my stomach is in any shape for that..” Amaya curled up stiffly, closing her eyes and trying to rest.
Amaya slept for three days, barely moving in the bed that was stained with her blood. Although Sasuke was cleaning and dressing her wounds, he wasn’t really much of a healer, so she wasn’t healing any faster than normal.
He was annoyed and angry. What happened to even get to this point? And Amaya wasn't talking, so he couldn't get anything from her even if he wanted.
Her eyes were sunken in, complexion more pale than usual with the blood loss, but he had little he could do to treat her besides herbal remedies and cursed energy. Her breathing was slow and shallow, but he had managed to re-inflate her lung, now all she had to do was hang on a little longer, heal just a little more.
Sasuke didn't really leave her side, asking the remaining priests to help him do what he could for her. He could keep her alive, but whether she wanted to live or not was up to her.
What was worse was she was housing a fraction of his power within her own body, which only put more strain on her; but on the fourth day she woke. She could hardly move, in pain and lethargic, mouth as dry as a bone as she looked around the room slowly.
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She blinked slowly, swallowing painfully and looking to Sasuke. “I take it that means Date hasn’t come back yet..?” She was at least still alive, even if her body felt like it had been hit by a truck.
“Like shit..” She muttered. “Can I get some water..?” She asked, wanting to sit up, but finding she had no strength to do so.
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