Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

"What did you do to her?" Sasuke knew right away who the curse was, a heavy scowl on his face. Masamune reached to pet Megohime's face.
"Isn't she much more beautiful this way? I quite like her." Sasuke wasted no time, his fan snapping shut with a loud vibrating sound, one both Amaya and Masamune felt deep in their bones. And like that, the God-Shard was gone, now behind Masamune with his fan sharp as a razor, pulled back to slice.
The shadowy curse that was born of Megohime twisted around Masamune like a snake, screaming at Sasuke with an awful, distorted voice. “Don’t touch him!” She moved between the two without hesitation, taking the blow that didn’t seem to affect her body at first, but as purple blood dripped onto the floor, it was clear she had been wounded.
Sasuke didn't stop there; his fan snapped closed again and turned into a tanto, he spun it in his palm to bring it down on Masamune. It froze inches from his chest and Masamune smirked before he saw the blade start to move downward. He jerked back immediately, not wanting to get stabbed.
Megohime attacked, lunging forward and swinging at Sasuke with her claws, her smile now an angry frown as she tried to drive Sasuke away. “Just die! Die and let us kill that awful woman!!”
Her hand flew off her wrist before she even registered he had cut it off, Sasuke's eyes glowong with rage and hate.
"Just try it. See how far you get."
The hand fell to the ground and dissipated into shadows, Megohime letting out a scream of pain as a new hand grew from the stump of her arm. “That hurts! That’s hurts!!” She was after Sasuke again, her attention clearly on him now.
Good. It's where he wanted it to be; if he could keep them away from Amaya while his cursed energy healed her, he was all for it.
"What's the matter? What happened to that big scary domain you used to have? Lost it with your pretty looks when you died?" He taunted.
Megohime was slamming her clawed hands into the ground where Sasuke had been, trying to crush him where he stood. “Domain…?” Her voice sounded confused, almost tired. “Ooooh~ That’s riiight~” The shadows at Sasuke’s feet started to shift and swirl, starting to slow his movements. “I wooonder~ can I still do something like thaaat~?”
Shit, this was bad. He needed to stop her before she completed her domain. His fan turned back and he threw it hard at Masamune, watching it spin toward his neck and hoping it would break her focus.
Break her focus it did, he saw her eyes move toward Masamune, and instantly she dropped back into the shadows, popping back up in front of Masamune just in time take the fan in the back, shielding him from the blow.
"Arigatou, Megohime." Masamune said gently, "Does it hurt?"
"It fucking better." Sasuke rushed forward, a massive fiery amalgamation of his cursed energy rising up behind him in a wave, ready to smash into Megohime and Masamune.
“It hurts.. It hurts..! It hurts!!” She turned to attack Sasuke wrapping herself around him and taking the flames head-on, trying to catch Sasuke in the fire as well, doing everything she could to try and keep Masamune from harms way.
"God, look at you." The mass of energy was almost cooking her, burning her murky form as it consumed them, but never once touched Sasuke. "You're pathetic. Nothing more than a dog. If he cared for you, he wouldn't send you to your death a second time." He caught Masamune turn toward Amaya and his fan ripped from Megohime's back and cut into Masamune's leg, forcing him to one knee.
"Your Limitless bullshit can only protect you from me for so long." Sasuke hissed.
Megohime still held onto Sasuke, even though the pain was becoming unbearable, lumps of shadow falling from her body and onto the floor. When Masamune was injured, she screamed again. “Stop!” She reached for Sasuke’s throat, red eyes glowing in pain. “Don’t hurt him!”
She grabbed him roughly by the throat, even though it caused her pain to do so. “Masamune!” She sounded scared and unsure of what to do next.
Megohime hesitated before letting go of Sasuke, her fingers crumbling a bit as she let go. She quickly retreated into the safety of his shadow, her presence slowly diminishing.
Sasuke's fiery energy disappeared and he watched Masamune struggle to stand.
"If I see you again, your head will be a new decoration in my shrine." Sasuke said lowly behind his fan. Masamune snorted and limped away, ignoring the burning pain in his calf.
“I’m sorry, Masamune.” Megohime’s voice came from the shadow. “I tried to keep you safe..”

Amaya still sat where Sasuke had left her, not having moved an inch. Her head hung in front of her, her breathing shallow and pained.
"Don't worry about it, Megohime. You did your best, that's all I can ask." Masamune told her.

Sasuke moved over to Amaya and checked on her, "Hey, what did I say about dying...?"
Amaya barely managed to pick up her head, skin pale and clammy. “I’m not dead.. just resting..” She muttered, but it was clear she was struggling not to pass out.
“I figured… one or two are still in there, but one went right through.. Think you can get ‘em out..?” She asked, looking to him with tired eyes.
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