Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

“I’m refusing the job, that’s why.” She was doing her best to keep her anger under control, turning her back to him. “Call me again when you have a real job for me.”
There was a loud pop and pain shot through her back before another pop and more pain. Looking back showed Masamune pointing a gun at her, eye dark with anger.
Amaya knew exactly what the sound was, feeling a warm wet feeling slowly spreading down her back and stomach. I’m an instant she materialized her pistol, shooting back at Masamune as she stumbled back through the office door. She managed to slam the door behind her, leaving a smear of blood against the door as she went. She cursed under her breath as she held her side, hurrying toward the manor door as fast as she could; already it was hard to breathe, knowing that Masamune must’ve gotten her in the lung.
Amaya stumbled and almost fell, grinding her teeth as she tasted blood. She took cover behind a wall, shooting back at Masamune as she made a dash for the door, leaving a trail of blood behind as she ran. She struggled to get her motorcycle started, blood dripping from her wounds as she sped away from Masamune’s manor.
“Should I kill her~?” Masamune’s shadow stretched out before him, darkening and shifting at his feet.
“Hai~” The shadow split from his own, slithering away along the ground before disappearing into the shadows created by the clouds.

Amaya rode her bike as fast as it could carry her, knowing Masamune would probably be coming after her; she never figured that he would turn on her like that so suddenly, but seeing as how she refused the job, it made sense. She nearly spun out a few times, reaching the base of the mountain that housed the temple Sasuke resided in. Her whole body was shaking, bleeding badly from her wounds, falling from her bike as she tried to park it. She needed to address her wounds, but she needed to do it somewhere that wouldn’t leave her exposed.

A small black shadow hung around Masamune’s neck, vaguely taking the shape of a snake, made of the same shadows Megohime’s body was. “A temple in the mountains..” Her raspy voice came through the snakes mouth. “There are few humans there but they’re all weak..” She reported.
Masamune hummed and moved to make his way to his car, "Good girl, Megohime. Keep your eye on her."

Sasuke was sitting in his domain, eyes focused on the heavy cloid pf chaos floating in the air, hiding behind his fan as he watched it grow. What was happening outside? Were the humans causing trouble so close?
“Hai~ I think she’s trying to get help from the priests there- can I kill them~?”

Amaya trudged her way up the steps, breathing heavily; never before had these stairs been so hard to climb, even the very first time she had climbed them. Blood was left behind with each step she took, staining the steps red and leaving an easy trail to follow. Breathing was getting harder, and her limbs were growing heavier- she was dying, plain and simple.
"No. Not yet." He told her, "Be patient, darling."

He could smell blood, the air heavy with the iron copper aroma he was all too familiar with. He didn't like it, never liked it, and certainly hated how close it was to his temple.
Megohime made a soft noise of disappointment, but didn’t argue with Masamune. “She looks like she’s going to die soon anyway..”

Amaya reached the top of the stairs and collapsed to her knees, still clutching her side despite that her blood was leaking through her fingers. Everyone was inside due to the rain, but it was better not to involve them anyway, none of them were sorcerers. She took a moment to try and catch her breath, but knew that the reason she was struggling to breathe was more than likely due to a collapsed lung. She had to keep moving, needed to get to Sasuke, but would he even be able to do something about Masamune?
"That's why I need you to be patient." He stated firmly.

The chaos was heavy around the temple now and he really didn't like it. The priests were still alive, which was good, but if any of them got hurt he would show himself.
Megohime agreed begrudgingly, making sure she was a good distance from Amaya as to not alert her.

Amaya was back on her feet again, making her way slowly to the hall that contained the first set of seals for Sasuke. As expected, no one was inside, allowing her to pull down each seal as she went. Once removed from the wall and torn, they erupted into flames and vanished, Amaya making her way through the hall and toward the inner sanctum.

With the first seal destroyed, Sasuke felt a rush of power and emotions return to him all at once; it was small, but soon after he felt another rush. It was like one by one chains were falling away from his body.
Sasuke hadn't felt this surge in hundreds of years, and he had no idea who or what was ripping down his seals. He pulled himself from his domain, wanting to find the idiot who was unleashing him.
The hall doors were wide open, blood trailing inside along with water from the rain. All six of the external seals had been torn from the walls and destroyed, leaving only ash on the ground. The trail of blood and water lead to the inner sanctum, where the doors inside were also left open; the intruder must be inside with his final seal, something that really wasn’t good.
Amaya could feel Sasuke coming, but it already took too much energy keeping herself upright against the wall; she couldn’t call out to hun to alert him of her presence. Her hand was shaking as she tried to peel away the last seal, her breathing labored as she managed to get one corner free.
Amaya looked over her shoulder to look at Sasuke, her exhaustion and desperation showing on her face. “Sorry, I didn’t really have time to stop by and explain.. but he’ll be here soon, and I won’t be able to help you fight..” Amaya almost lost her footing from the blood on the floor around her feet. “Sorry, but you’ll probably have to take the rest from here.” Amaya pulled the last seal from the wall as she collapsed to the floor, leaning against the wall as she placed the seal against her chest. Almost immediately the seal engulfed into flames, but this time it merged through her clothes and vanished, attaching itself to her body instead.
The moment it attached to her body, Sasuke felt as though some final lock had finally been released, unsealing the last bit of his powers.
It was like a massive rock had been pulled from his body and he took a deep breath of air like he hadn't in years.
"I hope you know what this means, Amaya." He said softly, turning when he heard foot steps, "Now you really aren't allowed to die."
Amaya let out a soft laugh, resting her head back against the wall. “Just make sure he doesn’t kill everyone here first, then we’ll worry about me..”
"You don't have to tell me twice." Sasuke said, scowling behind his fan as Masamune appeared.
"I see, she's still kicking." Masamune remarked.
"Sorry to disappoint you." Sasuke replied, "Now, if you'd be so kind, get the fuck out of my temple."
"I'm afraid I can't. Not until she's dead." Masamune said and Sasuke saw his shadow shimmer a bit.
His shadow was dark as pitch, and Sasuke felt a second presence near Masamune as the shadows at his feet started to stir and rise from the floor behind him. A tall slender figure loomed behind Masamune, elongated arms almost curling around him protectively as a wide grin full of sharp teeth opened up on the curses face, two glowing red eyes opening up to stare down at Sasuke.
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