Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Nana flinched at his touch, but held firm, scowling deeply. “If you killed him, I wouldn’t do a single thing you said.”
"You will be easy to break with your pet gone."
"I'm not a pet." Motochika hissed, trying figure out how to get Nana away from him. Ichijo hummed as his hand moved lower.
"You aren't? Seems like you are."
Nana’s face started to flush as he caressed her collarbones, hand slowly moving lower. “If he’s just a pet, why’re you so afraid of him? Using me as a shield to avoid him.”
Nana managed to elbow him as hard as she could in the side of the head, still weak and in pain from being battered around.
He hissed and grabbed her hair, smacking her into the boxes. Motochika lurched forward before the club smacked him hard in the face, forcing him back.
Nana cried out in pain, coughing and slumping back against the boxes, a sharp pain in her back from being hit so hard.
Nana looked to Motochika with a wince; would he be able to fight this guy off if she gave him all that she had? If she just flooded all of his cursed energy to him, surely Motochika would win.
Motochika's eyes flickered, as if sensing what she planned to do. But that thought was dashed when Ichijo grabbed her jaw firmly and pulled her head upward, kissing her hard. Motochika's eyes turned a deep red and he moved forward again, only to stop when he felt weaker. Wait, why did he feel weaker?
Nana made a noise of surprise, eyes wide as her brain registered what he was doing, and what was happening. She tried to push away, tried to break the kiss and stop him from whatever he was doing to cause her cursed energy to deplete quickly.
"Son of a bitch...!" Motochika snarled, his limbs felt heavy as he tried to move to crush Ichijo. When Ichijo pulled away, Nana felt lightheaded and tired - he drained a lot of her energy in such a short time.
It left her breathless and panting, but only becuase of the sudden huge loss of cursed energy. She tried to push away from him when he pulled away, face red. “Bastard..!”
"You can't tell me you didn't enjoy it~" He purred, petting her cheek again. If Motochika weren't so heavy, he'd crack Ichijo's head like an egg.
"Stop...touching her..." He growled out.
Nana had never used this much cursed energy, even when training hard with Motochika. “You’re not my type..!” She sneered.
"I can easily fix that~" He said, his hand moving over her breast. Motochika took another step forward, fists clenched tight, and Ichijo glanced at him briefly.
Nana ground her teeth, ears burning as she turned her head away, trying to smack him hard. “Don’t touch me!” She still had some strength in her limbs, but not enough to really hurt.
Nana only kept trying to shove him off, hitting and punching him with the last bits of strength that she had, fighting tears as she did so.
Nana’s insults and demands to stop echoed throughout the warehouse as she tried to fight him off, but she was too weak to do so. Every so often, Motochika felt a small spike in energy, like Nana was desperately trying to give him more cursed energy, but it was barely enough.
Motochika was only getting angrier as he watched, and his rage flew over the handle when he watched Ichijo slip his hand into her pants. He roared and shot forward, grabbing Ichijo and throwing him away from Nana before he could swing the club at him.
Nana’s clothes were disheveled, crumpled from the fighting and Ichijo touching her, but worst of all, she was crying. “Motochika, kill him..!” He felt power flood his body as Nana forced every ounce of cursed energy she could into him, tears dripping down her face.
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