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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)


Jun 3, 2013
The Sanada clan was one of the prestigious big three clans renowned in the sorcerer world for their prestige and abilities. Throughout the lineage of Sanada’s many powerful sorcerers were cataloged, Sanada Yukimura however, would not make that list. He was not considered a sorcerer by conventional means, being born with a Heavenly Restriction that robbed his Cursed Energy from him, and in exchange, gave him the ability to temporarily steal the cursed energy of the curses he consumes.

Tamura Megohime was young when her ability was discovered, her drawings taking physical form and coming to life to do her bidding as long as her cursed energy lasted, but it wasn’t just paper she could summon the shikigami from. It was by accident that she discovered she could summon the Shikigami from any medium she drew on, even her own flesh.
Because of his lack of cursed energy, he was paired up with another sorcerer to help him on his missions. Her name was Otani Akihime and she was designated as more a support role. Her family was an off shooting of the much larger Toyotomi clan, and the Otani were gifted with two specific shikigami; passed down through the generations since the Heian era. But not only did she have these two divine creatures, her cursed ability allowed her to amplify cursed tools with her own cursed energy, making them more powerful extensions of herself.

This put a lot of pressure on Megohime as a sorcerer, her ability rather rare and coveted.
Were it not for his abilities, Yukimura would’ve been scorned by his clan, but due to his saving grace of being able to temporarily take the cursed energy from curses, he was allowed to stay within his clan. Such a thing seemed odd for the modern era they resided in, but it was simply how the world of sorcerers worked. Those who could not contribute were useless and cast aside.

Megohime’s ability was praised and nurtured from the moment it was discovered, encouraged to create her own Shikigami and practice summoning them, using all different kinds of mediums, but they seemed to be most powerful when brought from her own flesh. Even as a young girl it unsettle her the whispers she would hear, talk of tattooing, or permanence.
"A-Ano..." Akihime approached Yukimura on their lunch hour, blushing softly as she held something behind her back, "I-I, um..." She was so embarrassed. She had always had a crush on him, working with him as his partner made it worse. She took a breath and shut her eyes tight before quickly offering out the small container she was hiding to him.
"I made you hanami dango since I know you like it!" She said quickly.

"If we seal them onto her body, she can summon them with a far superior strength than any other way." Her mother whispered.
"Yes, but that would be a bit much, don't you think? We should let her decide." Her father replied.
"No. She needs to be as powerful as she can be." Her mother argued.
Yukimura and Akihime had a class together at a school specializing in sorcerery, both being from influential families, they weren’t put into regular school curriculum, but rather a private one for children planning to move into the Jujutsu Technical school. Looking up from his own lunch, he swallowed the food he had in his mouth, blinking and staring at the food container before him. “Hanami dango..?” He looked up at Akihime and smiled brightly, rice stuck to his chin. “Why don’t we share?”

Megohime stood on the other side of the closed doors as she listened to her parents fight over what to do with her. Seal them on her body? Were her drawings not enough?
Steam could have come out of her ears. Share? Like they were a couple? He had to know that's what that meant.
"I-I, um...I-I don't..." Her face was so red, "O-Ok!"

"She needs to become a powerful sorcerer. Don't you want that for her?" Her mother asked. She heard her father struggle with his answer.
"I do...but-"
"Then it's settled."
Yukimura stood and brushed his shirt off, moving and pushing his desk over to Akihime’s. “Just for lunch, we can move the desks back right after the bell so we don’t get in trouble.” He said with a beaming smile.

Megohime wrung her hands, feeling her stomach drop, she didn’t understand what her mother was going to do, but it certainly wouldn’t spell out anything good.
Her heart was hammering in her chest. She didn't really know what to do. She just wanted to give him the dango and then go hide but now she was sharing them with their desks pushed together? She felt like she was going to faint. But she nodded, sitting at her desk before shyly opening the container to reveal the tri colored dango.
Yukimura looked over the dango with a widening grin. “You made these yourself?” He had only glanced to Akihime briefly before looking back at the sweets. “They almost look like the store-bought kind!”
"I-I, uh..." She fidgeted, "Y-Yeah...I found a recipe online..." In truth, Mitsunari had to help her with it; it was an easy three ingredient recipe but she was still only nine and Mitsunari could understand a lot better with his vast twelve year old knowledge.
Yukimura pointed to the cream colored dango, looking to Akihime. “Is it alright if I have this one?” As simple as it was, vanilla was his favorite flavor next to plum, but most places never made plum flavored dango that he went to.
Yukimura carefully picked out the white dango from the case, popping it into his mouth and nodding his head in approval. “They’re good!” He said, mouth still full of sweets.
She blushed even more and shyly mumbled a thank you. She believed that this point pushed them closer together, at least as much as a small token of affection would for two children. He was rather dim, or just naive, and she found it very endearing. Everything about him was endearing. She loved him very much and it only grew the older they became.
Nana was never a strong or healthy child, never able to go outside and play with other children, spending most of her time in bed resting or with the family doctor. She was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis at an early age, and would struggle to keep her health up consistently for years. Although she was from a small clan of sorcerers, and she was gifted with bountiful cursed energy, she never had the chance to develop a cursed technique, her frail body not able to undergo the harsh trainings needed.
This caused her parents to feel like they received the short end of the stick. It was such a super slim chance for them to have a useless child, and yet it happened anyway. It made them angry and it made them incredibly stunted toward her.
Nana didn’t understand at first why her parents had such scorn toward her at first, but word eventually got around to her. She was useless, worthless as a human, a mistake.
The feelings that revolved around her seemed to fuse and bind with her cursed energy. She didn't know it herself, but it was creating a curse, but not in the traditional sense. It created a shikigami, tied and bound with her energy.
Nana felt no changes within her, felt no surges in power, simply biding her time silently as the whispers continued. She wasn’t neglected, but her parents rarely spoke to her, rarely were around the home for her to see them. Left to the care of the house servants, she remained mostly in her room, isolating herself from all others. She would read and do the curriculum that she normally would’ve been taught in a classroom, sending her free time watching the wildlife in the garden from her window.
She groaned softly from under the heavy blanket covering her, having barely gotten any sleep that night, she was in no mood for anything. The feeling was weird, akin to how it felt when her parents were both home and speaking of her. She paid it no mind though, it wasn’t something that she would concern herself with.
"Na...Na..." That did not sound like her father. In fact, it didn't sound like anyone she knew. It was deep like rolling thunder and raspy. Who was that? Who was in her room? How did they get in?
Nana felt a cold chill run down her spine, and for once in her mundane life, she felt fear. She held her breath, only one thought coming to mind; her parents were finally sick of her enough to have her done away with. And why not? She wasn’t a useful sorcerer or even a human at this point. She resigned herself to her fate, swallowing the breath she was holding before sitting up slowly in bed, pulling the covers from her head to face whoever was in her room.
It was a tall, robustly built male form; his face resembled a pale painted hannya mask with bright red eyes glowing in the sockets, it's hair and white and wispy. It just stood there, staring at her.
It was a terrifying visage, one not of a human man at all. A heavy frown formed on her young gaunt face, bony hand holding the blanket tightly. “Who are you?” For someone who appeared afraid, her tone was level and calm, holding strength her body didn’t.
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