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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

He nodded, looking to Akihime as she typed quickly on her phone, before his attention snapped forward. There was a loud cracking, like strained glass, before the soft clicking of shoes made their way over.
"Quite the impressive veil you made." Masamune said, "However, since some of the power used came from your shiny new anchor there, it was pretty easy to break."
Amaya watched in horror as the veil broke and Masamune was able to easily enter, eyes wide. “Sasuke..” She squeezed his arm. “Set me down, help Akihime fight.”
Sasuke put Amaya down gently before holding out his hand, his fan returning in a snap. Akihime put her phone away, moving to Sasuke's side.
"You've been a bad girl, Akihime." Masamune said, stopping some feet away from her and Sasuke. Akihime scowled, pulling her cursed bo staff from her pouch.
"Where is she?" She demanded. Masamune smirked and held out his hand.
"Megohime," he beckoned, "you can come out."
The shadow at Masamune’s feet darkened and rippled like water, a dark figure crawling out from it and taking his hand. The figure slowly took the shape of a woman, the liquid dripping away to reveal a stark white face with red eyes- Megohime. Though she had a human face, it was clear she was nothing more than a curse. “Are we going to kill them?” She asked, staring down the two in front of her.
Amaya dragged herself back against the wall, bringing out her rifle and holding it as steady as she could, knowing the best she could give was as support.
"Of course. I know you've been itching to repay Akihime for betraying us." Masamune said, "And once we finish here, we can go and feed you Sanada's heart."
"Bastard!" Akihime burst forward, her staff burning bright with energy.
"Aki, wait!" Sasuke yelled.
Megohime’s mouth stretched to an unnatural size, sharp teeth glinting in the light. “Can I eat her heart too?” She asked, bringing her arm up and sending several black tendrils out of her flesh to meet Akihime. She moved forward a step in front of Masamune, making sure she used her body to shield his.
"You can gorge as long as you wish." Masamune replied. Akihime let the tendrils wrap around the staff before she pushed her cursed energy through it, watching it burn hotter and brighter. Sasuke flicked his fan and a long spike emerged from the end, glowing with a mix of his and Amaya's energy. He took a single step forward before he vanished, appearing before Masamune with the blade fan poised to run him through, eyes wild.
"Get the fuck out of my temple." He hissed before jamming the blade forward, watching it bounce away harmlessly mere inches from Masamune's chest.
The black tendrils yanked the staff forward before wrapping around Akihime, pulling her off her feet. Megohime grunted with effort as she spit and used Akihime to bat Sasuke away from Masamune, staggering when half of her head was blown away. A gunshot rang out in the courtyard as Amaya took aim again, this time at Masamune, arms shaking with effort.
Akihime stumbled when Sasuke collided with her but she just got right back up and rushed forward again, this time with a cursed blade. Masamune's eye locked with Amaya's, glowing with cursed energy as she felt frozen. She couldn't even twitch her finger over the trigger. Saauke just reared up on Megohime, his blade angled for her throat.
Amaya’s body broke into a cold sweat, and she sat frozen on the ground, unable to do anything.
Megohime let out a snarl as more tendrils shot forth, doing her best to keep both Sasuke and Akihime at bay and away from Masamune, entangling the both of them.
"Get this shit off me." Sasuke growled and the tendrils began to smoke, burning from his cursed energy. Akihime wasn't as lucky to have such an ability, thrashing as she tried to angle her blade to cut herself free before her shikigami, Kyuusuke, appeared to rip the tendrils violently with his teeth.
Megohime used more tendrils to impale the shikigami, gnashing her teeth as she kicked Akihime hard in the chest, turning to face Sasuke. Her eyes glowed red with rage, and another set of arms sprouted from her torso to grapple with him.
"Kyuusuke!!" Akihime screamed, eyes wide in horror as his snow white fur turned red and he vanished in a glittering orb. He had eight lives now, and she would never forgive herself for letting him lose one.
Sasuke's energy radiated off him, hot and angry, before his fan flipped open and snapped shut. The sound that resonated from it caused Masamune to look away from Amaya as he covered his ears; he could feel the shock deep in his bone structure and it hurt like a bitch.
Megohime cried out in agony, taking the majority of the blow for Masamune. Her form threatened to break apart as she ground her teeth, taking a step toward Sasuke to tear his arm from his body.
The second Masamune took his eyes off Amaya he felt something slam in his shoulder, but not pierce it- Amaya’s bullet. She fired again, putting more cursed energy into her shots.
He hissed before he started to make his way toward her, "Megohime. Grab her." He ordered.
"Oh no you fucking don't." Sasuke took a firm hold of Megohime's hair, "Eyes on me, bitch!"
Megohime didn’t want to disobey, but couldn’t free herself from Sasuke, summoning more tendrils and wrapping them around his head. Immediately Sasuke was overcome with emotions- images of Amaya and Akihime both slaughtered by Masamune flashing through his head followed by large amounts of grief. He had failed and the both of them had been killed. His body felt heavy and tears poured from his face. “Let go of me you wretch!” She hissed.
"I won't..." Sasuke's cursed energy became heavier and heavier around them, almost suffocating Akihime from the pressure, Masamune only feeling like he was stuck in mud, "I-I won't hurt them...!!" The tendrils exploded off his body before his hand gripped Megohime's throat tightly, pulling her toward him before throwing her like a baseball into the closest wall.
Megohime cried out as she slammed through the wall and went tumbling into the empty temple, losing her humanoid form for a moment before pushing herself back to her feet.
Amaya could finally breathe again after Sasuke’s energy nearly choked them all, taking aim at Masamune’s head once again.
Akihime pushed herself up, forcing herself to move as she rushed Masamune with her blade. Sasuke was on him fast as well, his cursed energy sharpening around his fan. Masamune was able to stop Akihime short but Sasuke took some effort.
Megohime was on Akihime, wrapping her tendrils around her throat and yanking her away from Masamune. She snarled as she tried to separate Masamune and the others, trying to get Akihime by herself to kill her.
Akihime choked and pushed all of her cursed energy into the blade, slamming it hard into Megohime's chest, "J...Just...die already..." She gasped.
Masamune turned back toward Amaya ans started toward her again, his eye cold and hateful.
Amaya felt fear jolt through her, raising her rifle and aiming right for Masamune’s eye, firing twice. “Sasuke!” She was completely exposed, and her legs wouldn’t allow for her to run away if he reached her.
Megohime let out a scream of pain, the blade going through her chest and splattering black ink across the ground. She looked up at Akihime, black spilling from her mouth as she reached and held both sides of Akihime’s side, the heavy feeling of despair filling Akihime. It sunk into her legs and arms, dragging her down and casting her into an inky darkness. “Domain Expansion.. Falling Ink Coffin..” Both Akihime and Megohime were swallowed up into a large black coffin, not a sound escaping from either one inside. Akihime could see nothing, could only feel the soul shattering weight of disappointment and anguish. She would fail here- she would fail Sasuke and Amaya, and she would fail Yukimura. All warmth started to leave Akihime’s body, being quickly replaced with negative feelings and thoughts. It would be easier if she were to kill herself there rather than let the enemy do it. She would bring more honor to her family name if she were to cut her belly there and have her Shikigami tear her head from her body- what good was she anyway?
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Tears poured down Akihime's cheeks as her hands shook around her blade. "Stop..." She whimpered, "Stop it...just pass on already, Megohime..." She tried to ignore the horrible feelings that ran wild in her head, tried to push through them as she pulled her blade from Megohime's chest. It would be easy to die right here.
"Goddammit, take a hint and die." Another loud, deafening shock wave reverberated through the area; it was white hot despite the biting cold Akihime felt and Sasuke's hand broke through the darkness. He grabbed Akihime's arm and pulled hard, breaking her from the domain and ripping Megohime's arms off in the process. He barely had the time to drop her before he rushed to help Amaya, the sound from his fan stopping Masamune long enough for him to close the distance.
"This has all been well and fun," Masamune said dully, "but I've wasted enough time here. It's time to die." He opened his hand and a black mass began to form in his palm.
"I wonder, God Shard, can you protect the whole temple or just one thing at a time?" Masamune asked. Sasuke felt anxious for the first time in a millennia. At this output, bound as he was to Amaya, he would be lucky to protect her and Akihime.
"Won't need to if I take your head right now." Sasuke replied.
Megohime’s domain slowly crumbled away, Megohime herself collapsing to the ground, only having the strength to regrow one arm to catch herself.
The black mass in Masamune’s hand caused the wind to stir violently, charged the air with electricity as it grew in size. Akihime was too far from Amaya now, still beside Megohime. Amaya looked panicked as she tried to stand, using the wall as a crutch, but she could only make it to her knees.
"Let's find out, shall we?" Masamune asked before launching the mass at Amaya, and then another at Akihime. She brought her blade up and pushed what little cursed energy she had left into it, hoping it would help her deflect the attack. Sasuke moved fast, smacking the strange amalgam of energy away with his fan with effort before he moved to try and get to Akihime.
"Aki!!" The orb connected with her blade and broke it, boring through her abdomen and destroying the garden behind her. Sasuke tripped, eyes wide in horror, as he watched Akihime look down at the fist sized hole in her before she collapsed. Masamune smirked, hands in his pockets.
"We're done here, Megohime. Gather yourself and we'll go home."
"Aki! Hang on, don't-!" His words caught, knowing if he begged her to live, she would end up a curse. Her eyes were already clouded as she looked up at him, tears falling down the sides of her face.
Don't die...don't die...
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