Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

"I don't know. All I do know is he needs to be stopped." Shingen stated. Akihime shook her head.
"How terrible, to sacrifice someone who was so loyal to you."
It was late in the night when Masamune felt the heavy weight of a powerful cursed spirit, the feeling of eyes on him made his skin crawl, but nothing came forth to attack him.
It was a curse, he could feel that much, but it stayed hidden. He could only hear soft whispering from the darkness of his room, unintelligible at first, but slowly it grew louder. “…you, love you, love you, love you..” It was a soft whisper, bouncing around the room; a familiar voice.
“Sweet time.. sweet time..” Her voice moved to the end of his bed, where the dark seemed to take shape before him. “Where did I go?”
“Left.. left..” He felt the weight of his bed shift as the shadows crawled forward onto the bed. “I died- killed. I was killed.” Red glowing eyes stared back at him unblinking. “I’m sorry I died.. was I useful to you? Before I died, I helped, didn’t I?”
A smile so big it took up half her face was visible in the low light, sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. “I’m so happy.” He felt a touch on his cheek, but it didn’t feel quite like flesh. “I want to help you more- I want to help you until you reach your goal- so don’t let go of me just yet. Say you’ll let me stay?” She urged, the red eyes squinting with glee. “Say you’ll let me stay by your side forever.”
The smile full of jagged teeth folded in on itself she smiled so large. “You make me so happy- so happy.”
He saw the shadowy figure nod its head. “Of course, I’ll watch over you while you sleep- protect you.”
Megohime’s shadowy hands gently pet his hair as he laid in bed. “Don’t say such things.” Her red eyes stared down at him unblinking, smile still on her face.
With the increased amount of cured spirits and curse users - all courtesy of Masamune - Nana and Motochika were sent out to try and thin out some of their numbers.
Motochika had a easy enough time with the weaker curses, the bigger ones took a little effort but he didn't mind. He liked the fighting, it let him exercise.
As usual, Nana tired out early on, having to rely on Motochika to get rid of the curses as she stood back to rest. So far there were only lower grade curses, ones Motochika could dispatch easily enough, but surely there was something more? Or was it really just a group of small curses grouped together?
Nana nodded and smiled softly. “Just tired already is all.” She said. “We can keep moving in a minute.”
Nana nodded, looking around at the veil overhead. “I’m sure there’s still a few small ones hiding around here.” She said. “I think the most difficult part will be getting them all, especially with how small they’ve been so far.”
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