Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

"No, Nana, do not apologize, this is incredible news and it helps us greatly." He said. Motochika watched Nana, knowing she was struggling to keep quiet about Akihime, but kept his mouth shut about it.
At the very least, Nana would protect Akihime, she would say nothing more than what had already been said. She nodded and picked her head up, frowning softly.
"You can go and spend your time as you wish. I will call for you when the mission is ready to begin." He told her. Motochika moved from his corner and waited for Nana, watching quietly.
Megohime remained in her cell, her worst wound still left untreated as she faded in and out of consciousness.
Megohime let out a weak noise of pain, but allowed for herself to be pulled from the chair. She couldn’t see anything, fully blind and still struggling to stay conscious.
Megohime couldn’t do much of anything now, practically harmless at this point- no eyes and butchered badly, she wasn’t going to hurt anyone.
Megohime could hear someone speaking, but the words came a bit delayed, and even then, she struggled to recognize who was speaking to her. She let out another groan, barely able to keep herself upright as they headed to the infirmary.
"It saddens me to see you like this.." Akihime remarked as they walked, "I didn't think it would go this far." She got Megohime to the infirmary and left her with the healer there before going back to her room. The flayed skin would take a long time to heal, more time than Shingen had to wait. When Megohime was cognitive enough, he came to her in her hospital bed. "We are going to reach out to Date and see if we can get him to surrender peacefully in exchange for your safety."
It was hard to tell if she was awake or not, her empty eye sockets wrapped with gauze to protect them from infection. The majority of her mid and upper body was wrapped like a mummy in gauze to protect her body where her skin was missing. She turned her head slowly to where she could hear Shingen, but didn’t move or speak.
"If he cares for you, he will agree. But for now, we'll keep you here to heal. I didn't want for this to happen to you, it's barbaric and monstrous. And you have my most sincerest apologies." Like that even mattered now.
Megohime was heavily medicated for her wounds, but she still heard Shingen’s words. Her tears began to soak up into the gauze covering her eyes, frustrated that she had given up Masamune even though she had tried so hard; all without realizing that she hadn’t been the one to spill the beans.
"Just rest for now. If everything goes according to plan, we can bring Date to justice and have Jin-dono return what you have lost." He told her.
She wanted to tell him to go to hell, tell him that he could shove it, and that she’d never let Masamune trade his goals for someone like her, but she had no tongue.
She heard him leave and she was left alone for what felt like years. She would sleep and wake up and be fed some kind of nutrient mush before she would sleep again. Eventually, the door opened and she was helped out of her bed.
"Let's go." It was Mitsunari, and try as he might to be gentle it still hurt when he guided her around.
Megohime found it painful to do most things, even walking hurting her terribly as it caused her gauze to rub against the raw meat where her flesh was missing. She did her best to follow, holding back her cries of pain as she was lead out of the school.
She had been changed into a simple white yukata over her bandages, but soon small spots of red could be seen through the fabric the more she moved. She did her best to sit comfortably in the car, but there really wasn’t a comfortable position for her to be in.
The ride was painful and long before it finally stopped and she was pulled from the vehicle. Mitsunari brought her before Masamune, who held an indifferent expression.
"Now, surrender yourself and she will go free." Mitsunari stated, "Atone for your sins."
Megohime was in poor shape, barely able to keep herself upright as she was pulled from the car, body shaking in pain as she stood silently. Would Masamune be mad at her? Would he tell her how she had failed and was useless?
"What did you do to her?" Masamune asked, "She's on death's door." Oh, thank God. He still cared.
"Confess your sins and atone!!" Mitsunari hissed.
Megohime was ready to collapse to her knees right there, relief washing over her, and though she couldn’t see Masamune anymore, she felt safe.
"I will confess to no wrong doing. You are the ones who harmed Megohime beyond healing." Masamune said. Mitsunari began to shake with anger.
"Confess to wanting to destroy all human life!!"
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