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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

After that was a blur, fading in and out of consciousness, unable to fully fade out from the constant pain.
She didn’t care how long it took for him to come, she knew that he would, he always had. She just needed to believe in him, believe that he would save her once more.
She didn't know how much time had passed before she heard the door open. Her head was tilted up and she looked bleary-eyed up at Kojurou, "Let's get this cleaned before it gets infected.."
Her face was in a sorry state, swollen and bruised terribly, she was almost unrecognizable. She didn’t fight against Kojurou, but fresh tears spilled from her eye. “Please…” She whispered. “Please don’t hurt me anymore..”
“Please don’t let him hurt me anymore..” She begged quietly as he cleaned her empty eye socket. “Please stop..!”
“I don’t know them..! I don’t..! I don’t know of any plans..!” She wept, and for a moment a single thought made Kojurou’s blood run cold: what if Megohime was telling the truth?
There was a very, very slim chance that she was telling the truth; despite how close they were, Masamune didn't have to trust her with anything. But sje was so powerful, just like his wife was powerful, and Masamune would want that, wouldn't he? He said nothing more and continued to gently clean her eye.
Megohime bit back her crying again when he didn’t respond, closing her eye. She was so tired, she felt like she was at her limit, and that she wouldn’t be able to keep going much longer.
Megohime didn’t speak, didn’t open her eye or acknowledge that Kojurou had even spoken, sitting in silence for a long moment. “I don’t know where she is..” She said tiredly.
Megohime only hung her head again, hoping that maybe she would get a few moments rest after this before Mitsunari returned.
She seemed to get her wish, Mitsunari did not return for a while. What a relief, Masamune would show up any time now. He had to. He would do anything for her, he said so.
It wasn’t long before she lost the battle to stay awake, slipping into a restless sleep, too exhausted to stay awake any longer.
Megohime was left alone for days, hoping to starve her into talking. Akihime was walking around when she bumped into her brother.
"A-Ah, gomen, nii-san.." She muttered.
"I heard you wanted to commit genocide as well." Mitsunari stated dryly and Akihime felt her blood turn to ice.
"U-Uh...y-yes, it was a foolish and bitter thought of mine..." She muttered before something clicked, "as well??"
"We have a traitor imprisoned, but she won't give up her information." He stated. Akihime felt a new coldness consume her before looking up at him.
"Where is she?" She almost demanded, and Mitsunari gave a brief gesture.
"In one of the cells we use for curses." He stated and grunted when she puahed passed him briskly, moving down the hall quickly.
Megohime was still tied to her chair, only let out of the chair once a day to use the bathroom, and even that was a humiliating ordeal; allowed only to use a portable chamber pot and watched the entire time. Her arm was still broken, but Kojurou had put it back into place, doing what minimal he was allowed to do.
Megohime felt her blood turn cold, then boil, picking her head up to look at Akihime with a wide eye. “What..” Her voice came out in a rasp. “What are you doing here..?”
She could get her back. Right here and now; make her pay for interfering with her vengeance. "Oh, you don't know?" She asked, "Date-dono sent me to give you a message."
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