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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

He could hear her cry even as he left the room, still pleading and begging, proclaiming her innocence.
Megohime would be held captive for days, never once wavering against Mitsunari’s interrogation. It was during this stressful time that Nana approached Shingen. “I know that now is not an opportune time, as you are busy,” She had yet to hear of Megohime’s capture, it staying under wraps relatively well, as the higher ups didn’t want such a scandal to get out. “But I have a proposal, Shingen-sensei.”
Nana looked nervous, and Motochika wasn’t with her, but could be felt nearby. “I recently spoke with Akihime, and she’s agreed to come back to the school, I can vouch for her. She wants to make things right.”
Shingen's expression saddened; Akihime's plan to exterminate all sorcerers hurt him deep in his heart. But he managed a smile regardless, "That makes me very happy to hear. Since she hasn't made any attempt on anyone's life, she hasn't done any wrong. If she, and Yukimura, are willing to make ammends, I'm happy to have them both."
Nana felt relief wash over her, nodding. “I’ve already spoken with Akihime, she’s willing to come in.” She had Motochika waiting with Akihime in case anything happened, having snuck her and Yukimura onto college grounds.
Nana nodded. “I had them wait outside with Motochika, I can retrieve them.” She said, bowing her head before heading out to collect Akihime and Yukimura.
Shingen waited almost anxiously, and not a moment later did Nana return with Akihime and Yukimura, Motochika standing faithfully by his master's side.
"Oyakata-sama..." Akihime's face scrunched up as tears filled her eyes and she rushed to him, hugging him tightly and being held in return, "Please forgive me, Oyakata-sama!! I was such a fool!!" She wailed. He shook his head and beckoned for Yukimura, like a father who had lost his favored children.
Yukimura’s eyes were a bit puffy, but he held in his tears as he moved to Shingen, bowing his head to him. “Please, forgive us, sensei!”
Shingen grabbed him and pulled him close as well, holding them tightly, "You both are utter bafoons..." He muttered, "but I'm so glad to have you both home..."
Motochika glanced at Nana, wondering if she had ever been held like that, if she missed her father at all. A morbid thought to have in such a moment, but sentimental things made him worry for her.
Nana had her eyes averted, trying to give the three a moment of privacy, but Motochika could feel a weight in his chest. It was a bitter, sad feeling, one that longed for, but for what, Motochika was unsure.
Nana blinked when Motochika put his hand on her head, looking up at him. “Oh, yeah, probably.” She said softly, nodding.
Nana blushed and fixed her hair nervously. “Yeah, it’s nothing.” She said, still forgetting that Motochika could feel what she felt.
Pain flashed in Nana’s eyes, face scrunching a bit as she turned away from Motochika, fighting tears. “I’m glad that Takeda-sensei was willing to accept them back into the school. They’re lucky.” The feeling Motochika felt felt like a dull blade in his chest, twisting slowly the more the conversation went on.
He saw her quickly wipe her face with her sleeve, shaking her head and turning to him with a smile. “No, no, I’m fine!” She said. “I’m just glad the plan was a success!”
He knew she was lying, whether it was for her sake or his he didn't know. He frowned and moved to hold her, the lights in his sockets dim and sad, "I'm sorry, Nana..."
Nana blinked, her expression softening a bit. “Really, it’s ok..” She said softly. “I was a bit jealous, but… this helps..”
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