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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

He nodded, the pain in his chest subsiding a little, "I'm glad. I think I'm pretty comfortable, maybe not as comfortable." He said with a soft teasing tone.
There was some relief that day, Akihime and Yukimura now back with the academy, but not everyone had it so lucky. Megohime was still enduring torture at the hands of Mitsunari, unbeknownst to Akihime or Nana, whom both could’ve stopped it.
Megohime’s head had been aching, ears ringing when Mitsunari came back, jolted back to reality when he spoke. She only she her head, throat too sore to speak from screaming.
Megohime hung her head, trembling as she bit her lip to quiet herself. She couldn’t break, she couldn’t betray Masamune, no matter the cost.
She gasped as he yanked her head back, her vision blurry from tears. She opened her mouth, only to close it quickly and slowly shake her head no.
It was like he had stuck a hot iron into her eye, her vision going black in her right eye as he gouged it out. She could hardly register her own screams, barely feeling the warm blood dripping down her face.
She pulled hard at her restraints, trying to kick her legs free, or yank her arms out of the ropes, but she went no where. Megohime tried to pull her head away, still being held by her hair, blubbering like a baby.
She let her head drop when he released her, blood spilling out of her empty socket and onto the floor at her feet. When was Masamune going to come help her? Surely he noticed by joe that she was gone? Wasn’t he worried?
Protect her? From who? Masamune? She wasn’t scared of him- was she?
She was almost drooling she was in so much pain, watching the blood forming a pool at her feet.
“I..” Her voice was strained and raspy, barely above a whisper.
“I don’t know..!” She managed out through tears, teeth chattering from pain. “I don’t know..!”
No, she couldn’t break yet. What was an arm? An eye? Masamune would save her, he would. She’d sacrifice far more for him if he so needed it. She closed her remaining eye, taking in a shuddering breath, trying to work through the pain.
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