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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

The snake was on the floor, staring at him before flicking its tongue at Masamune and slithering up to him. It wrapped itself around his arm, then bit into him. The teeth didn’t hurt, instead, images flashed in his head; a sorcerer with white hair and a cursed weapon, Megohime’s tiger Shikigami engaging the man with white hair, and an unfamiliar Shikigami with its teeth latched into her arm. There were no words in her message, only those three images, snippets of memories. The snake released Masamune and immediately turned to ash, engulfed in blue flames. That was the end of her message.
Megohime would fade in and out of consciousness, ears ringing and vision blurred. She groaned weakly, face and head throbbing from Mitsunari’s beating- had he left? How long had she been out? Had Masamune gotten her Shikigami yet?
Megohime had trouble keeping her head up to look at him. “I don’t… I don’t know anything..” She managed out. “I swear..”
"Forgive me if I don't believe you." He stated, "You are very close to him, I'm told. To say you know nothing is like spitting in Shingen's eye."
“I don’t..!” She urged, tears welling in her eyes again. “I don’t know anything! How am I supposed to prove that..?”
Her frustration showed on her battered face. “What kind of shit is that?” Tears leaked down her face. “What’s fuckin’ wrong with you..?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” She was almost shaking as she snapped the answer at him.
“I don’t know what you want to hear, I’m telling the truth!” Megohime said. “Do you want me to lie?”
Megohime felt her stomach drop, looking at his foot on her arm with wide eyes, turning her head to look back at him. “Please..!”
“I don’t know! I don’t know!” She shook her head, body shaking as she started to cry.
Megohime saw white spots in her vision, screaming in pain as he broke her elbow with an audible crack. She wasn’t able to to anything but scream, body shaking hard.
“I don’t know!!” Megohime could barely get the words out as she tried to stop the screams that came out, pain shooting down her arm from her elbow.
“I really don’t know anything..!” She sobbed, shaking her head. “He hasn’t told me anything…!”
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