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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

It was like Megohime and the tiger’s minds were linked, the Shikigami lunging forward to catch the blade with its claws. While the tiger directly engaged Mitsunari, Megohime drew a knife, moving around him to attack him from behind.
The dog was on her fast, biting into her arm hard and using its weight to throw her off kilter. Mitsunari pulled his sword free and jammed it into the tiger's neck.
Megohime cried out as the dog bit down again on her arm, tearing her flesh and spilling her blood on the floor. She ground her teeth as she drove her knife into the dogs eye, twisting hard to destroy the brain, and even though Mitsunari had run the tiger through, it didn’t disappear. It snarled at him, ears pinned back as it pushed forward in an attempt to push him to the floor and climb on top of him.
The dog fell limp but its jaw did not release her arm, staying on her even in its dying moments. Mitsunari scowled and drove his sword deeper into the tiger's neck, putting all his weight into it.
Blood gushed fourth from the tigers maw, but it didn’t stop, digging it’s claws into his arms to keep him trapped there; either a show of its determination, or its desperation.
"Interesting. So willing to die for someone who would only use you." He said before pulling a small dagger from a holster on his back and digging it into the tiger's temple.
The tiger snarled one last time before the blade fully punctured its temple, then it popped like a balloon, splattering black ink everywhere. When Mitsunari turned to face Megohime, she was gone, leaving only the headless body of Mitsunari’s Shikigami, only a trail of blood leading away from the scene.
The blood was heavier in some spots, probably her own blood mixed with the Shikigami’s, but the trail was clear as day.
Megohime had gone as far as she could as quickly as she could, unable to remove the Shikigamis head from her arm even after removing the head from the body. She was out of breath and worn down, struggling to type out a message on her phone, as calling Masamune would only alert Mitsunari to her location.
Megohime flinched when he spoke, jumping to her feet again, holding her blade in front of her. “You don’t give up, do you?” Her blood still dropped steadily from the hagged wounds the dog left in her arm, bound to bleed terribly unless treated.
Fear shot through Megohime’s gut, and she barely managed to catch Mitsunari’s blade with her own, struggling with the weight of the hit. So this really was a set up, but it couldn’t have been from the school- who would do such a thing? She ground her teeth and tried to push him back, struggling to fight with a wounded arm.
His eyes were so cold, so uncaring. Was he a hunter os sorcerers? Was he going to kill her? He put more of his weight down on her blade before slamming his forehead into her nose.
Megohime saw stars, staggering back with a noise of surprise. She almost lost her footing, but managed to stay up, blood gushing from her nose as she swayed and fought to see straight.
Megohime hit the floor this time, vision going black for a few moments with the amount of force he hit her with. Sprawled out on her back, she lay dazed, trying to gasp for air, rolling on her side to try and get back up.
Megohime was hit so hard in the head, it bounced off the concrete floor, making her groan and drop her weapon. She lay on the ground, feeling herself sliding back into unconsciousness.
She felt him pick her up and start to walk off before she completely blacked out. When she woke up, she was bound tightly in a candle lit room with seals every where.
Megohime’s vision was blurry, head throbbing and arm on fire. She saw that it had been wrapped in bandages where the Shikigami had bit into her arm twice, the head finally removed from her arm. Along with the gauze on her arm, each tattoo had a talisman over it, keeping them sealed to her body.
Megohime was still in a daze, looking at him blankly before scanning the room for the white-haired man who had attacked her. “What’s going on..?” She asked, looking back to Shingen. “Did you defeat that man..?”
He shook his head, "That man, Ishida Mitsunari, is a student of mine. He was sent to bring you in for questioning, though his method was against what I had wished."
Megohime’s drowsy your expression changed almost instantly, her gaze becoming sharp. “Questioning? That’s funny.” She leaned forward a bit in her chair. “What would I need to answer to you for?”
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