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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

“He’s an old classmate of mine, what of it?” She asked, doing her best to straighten up in her chair while being tied into it. “You worried about my romantic life or something?”
"Megohime." Kojurou stepped out beside Shingen, frowning softly.
"Katakura has told me that Masamune seeks to destroy all human life. That his wife had gone missing after being propositioned." Shingen said.
Megohime’s eyes widened slightly when she saw Kojurou, glaring back at Shingen. “So you think I took his wife? That Masamune took her?” She sneered. “Is that it?”
“I’ve never heard that from him, so I can’t dispute it.” Megohime said coldly, staring back at Shingen with no emotion.
“I don’t!” She argued. “I haven’t even heard of him approaching your wife!” Megohime was either a very good actor, or was telling the truth. “I don’t know where she is!”
“I don’t have any secrets!” Megohime snapped. “You’re the backwards ones! Sending me into a trap, having someone try to kill me, not bothering to ask me yourselves! If you have questions for Masamune, ask him yourself!”
“I don’t know any plans!” Megohime said firmly. “I can’t tell you because I don’t know!”
Kojurou looked heartbroken and Shingem led him out. "Mitsunari."
"Gladly." Mitsunari moved toward Megohime, waiting for the two to leave before he swung hard and pubched her in the jaw.
The punch was hard enough to knock her over in the chair, hitting the ground hard with a cry of pain, head spinning and jaw throbbing.
"You are a disgrace to all sorcerers." He hissed as he picked her up, before punching her hard again, "What do you think will happen when the humans die? Curses will sprout everywhere! Then what?! We'll all be dead!"
Megohime cried out again, blood splattering from her mouth as he punched her. “I haven’t done anything!”

Amaya approached Shingen and Kojurou as they walked down the hallway away from the room Megohime was being held in. “I’ve sent word to Matsunaga, but he’s still out on work business, so he hasn’t responded yet, and trackers still haven’t found any traces of Jin’s cursed energy yet, but they still have a few more sectors to comb through.” She reported to Shingen. “I’m sorry, I wish I was coming back with better news.”
"You're a goddamned liar!!" Mitsunari yelled and punched her again.

Shingen frowned softly and Kojurou covered his face.
"I need a minute..." He muttered and walked away. Shingen made a noise and looked down at Amaya.
"It's alright. Thank you for doing what you can."
He knocked her to the floor again, Megohime’s skill cracking against the stone floor, making her see stars.

Amaya nodded, ignoring the sound of Mitsunari’s angry yelling, and Megohime’s cries of pain. “Of course. I’ll try to contact Matsunaga once more.” She said, heading off and leaving him alone.
Megohime spit blood out of her mouth, lip busted and bleeding. “I don’t know what you’re talking about..!”
Megohime felt tears welling up in her eyes, shaking her head. “I don’t know anything..!” She repeated, blood and saliva dripping from her mouth.
Megohime’s head hung limply, blood dripping from her mouth and nose, eyes swelling up and face bruised. She still gave up nothing- was there a chance she truly was in the dark?

As the night got later and later, Megohime still hadn’t returned to Masamune’s estate, nor had she sent out any messages to him to his cell. He felt a flicker of her cursed energy, but it was only one of her Shikigami- the small white snake she would use for communications if she was cut off from her phone.
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