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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

"Ok...thank you so much for saving him..." She said gently, "I'll repay you somehow, I promise. If there is anything that comes to mind that is equal to saving Yukimura's life, please tell me!"
Jin shook her head, keeping her eyes glued to the floor. “I couldn’t ask that of you, I only did it because it was the right thing to do.”
Jin hesitated at the door, hand on the handle. She’d only put Akihime at risk if she were to ask for help escaping; Masamune would simply hurt her too. “I’ll have to think on it.” She said, looking back to Akihime with a forced smile.
Jin nodded and headed out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her and standing alone in the hallway. She didn’t know what to do, held hostage only by the force of the victims she would create if she were to leave; she felt stuck.
Akihime stayed there with Yukimura, before picking him up and pulling him to their room. She reached into her tool bag and pulled out a sealed curse, "Yuki...can you hear me...?"
Yukimura’s skin was clammy, complexion pale and pulse weak. A soft noise akin to a groan escaped him- his life energy felt so weak, showing just how close he truly was to dying.
She frowned heavily, "Yukimura, I have a curse for you to have to wake up and consume it, ok? Please?" She was so scared, she just wanted him to be ok.
Would he even have the strength to house a curse so that he could heal? What if the curse overtook his body?
Yukimura barely managed to open up his eyes, though they were unfocused.
He still looked so delicate, like his body had yet to catch up that he hadn’t died. “Akihime..?” He barely got her name out, trying to focus his gaze on her face.
Yukimura’s pale face scrunched up, squinting his eyes to look at Akihime’s face. “What happened..?” He said softly. “Your face is bruised..”
“Akihime..” He frowned softly. “Is this really the only way..?” His eyes looked sad, even with how beat up he was. “I don’t want to watch you get hurt.”
Yukimura took a moment to think her answer over, then nodded. “I’m sorry, this happened because I let my guard down, I promise I’ll do better.”
Yukimura frowned slightly, but nodded in compliance, a dull ache still coming from his healed wound.
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