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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Megohime, who had been sitting on Masamune’s lap, stood abruptly, looking to Akihime with eyes that could kill. She said nothing, embarrassed that they had been caught in such an intimate moment.
"What did you do to Yukimura?" Akihime demanded. Masamune rose an eyebrow.
"I had to make him weak enough for Jin's technique to work. Though, I may have gone overboard."
"He's half dead, Masamune!" Akihime snapped, glaring angrily. Masamune didn't seem very put off.
"Can't make an omelette, as they say." He replied. Akihime felt her self control snap amd her bo staff fully extended, burning with her cursed energy before she swung for his head. But it stopped before it landed.
"Temper, temper." Masamune remarked and Akihime swung again, only to growl when it wouldn't connect.
She didn’t get a third chance to swing at him, for when she pulled back again to hit him, she couldn’t bring the staff forward to swing. Megohime held onto the end firmly, a dark scowl on her face. “You really should put this thing away before you hurt yourself with it.” She warned.
Megohime scowled deeply, letting go of Akihime’s weapon suddenly, but only so she could punch her hard in the nose. That wasn’t all though, Megohime closed the distance quickly, punching her in the stomach, then the face again.
Hitting her out of the blue was a scummy tactic, but it got the job done for a moment. After Akihime's eyes were done spinning in her head, she slammed her fist hard into Megohime's jaw, feeling a tooth or two come loose under her bruising knuckles.
While Megohime had Akihime’s attention, her Cobra Shikigami slipped down her leg, moving to wrap around Akihime’s legs.
Megohime back handed Akihime hard across the face, knocking her to the ground and climbing on top of her. She grabbed a handful of hair and yanked hard, pressing her head into the floor. “Listen,” She leaned in close. “Keep your head down and your mouth shut while you’re here and maybe you won’t get a hole blasted in you too.”
Megohime picked her head up and knocked it back against the hard floor. “Really now, what are you, a child?” She scolded. “Surely you have better insults than penis jokes.”
"Perhaps," her nose was definitely broken, and she was seeing stars for a couple seconds, "perhaps you would be a real sorcerer if you kept your legs shut. If you suck him off enough, does he do all the fighting for you? Are you just some cute little dog that follows him around? Barks when he asks? Begs for treats? I bet even a smile would be enough to get you in bed."
Megohime pressed Akihime’s head into the floor as she leaned forward, speaking into her ear. “How’d that hole look in Sanada? I wasn’t there myself, but I’m sure you got a decent look.”
Akihime's whole face turned red with anger and shame, "I'm sure if given the chance, I can replicate it on you."
"Mego, I'm getting really tired of this back and forth. Throw her out already." Masamune said.
Megohime sat up quickly when he spoke, nodding. “Sorry, yeah..” She got up off of Akihime’s back, yanking her up by her hair and dragging her to the door.
“Just go make sure Sanada doesn’t croak, we still need you two.” She said, opening the door and throwing Akihime into the hallway.
Jin was still with Yukimura, his wound now only small scratches on the flesh, Yukimura himself unconscious.
Jin looked drained herself, pale and clearly frazzled. “I think so; he’s still breathing, and I’ve fixed the wound the best I could.”
“Ah..- Y-Yeah..” Did she not know that Jin wasn’t here willingly? Or was it that she simply didn’t care? She stood numbly and moved to the door. “I think I just need to rest… recover my energy..”
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