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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Masamune watched quietly, hoping she could heal Yukimura. A noble sacrifice, to be sure, but losing Akihime would be a real thorn in his side.
He could feel the cursed energy from Jin, steadily increasing in intensity, and before his very eyes, he watched some of the flesh within Yukimura start to regrow. The blood slowly stopped pooling beneath him, and Masamune watched as the sinew and blood vessels reformed to completion as she stopped the bleeding.
Yukimura could do nothing but stare up at the ceiling, focusing on breathing and staying awake. His body was cold, and he couldn’t hear much of anything, but he wasn’t sure if the room was just quiet.
“Be quiet!” She snapped, keeping her eyes focused on her work. “Just because I’m saving his life doesn’t mean I’ve agreed to anything!”
“No..! You’re wrong!” She didn’t sound so sure though. “I only saved him because it was the right thing..!”
Jin clenched her teeth hard- so had she wanted freedom she was just supposed to let this kid die? She couldn’t allow that. He was only a child, what was she supposed to do?
"Date-dono, what was with that spike in cursed-" The door opened and Akihime stepped in, freezing when she saw Yukimura half dead on the floor with a slow healing wound, "Wh...Wh-What...?"
"Oh dear. I had hoped he would be fixed before you found out." Masamune said.
Jin looked briefly to Akihime, face twisted with anguish, but she had to turn her attention back as to not lose focus.
"Wh...What happened...?" She asked weakly, "Y-Yuki..." She moved numbly to kneel at his head, carefully picking his head up and setting it in her lap. "W-Will he be ok...? I-Is he...?" She couldn't even finish.
She could hear Yukimura’s weak and ragged breathing, his unfocused eyes moving to look up at her, mouth opening but he couldn’t speak.
“I don’t know.” Jin said tersely. “I’ve.. never healed a wound such as this.”
"Arigatou..." Akihime tried not to cry, "Thank you for saving his life...I am in your debt...!" Masamune roller his eye, trying not to let his annoyance be vocal.
Jin watched as his innards reformed, muscle slowly closing over bone. Was she actually going to save him? He probably still needed a hospital, but surely she had at least kept him from dying right there.
She leaned down and gently kissed his forehead, whispering soft nothings to him. Masamune merely left and Akihime pet Yukimura's hair slower.
"What did he do...?" She asked quietly.
Yukimura could only blink and rasp, having lost too much blood to be coherent.
“It was Masamune.. This was his way of implicating me, forcing me to join him.” Jin said quietly. “For only an enemy would aid another enemy.”
Akihime began to shake, "I owe you so much for saving him, Jin-dono...I will get you out of here. It's the least I can do to repay you." She moved and gently set Yukimura's head down, "Please continue to take care of him. I'll be back."
“Where are you going?” Jin turned her head to watch Akihime, but kept herself by Yukimura’s side. “Don’t do anything rash, just stay here with me..!”
Jin wanted to argue, to tell her to sit down and shut her mouth; she didn’t want to see another kid hurt, but she was scared. She closed her mouth and lowered her head- what could she do after all? She didn’t know how to fight, she wasn’t a true sorcerer.
He had to be in his study, he had to be. She moved from the basement to where Masamune's study was, pushing open the door without knocking. Masamune looked over from cooing at Megohime, giving a soft scowl.
"It's rather rude of you to just barge in like that."
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