Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Megohime nodded her head, almost excited to give Masamune such a juicy tidbit of information. “They don’t know what her cursed technique is, if it’s developed yet at all because she’s still in the hospital, but I assume the school will do testing to find out what it is.”
Megohime smiled at his praise. “I’ll see what more I can get on her, but I’m sure the higher ups will want her under lock and key.”
Megohime felt her heart skip a beat and she moved closer, was he going to praise her? Had she made him happy?
When she was close enough, he reached to pet her cheek gently, "You did a very good job, bringing that information to me, Megohime. I'm very proud of you."
Her cheeks flushed and she smiled softly at the praise, butterflies in her stomach. “Thank you.” It was like every kind word to her was a drug, it made her feel amazing, and left her wanting for more.
To Megohime it was everything, to be praised by the man she loved, to be rewarded with such a delicate intimacy, it truly made her happy.
Megohime nodded, face flushed. “Anything for you.” She said quietly, and Masamune knew this to be true.
Over the next few days, Megohime would continue to feed information about Jin to Masamune, getting it from wherever she could.
Kojurou thought it was nice Megohime was taking such an interest in Jin, not knowing the malicious intent behind it. He wanted Jin to feel as welcome as possible, after all.
Jin recovered rapidly now that she was awake, only in a weakened state due to atrophied muscles from lack of use, stuck in a wheelchair for the time being. The doctors told Kojurou and her she’d be out of it eventually if she kept up her physical therapy.
Until then, Kojurou waited on her beck and call, which she protested but he insisted. He didn't feel right not helping her, not that he felt she couldn't do anything on her own, he just wanted to help her with the more difficult tasks.
Jin did her best to get out of the hospital and into the school, hoping to be closer to Kojurou by doing so. Her progress was incredible, almost not natural, but that was probably on account of her newly developed cursed energy.
Jin was sitting outside enjoying the weather when a boy she didn't recognize approached her.
"Sumimasen," he was rather polite, "you must be Katakura-sensei's wife."
Jin was still mostly only mobile due to a wheelchair, a good majority of her muscles atrophied still, unable to support her for very long. “I am.” She nodded, offering a soft smile. “It’s nice to meet more of his students. Forgive me, I don’t believe I know your name.”
Jin bowed her head slightly in return. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She gave a sorry smile. “I’m afraid I don’t know much about you, but I would love to get to know you better.”
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