Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

He pet the back of her head gently. “I love you too, Akihime.” He said, though his eyes seemed sad.
She bided her time before she and Yukimura would approach Shingen, and she stood outside his door anxiously with Yukimura.
"What if he says no? What if he demands my head...?"
Yukimura looked nervous as well, looking to Akihime. “He wouldn’t call for your execution for simply presenting an idea.” He said, sure that his teacher would be understanding- right?
She nodded, taking comfort in his words.
"You're right...Oyakata-sama has never been like that." She replied before knocking gently.
"Enter." Shingen called and Akihime pushed open the door. Shingen looked up and smiled softly, "Ah, Yukimura, Akihime. How can I help you?"
"Ano..." Akihime grew nervous, "I...wanted to bring something up with you, Oyakata-sama..."
"Of course, Akihime, you can talk to me about anything." He replied. She swallowed nervously and looked down.
"I...had an idea to make sorcerers stronger...and I wanted your help in achieving that."
"Oh? And what would that be?" Shingen asked. Akihime grew nervous and Shingen noticed right away.
"Ano...I was thinking we could...wipe out the low grade sorcerers...and force higher grades to be born in response." She said. Shingen sat quietly for what felt like ages before he shot up in his seat, face twisted with rage.
"You dare bring such a disgusting proposal to me, Akihime?! Have you gone insane?!" He snapped. Akihime shrunk and kept her head down.
"We're dying faster and faster, Oyakata-sama! The curses only grow stronger, we can't keep up!!"
"You're suggesting to me a mass cull!! Of our own people!! I cannot allow this, Akihime!!" Shingen snapped, "What would your father think?!" Akihime grew very angry.
"Do not bring my father into this. My father was a powerful sorcerer! We lost him to illness, not a curse!"
"He would be ashamed all the same!!" Shingen boomed. He looked away from her, "Get out of my sight. The only I can offer you is a headstart before your fate is decided." Her eyes widened.
"B-But... Oyakata-!"
"Leave!!" Shingen yelled and Akihime shook before running out in shame. Shingen's gaze turned to Yukimura and he scowled.
"I pray you don't share her sentiment."
Yukimura didn’t know how to respond after witnessing such an encounter; sure Akihime’s plan was extreme, but at least she was offering something. Wasn’t Shingen too tired of watching children die? He clenched his fists and bowed his head to Shingen, turning and following after Akihime.
Yukimura frowned at the sight of Akihime weeping, hesitating for a moment, trying to decide if she needed time or not. “Akihime.. we don’t have to do this, we can find another way..”
Yukimura frowned and nodded, lowering his gaze. “What do we do next then..?” He asked softly.
Yukimura gave a firm nod, taking her hand in his and squeezing it firmly. “We’ll find them.” He said.
Yukimura felt his cheeks flushed as she kissed his knuckles, giving a slight nod. “Of course..”
Yukimura nodded. “Though the school still provides funding, not many monks remain at the temple anymore.” He confirmed. “If anything we can stay in secret.” It felt a bit wrong, staying at s shrine in secret, but surely the god there would be kind.
Yukimura nodded and followed after her, figuring they would see if they could stay first, then return for a few things like clothes and other necessities.
It was a rather long walk but it seemed to do Akihime good. When they arrived at the temple, Sasuke came out to greet them, hiding behind his fan.
"You're a real naughty girl, Aki." He said. She smiled sheepishly.
"I suppose so, huh? Do you think we could stay here, Sasuke?" She asked. Sasuke radiated massive curse energy, looking down at her with a scowl.
Yukimura looked nervously from Akihime to Sasuke, knowing just how temperamental the god remnant could be at times.
“You forgot to offer him anything first, so he’s throwing a fit.” Amaya called, standing up on one of the roofs of the temple, replacing the old tiles for new ones. “I’ve been spoiling him too much lately, so he’s more testy than usual.”
Yukimura perked and quickly dug through his pockets, only having his wallet and cellphone.
"Ugh! Way to ruin my fun, Amaya!" Sasuke pouted, the energy going away instantly as he glared up at her. Akihime opened her bag and peeked through it.
"Oh!" She pulled out a small bag of rice crackers, "I was going to save these for later, but if they'll allow us to stay then please take them."
"No, no, you don't need to make an offering, Aki, you two can stay.." Sasuke said, waving his fan, "But next time, come prepared."
"Hai! Thank you, Sasuke!" Akihime smiled.
“You’re becoming too big for that hat!” She teased, waving to Akihime and Yukimura before going back to repairing the roof.
Yukimura bowed gratefully, returning the wave he received from Amaya. “Thank you, Sasuke.”
"Would you hush!" Sasuke shot back at Amaya before turning to the two again, "You'll have to regale me on these naughty ideas swimming through your head."
"We have a lot to catch up on." Akihime smiled.
Yukimura nodded, following Sasuke and Akihime a bit more private so they could speak on the situation they currently were in.
"So," Sasuke sat on his fancy pillow and hid behind his fan again, "What's been going on? My ears have been buzzing with awful rumors, Aki. Things like you wanting to wipe out sorcerers."
"Not sorcerers as a whole, no. Just the low grades. The students are dying faster and worse everyday, curses only grow stronger. I want to make it so we're born strong, so we can truly protect humans from curses." She said. Sasuke squinted softly.
"That logic would take hundreds of years to take effect. Do you have a few centuries to spare?"
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