Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Megohime listened to Masamune’s heartbeat, head resting against his chest. “You know that I’ll take on any curse with you, no matter how big and bad, right?”
Megohime smiled softly, happy to hear him say such things. She laid with him in silence for a while before having a thought. “Is there anyone else with us?”
Megohime nodded. “I’ll help however I can, anything at all, just say it.” She said.
Megohime looked up at him, nodding her head. “Yeah, I’ll see what I can do. I’ll make sure they’d be the kind of people we can trust.”
Megohime smiled in return, heart fluttering at his words.
The next day at the school was business like usual, the day seeming to crawl by. She kept tabs on the sorcerers Masamune had picked out, making sure they would run into each other once classes were out, but it was Kojurou she would bump into before the others, leaving the medical wing. “Visiting your wife again?” Megohime frowned softly. “Has there been any improvement in her condition?” It was only a year or two ago that she had learned Kojurou was even married, his wife suffering from an unknown curse that had left her in a deep sleep she hadn’t yet woken from.
Kojurou frowned and shook his head. "No. No change. I don't think she'll ever wake up, but giving up on her feels like an insult to our marriage."
Megohime felt a pang of sadness in her heart, nodding. “I’m sorry.” She said softly; Kojurou was like an older brother, even though he hadn’t technically grown up with her or raised her, he was there for her when it mattered.
"It's alright. Thank you for showing concern." He smiled, albeit sadly, "Any missions to go on today? You've become quite the powerful young woman, it feels like only yesterday you were my student."
“Don’t be embarrassing..!” Megohime’s cheeks were flushed, crossing her arms across her chest. “But no, not that I’ve heard at least.”
He nodded, "Well, in that case, would you like to come with me? I think Jin would like to meet you. I talk about you to her rather often." He offered.
Megohime felt guilt twist her gut- if she missed her chance to meet up with the other sorcerers, she’d be letting Masamune down. “I can’t tonight, I’ve somewhere to be.” She held up one hand and bowed her head in an apology. “Are you free tomorrow? I would love to meet your wife.”
"Of course. I wouldn't want to keep you. I would be honored to have you meet her tomorrow if you're more available then." He said politely.
She nodded and took a peek at the time using her phone. “Tomorrow it is, see you around, Kojurou.” She waved to him with a soft smile before heading off down the hall.
Megohime was able to catch up with the four sorcerers Masamune had scouted, talking with them cautiously for almost half an hour before they seemed to be on board with the idea of Masamune’s ideal world. She cemented it and told them to continue like normal, that she’d contact them again about how they could help, then they went their separate ways.
His phone chimed, a text message from Megohime.
“They said they’re on board.”
Excellent news, already they had four more bodies to their cause.
Megohime read the message over and over again, dash flushed and heart skipping. Even when he wasn’t verbally saying it, it made her heart race.
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