Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Megohime stared at him for a moment taking in what he had said, her brows furrowed, but it was more a look of a quizzical nature. “Kill humans..?” It was against everything they were raised and trained to do, to kill the humans they poured their life into to protect. “Why?” She seemed rather calm for one just extended the offer of wiping out most of humanity.
No more curses? True it was humans who created curses, but she had never considered targeting humans as a whole to cure curses.
If it had never been for curses, there would be no need for sorcerers, she’d never have to again suffer painful tattooing that took hours and all of her energy and focus. A tear fell from her eye and she nodded. “Of course, Masamune, you know I’ll always help you.” She said softly, feeling oddly relieved, for if anyone could enact and carry out such an idea, Masamune would surely be able to do it.
Megohime sat forward in her chair, shaking her head. “No! Never, Masamune, you know that I’ll always be there for you! You did the same for me, I would be ashamed if I did anything less.”
She felt her ears and cheeks flush red from his praise, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. “Whatever I can do to help, I’ll do it. A world without curses.. Sounds like somewhere I want to see.”
"I couldn't agree more." He smiled softly, "We'll get started right away. Though, you're probably tired from the last chore I asked of you. You may rest for now."
Megohime nodded, standing up. “Are you going to be staying up much later?” She asked. “I can stay up with you if you are?” She offered.
“You know I hate the guest bedroom, it’s too quiet sleeping alone.” She put her palms together, almost like she was praying to him. “Please?”
Megohime was all smiles, leaning across the desk to kiss him as a thank you. “I promise I’ll be good.” She said. “No trouble at all!”
Her cheeks flushed, and she stood still, allowing for him to caress her face. “It’s only for you.” Megohime admitted softly.
Megohime shook her head and smiled softly, placing a hand over his. “You would never have to share me.” She said softly. “I only want you.”
Megohime was happy to hear such words of approval from Masamune. “I’ll meet you in bed after my shower?”
Megohime kissed the palm of his hand before leaving to shower, a few of her bathing products at his house. She went there often enough that she just kept a few things there for cases like these where she would stay over. She didn’t spend long in the shower, changing into her pajamas and toweling her hair dry before leaving the bathroom.
Megohime crawled into bed under the covers with him, kissing his forehead before laying down beside him. “I swear your water pressure here is the best.”
Megohime laughed, draping an arm over his middle as she got comfortable. “I think you pretend to, when really it just falls easily into you lap.” She teased.
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