Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Nana was required to stay on campus under Shingen’s tutelage, as per her agreement to keep Motochika with her, but she didn’t mind so much, being allowed to come and go as she pleased.
Amaya would check in on Akihime, but always found her near Yukimura, so she was never too worried about her, spending most of her days off at the old temple. Most of the priests were dead or gone, Amaya taking charge of the upkeep of the grounds.
“I had to stop by the school first, Akihime made some new seals and talisman for me.” Amaya said, pulling them out of her jacket pocket as she came up the stairs.
“Still the same, chasing after Yukimura.” She said, tone a bit teasing, but she had a gentle smile on her face. “How’s the temple holding?”
“Sorry, I’ll have to stick around today, do some weeding and washing.” She put the talisman back into her pocket, reaching into her other one. “I did bring this though.” She pulled out a small package and tossed it at him, it had the word “PEZ” scrawled on the front, inside the candy dispenser head shaped like a cat.
“You better be grateful, I had to go to four different corner stores just to find that.” She teased as she entered the courtyard of the small shrine.
“Well, yeah, it was cute.” She shrugged off her backpack so she could more easily dig through it for her gardening gloves. “I wanted to get you something nice.”
Amaya smirked and pulled the gloves from her bag, along with a trowel and bag to collect the weeds. “You’re blushing like a schoolgirl..~” She teased.
“Your face is redder than your hair.” She laughed, pulling on the gloves and moving over to the side of the pathway, pulling up the weeds and tossing them in the bag.
Amaya stared at Sasuke, face flushing a bit in embarrassment. She turned her head away, looking at the weeds she pulled up from the ground. “I was getting bored of buying plain candy.”
“I like PEZ.. it’s not about the taste, it’s about the toy..” She swept some dirt off the pathway and back into the planter with her hand. “You’re welcome.”
Amaya was busy for a while, pulling weeds and collecting them into the bag, finally catching attention that Sasuke was watching her. “What? Is something wrong?”
Amaya snorted and continued with the yard work. “I think your hats on too tight again.”
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She laughed, wiping her forehead with the back of her arm. “It looks like it’s so tight it’s strangling you with how red your face is!”
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