Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Amaya had noticed that lately, Akihime had been rather distracted and absent, both mentally and physically. It wasn’t like her, but even after failing her for a few days, she found nothing out of the ordinary. She scowled softly as she stretched, warming up for physical training.
Akihime had come running out of the house with angry tears, zooming passed Amaya without a word.
"Akihime!!" Mitsunari screamed after her, "Get back here, dammit!!" But Akihime only ran faster.
Amaya had been waiting in the yard for Akihime, doing her stretches as she got ready before witnessing Akihime run from Mitsunari in tears. Amaya looked to Mitsunari with a scowl. “You really have a way with women.”
“You did this right in front of me, plus, now I get to go see to your uncouth actions.” She gave him a sarcastic sneer as she started after the direction Akihime had gone in a light jog.
She had run full sprint to the park they lived a street and a half away from where they lived, sitting beneath a tree with her knees drawn tight to her chest.
“Akihime?” Amaya had almost lost track of her, managing to find her at the park alone. “What was that? What did he do?” She asked as she moved over.
She glanced up at her before looking away, "He said I wasn't good enough to be a sorcerer...that I didn't deserve to own Kaijiri and Kyusuke..." She replied, "He said my ability was worthless..."
Amaya made a face and sat down next to Akihime. “He always says things like this, he always has, why are you letting it get to you now?” She asked.
"Because Yukimura is always getting hurt because of me..." She muttered, her throat tightening as she fought her tears, "Because I'm too weak..."
“Yukimura gets hurt because of the world we were born into.” Amaya picked up a stick and started to draw in the dirt. “Just because you find an opponent stronger than you, doesn’t mean you’re weak.”
“Being strong isn’t a constant state of being.” She wasn’t really drawing anything in particular, just scribbling. “It’s fluid, it changes when we need it to. Plus, Mitsunari still refuses to even spar with you, shouldn’t that tell you anything about your own strength?”
“That’s because he knows he wouldn’t win.” She pointed out. “Takeda-sensei wouldn’t have sought you out to join if you didn’t have talent.”
Amaya leaned back, holding onto her knees as she looked up at the sky. “You can’t really believe that. You know that your Shikigami reflect how strong you are as a sorcerer.” She glanced at her from the corner of her eyes. “This isn’t like you. You said Yukimura had already forgiven what had happened, so why’re you falling apart now?” This was hard for Amaya, she didn’t exactly have a loving and nurturing environment growing up with Matsunaga, but Sasuke was working on softening her up.
"I guess I just haven't forgiven myself. I feel like if I were stronger, or had a better ability..." She sighed softly, "Maybe Mitsunari finally just got to me..."
“You’re already plenty strong, that’s why they partnered you with Yukimura.” She tossed the stick lazily to the side. “And forget about Mitsunari, he’s always had his panties in bunch. What he needs is a bloody nose to remind him who was chosen and who wasn’t.”
“You still up for some hand-to-hand?” Amaya asked, looking over at her. “I can teach you how to make a man cry in thirteen different ways, you can practice on Mitsunari.”
Their teens seemed to go by so quickly, remaining in schooling until graduating, becoming full fledged sorcerers.
Yukimura stayed at the school, partly do to his familial ties and restrictions, partly as he had become a teacher. Amaya was mainly independent, but would often take jobs from the school and the temple Sasuke resided in, keeping close ties with her academy friends.
Megohime was also another student who graduated but remained within the school grounds, working as general faculty part-time while handling higher grade curses throughout the city.
Akihime didn't go where Yukimura wasn't, so she stayed close to the school as well. They had grown out of their silly teen embarrassment of dating and became open about it at graduation. Despite what they thought, no one thought less of them for it. It made her happy, knowing she could be public with her feelings about him.
Mitsunari did not stay on campus, however. He stayed at the Otani household, as was demanded of him as the oldest. He taught under his most trusted tutors so he could assume the role as head.
Masamune, on the other hand, was scheming. He had been toying with the idea for years, and he was thinking now was as good a time as any to enact it.
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