Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

It was almost like he was praising her, but she wasn’t happy at all, she had nothing to show for all the wounds she had sustained. The walk back to school seemed to take forever, the pain in her arm and ribs becoming more and more unbearable as her adrenaline wore off, so as soon as they reached the school, she headed for the infirmary. She knew already her and Masamune would be in trouble, they went off on their own, tracked down a curse they weren’t supposed to rid of, one out of their league, and Megohime was nearly killed in the process.
"I'll go let the president know what we did. If we're lucky, you won't get in too much shit for it." He told her before he put his hand on her head again. He smiled faintly down at her.
"Just rest up and get better. Ne?"
“N-No, we can go together..! You shouldn’t be the one to take all the blame!” Megohime argued with him, not content with him willing to take the brunt of the blame for their mistake.
Megohime frowned, but nodded, heading into the infirmary to get her broken arm treated.
Megohime’s skin crawled at the sight of him, almost looking like a curse himself. “I think my arm got broken.” She muttered, closing the door behind her and entering further into the room.
Megohime could’ve puked in his lap right then, but moved closer and reluctantly held her broken arm out. The bone hadn’t pierced through the skin, but her arm was rather swollen already.
He examined it carefully and hummed thoughtfully, his fingers moving slowly over the swelling, "Oh yes~ very broken~ thankfully the bone opted to stay inside~"
His touch made goosebumps appear on her skin, fighting a look of disgust. “Well, can you fix it?” She asked.
He glanced at her and smirked before firmly grasping her arm, "There's going to be just a small sting~" He said before his hands and the whole of her arm lit with cursed energy. Her arm burned and stung before he pulled his hands back, "There~"
Megohime hated the feel of his cursed energy enveloping her, it felt like cold chains, but slowly the pain from her broken arm faded. She rolled her wrist and opened end closed her hand to test it, feeling no pain. “Thanks I guess.” She muttered, knowing the next thing would be to see the principal with Masamune.
Megohime left, rubbing her arm gently where the bone had been broken, heading off to search for Masamune.
Megohime felt uneasy already, and she hadn’t even been yelled at yet. Swallowing hard, she moved further down the hall, knocking on the principals office door. “Excuse me.” She said, pushing the door open.
Oda's hard gaze landed on her, as did Masamune's flat expression.
"Do you have any idea the danger you both were in? You both could have lost your lives, and I will not have such shame and disrespect taint my shool!" Oda yelled.
Megohime moved to stand beside Masamune, a soft frown on her face. “Gomenasai, Oda-sensei.”
"Not as sorry as you will be! I should have you both expelled!" He snapped. Masamune exhaled softly.
"You can't afford to toss out two family kids like that." He stated.
“We’re the only second years.” Megohime pointed out quietly, avoiding Oda’s burning gaze.
"The only ones you'll get for a while, with how quick a lot of these kids are leaving for the city."
"Silence!!" Oda boomed, "I will not have you speak back to me that way!"
Megohime had to hold in a laugh, she didn’t know why, but something about being yelled at with Masamune was comical to her. No longer being hurt or in danger, she found it funny- to be in trouble for destroying a curse.
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