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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

“I was obtaining another Shikigami.” She said, hanging up her coat and moving over to him.
Megohime seemed excited to be talking to Masamune again, almost forgetting the pain from her tattoos. “A dragon.” She said, almost proudly.
“It did, took four days to summon, three to trap it in my skin with ink.” She turned half a step to show the bits of dragon that peeked out from under her shirt.
She smiled softly at his praise, turning to look at him. “It’s healing faster than I expected, it was so large I worried it would take weeks to heal.”
Megohime’s cheeks flushed again, and she looked down at the floor, heart hammering in her chest. “It’s not much compared to you..”
Megohime turned to face him fully. “Ready to train some?” Him praising her made her heart pound in her chest, hiding the smile that tried to creep onto her face.
“It was only a week, I’m not so feeble to get soft in that short amount of time.” Megohime said.

Yukimura had just returned from a mission with Akihime, another curse to rid of, one a bit stronger than they had initially anticipated, but it wasn’t too much trouble. He still had three extra eyes on the left side of his face, a side affect of sorts of his unique heavenly restriction; the curses he consumed would be converted into cursed energy he could utilize, gaining strength and ability, all while changing his appearance on occasion.
The eyes on the side of his face moved independently of his own two, Yukimura turning to look at Akihime. “Holding out.” He said with a nod. “Why, did my face change again?” He asked, touching his cheek to try and feel a change had it occurred.
She nodded, "You have eyes this time." She told him.
"She's very yummy looking. What would happen if we took a little bite? Would she taste as sweet as she looks? Or bitter?" A voice in Yukimura's head mused.
Yukimura was used to the voices of the curses he consumed, they always had some kind of input, a final insult to dish out before his body destroyed the curse. “Ah, sorry, I hope they didn’t make you uneasy.” He apologized.
Yukimura’s cheeks flushed, Akihime’s endearing demeanor toward his technique frazzling him; the reactions he usually got weren’t always so kind.
“Ah, no, no! Sorry!” He put his hands up with a sheepish smile. “The curse is just still kicking around.. This ones lasting longer than the others, has a lot to say.”
"Oh!" She never really knew what they said, Yukimura never really divulged to her what all was said. He must have been tormented sometimes, she felt so bad. "I'm sorry.."
He shook his head, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze, the thick callouses on his palm scratchy against her skin. “I’ve already said you could ask about things like this, it doesn’t bother me.”
“I don’t really think that’s possible.” Yukimura said. “You’ve always been considerate of others.”
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