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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Yukimura clenched his fists, feeling the cursed energy flow to them; surely he had enough left to finish off this curse before it all disappeared, and with Akihime there to back him up, he wasn’t worried at all.

Amaya picked it up, pulling the cash partway out to thumb through it before putting the money in her pocket. “Preferences?” She asked, looking at Masamune. She had been surprised to see a kid about her age, but if her father taught her anything about jobs, it was to not ask unnecessary questions.
When they left the tunnel, they were in a entirely different area. They were in a domain that felt small but immense at the same time. Like space had no limit here. It made Akihime feel a little sick.
"Wh...What is this place...? This feels like much more than a small curse. Was the info wrong?"

"Don't make a mess." He replied, "I don't care how it's done."
Nothing looked visually different, but everything about the space around the two of them felt like it was fake, entirely apart from the real world they had just been in. “Careful, Akihime.” Yukimura felt the hair on the back of his neck standing on end, all his sensing screaming that he was in danger. “We can’t turn back now.” He knew that whatever it was, information wrong or not, they couldn’t leave until it was defeated.

Amaya made a noise and turned to leave, already having the information on the target, meeting up with Masamune was to just get the deposit on her kill.
She nodded and reached into her tool bag, removing a tanto and brandishing it. Should she summon her tortoise? Would he help at all? She couldn't risk losing him.

Masamune watched her leave quietly before sitting down at his desk.
Yukimura looking around, keeping all senses on high alert as he tried to spot the curse, keeping his back to Akihime’s so they couldn’t be ambushed from behind.
She scanned the area every which way, turning her head for only a moment. When she turned back, a pale face with tear-like streaks on its face was looking her straight in the face. Her eyes widened and she swung her tanto quickly, only to slice the air. How did it get so close? Where did it go? She felt sicker now.
Yukimura felt Akihime tense, then swing, glancing over his shoulder at her. “Akihime?” She looked pale and like she’d be sick at any moment. “Did you see it?”
Yukimura could hear in her voice that Akihime wasn’t ok, turning and moving to look over Akihime. “Akihime.. what’s wrong? You look sick, is it the curse? Did it do something to you?”
Yukimura stiffened and swung hard to hit whatever was behind him, worried now that he’d lose Akihime’s support. Her role was pivotal if he was to use his ability, without her, he’d never be able to get a curse into a weak enough state to consume.
Akihime looked to where he had swung, hoping the curse was hit, but Yukimura swung at nothing. She turned back to keep an eye on the area, only to have the curse appear in her face again. She gasped and moved to swing her tanto again.
"Yu-!" She was cut short when it grabbed her throat, causing her to choke on her words before it lifted her off the ground. This was bad, she didn't want to be a hostage, but it was crushing her windpipe and was definitely in Yukimura's way of attack.
Yukimura spun around to find the curse holding Akihime by the throat, eyes widening. “Akihime!” With how the curse was, it held Akihime out in front of it, effectively putting her in between the two of them- he had no clear shot. He clenched his teeth and moved quickly to get around to its other side, needing a clear shot.
It watched him before it was suddenly not there anymore. It had dropped Akihime to get away, causing her to this to the ground and gasp raggedly for air. It was a few feet from them now, snickering almost childishly.
Yukimura skid to a stop and turned to face it again, keeping his eyes trained on it. “Akihime, are you alright?” He asked, trying to figure out if rushing it would be worth the energy or not.
"Y...Yeah...I didn't think it would just go for me like that..." She said before grabbing her tool bag, "I need to seal him up so he can stop popping around...give me just a second...!" Yukimura hadn't taken his eyes off the curse once, but his brain couldn't register as fast as the thing could move, and it was gone again.
Yukimura stiffened up again, spinning and turning to try and get eyes on it again. “It’s moving again!” He warned Akihime, fists up and ready to fight.
"I've got it!" She said before she was suddenly launched into a wall full force, her millet hammer clattering to the ground where she once was. The curse snickered childishly again as it watched her drop to the ground like a thrown doll.
Yukimura didn’t slow down, he broke out in a sprint right for the curse without a single word, brows furrowed and eyes locked on the curse. If he could land a few hits on the curse, maybe cripple it, they’d have a chance, if not, at the very least he could get to Akihime’s hammer.
It turned to him curiously and watched him, dodging his punches smoothly before he finally managed to hit it, the sheer force Yukimura put into his strikes sending the curse flying. It crashed into a wall and sat there, as if registering what just happened.
“Akihime!” Yukimura wasn’t letting up on the curse, chasing after it to hit it with another barrage of punches, trying to buy Akihime time to get back to her hammer.
She groaned, having been knocked out for a moment or two, "H...Hai...!" She pushed herself up and wobbled quickly to the millet hammer, grasping it firmly and pushing her cursed energy into it to make it burn with a haunting pink color. The curse became rather alarmed and suddenly disappeared, reappearing beside Akihime and reaching to take the hammer from her in its panic. But Akihime used the opportunity to swing hard and clock it in the side of its head, the curse pulsing before it was sent stumbling.
"Just a few more hits and you can eat it!" She said.
“Right! I’ll keep it off you!” Yukimura felt like he was running on empty, but he pushed himself to go after it, legs burning with agony as he ran hard. Already the extra eyes on the side of his face were all gone, all except one. The final eye looked tired, closing and opening like it was struggling to stay awake.
Akihime moved behind him, keeping a firm grip on the hammer as they moved on the curse. It panicked even more, not knowing who to go for first, before hurdling towards Yukimura.
Yukimura met the curse head on, punching it in the head hard, then grabbing it hard by the throat so it couldn’t escape him.
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