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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

She blushed more, "Th-Thank you..." She muttered shyly.
"Akihime! Yukimura!" Akihime jumped away when she heard their names and looked over at Shingen as he approached.
Yukimura stood up stiffly, eyes wide. “Oyakata-sama!” He hid his hands behind his back, worried Shingen had seen the two of them holding hands.
"I know you both just returned, but there is another curse I want you both to deal with. Our sources say it is small, so you both should be fine." Shingen said. Akihime tried not to slouch. She wanted to relax already.
Yukimura nodded excitedly, the extra eyes on his face looking every which way. “Of course, Oyakata-sama!” He was always eager to accept jobs, never one to admit when he was tired. “We’ll take care of it right away, you can count on us!”
Yukimura nodded, looking to Akihime to see if she needed to prepare at all before they left for their next mission. “Ready?”
The two headed to the car that was waiting for them, a faculty member of the school waiting to take them to where they would find the curse, all while giving them the details on what they had about the curse.
It was a small grade curse, an easy enough fight for the two of them. It was recently discovered so it didn't have a lot of time to grow. It would be good for the two of them, especially Yukimura.
Yukimura was excited to get out again so soon, feeling like he could never get enough of ridding of curses. Doing everything he could to rid the world of curses felt like it was engrained into his very soul.
“I think it’s from the cursed energy I consumed,” He said with a sheepish grin. “Until it wears off, I don’t really feel tired.”
Yukimura understood that feeling, once his body used up the cursed energy of the curse he consumed, all the pain and fatigue hit his body all at once. “Hopefully we’ll get a few days off after this mission.”
"We could go on a date..." She said it without even thinking, and her eyes widened before she became embarrassed, "I-I mean!! We don't have to!! I don't even know why I said that!!"
Yukimura’s face lit up brightly, glancing to the driver who was obviously listening to the two, but keeping his eyes on the road. “I-I wouldn’t mind..! I-I mean, if you wanted too..?”
Yukimura gave a firm nod, looking ahead again, face still red. “It’s a date then!” The word date made his ears burn, but his heart raced with excitement.
The car ride wasn’t terribly long, the two of them being dropped off at a nearby old mountain tunnel, one that cars rarely took now, but was unintentionally cursed by locals and school children to be haunted.
"The air feels so heavy here.." Akihime noted with a friend, "It doesn't feel like a small curse.."

Masamune sat in his home, waiting quietly for the person who would answer the deep web ad he had put out.
Yukimura’s brows were furrowed, looking around before looking to Akihime. “Oyakata-sama said it was small, he wouldn’t give us something we couldn’t handle..”

Only one person had responded to his add that met the criteria he had listed, a person with a blank username, which wasn’t all that uncommon for websites such as the one he was frequenting.
Amaya found it strange that the customer had listed their own address, but wasn’t worried, knocking on the front door and waiting for them to answer- after having scoped out the home before hand.
She looked up at him and nodded, "Maybe it's just compensating."

Masamune opened the door and looked her over before allowing her to come inside.
He gave a firm nod and started toward the tunnel. “Let’s go.” He said, fired up and ready to destroy the curse.

Amaya entered the home and followed him inside, hands in her jacket pockets. She kept a wary eye out, but hadn’t seen any activity in the house, nor had she heard anything since entering.
She followed him quickly, wondering a good game plan for this curse. She could use her shikigami as well as her tools, or maybe just her tools if it was a weaker curse. She just needed it beaten enough so that Yukimura could eat it.

Masamune moved to a table and slid a small envelope toward her.
"Here's five hundred thousand yen. You get the other five hundred thousand when the job is done."
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