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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

The cursed energy was removed rather easily and he left the infirmary not long after. "So," he stated, "will you have to get a new tattoo?"
Megohime stood when he left the infirmary, pulling her sleeve down to hide the bare skin. The question made her uncomfortable, like the question was too intimate to ask. “Yes.”
Megohime studied his face for a moment, still seeing the same expressionless cold face; he really gave nothing away. “It’s fine, I’m sorry it bit you, I didn’t mean to do that.”
The next several years seemed to fly by, and once Megohime reached her sixteenth birthday, she held control over five Shikigami. The following week after her birthday, Megohime was absent from school, family matters Kojurou would say. The day she returned, she was still as heavily covered as always, though she did seem to be in a bit of pain as she moved.
“Eh, I just got another Shikigami, so my skins a bit tender.” Megohime sat down gingerly, wincing slightly. “Other than that, nothing happened.”
“Six.” She corrected, opening her bag to pull out her papers. “I had to replace one again.”
"Ah." He didn't really know why her shikigami were always having to be replaced but he didn't want to pry into her personal life. If she was in trouble, he liked to believe she would tell him.
Megohime didn’t really expect Masamune to be early, but she was hoping he would be, glancing around the empty room in anticipation of him showing up.
Megohime’s cheeks flushed as red as her eyes, and she turned sharply to Kojurou. “I know, I was just looking..!” She had hoped he would at least come a little early, after all, she’d been gone a full week.
It was clear she was embarrassed he caught her looking for Masamune, her face growing more and more red. “I know that too!”
Megohime glanced at Masamune, heart racing in her chest at the sight of him. It had only been a week since she had seen him, but he was really the only person her age she interacted with, she missed him.
Megohime felt her heart flutter when Masamune looked at her, a small smile on her face as she looked down at her papers and pencil to start the class.
Class seemed to crawl by Kojurou taught them, some of the basics of sorcery, mostly on things a little more their level, and even a bit of history. Megohime was delighted to finally be excused for physical training, meaning she’d be able to actually speak with Masamune.
Megohime knew Masamune would probably never act normal, she had heard he had been there when his family was murdered, that he was probably traumatized from it. She didn’t mind so much, patient with him even though a lot of times he seemed without emotions.
“I heard some of the administrators praising your skill before class.” She called to him as she shrugged off her jacket.
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