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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Megohime took his hand and stood with his help. “I’d like to see more, I only know what the school has taught me, but with you, it’s like watching something from a movie.” She wasn’t trying to suck up or be rude, she was truly impressed, he seemed like he was on an entirely other level, one almost unreachable. “If you’ll show me more.”
Megohime smiled, feeling excited about her schooling for the first time in a long time, now actually having someone to interact with other than teachers. “I don’t know if there’s anything I can do for you, but just ask if you think of anything.”
Megohime and Masamune seemed to hit it off fine enough for how withdrawn Masamune was, Megohime seeming rather happy to finally have someone in class with her to train with.
He was an exceptional training partner; he taught her techniques and tricks she never thought she would learn here on her own. It was incredible.
Megohime still had to train with her Shikigami, which she preferred to do alone. She went to an empty training room to practice, taking off her jacket and hanging it up, leaving her tattooed arms exposed.
Megohime closed her eyes and held out her right arm, the large cobra tattooed on her wrist and for arm slowly peeling away from her skin and growing, forming a full sized, live cobra.
It was almost like an extension of herself than it was it's own separate being. Sure, in a way, shikigami were an extension, but for her it felt different.
The cobra fully peeled itself from her arm and slithered down to the floor, standing up tall and spreading its hood, letting out a loud hiss, but not attacking. She moved toward it, reaching out and gently touching the top of its head. It was strange, feeling the warmth of the Shikigami, like it was an average real snake.
Megohime spun to see Masamune standing in the doorway, eyes going wide. “Y-Yeah..” She placed a hand over the other tattoo on her left wrist, but it didn’t do much to cover it. “It’s.. my technique..”
Megohime could already feel her face burning red, she didn’t talk about her ability outside of her parents and teachers. “Yeah.. the more permanent, the stronger they are.. at least, that’s the theory my parents have..”
Megohime felt embarrassed and uncomfortable, swallowing the lump in her throat. “They.. can be replaced… but it hurts, they’re tattoos..”
Megohime had never seen such a cold gaze, feeling like ice was crawling up her spine. “Yes.” She don’t know why, but she took a small step to the side, moving between Masamune and her Shikigami.
Megohime’s short brows turned down, a look of fear crossing his face. “It hurts me..!” She said in disbelief. “I don’t want to test it! What’s wrong with you..?!”
"How will you get stronger if you don't make some sacrifice?" He asked, looking down on her, "You have to leave your little safe space at some point if you wanna grow."
Megohime stared wide-eyed at him, her blood running cold. What was he talking about? Sacrifice her Shikigami to grow stronger, leave her safe space? She took a step back from Masamune, reaching out behind her so the cobra could return to ink on her arm. “What do you know about cursed techniques when you don’t even have one.” She didn’t sound angry, more stunned than anything, moving around him to retrieve her jacket to hide her tattoos.
He was suddenly in front of her, hands in his pockets. When did he move? She didn't even see him. "Oh, I have one." He leaned down so he was level with her, his blue eye glittering and glowing almost hauntingly. "And I gave up a lot to get it where it is now."
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