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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

He could see the terror in her eyes, the confusion. “Why’d you lie..?” She was stuck to the spot where she stood, her throat tight. “Why’re you doing this..?”
Megohime found just enough strength to push him back, trying to put some distance between the two of them. “What is wrong with you? Stop it..!”
Megohime watched him leave silently, holding her breath until he was out of the room. What was he going on about the strong and the weak? why had he lied about having a cursed technique?
He didn't really interact with her after that, just kept to himself and his studies. He scared her, really. He seemed nice at first but now he just chilled her when he was around.
Megohime did her best to avoid him, but it was lonely; she would steal glances occasionally, and soon she regained some of her courage.
“I want to train again.” She spoke up behind him, having approached him while he trained alone. “If you’ll train me.”
Megohime’s brows furrowed and she clenched her fists. “I never said I was scared of you.” She said firmly. “And if I was, I wouldn’t be here.”
Megohime nodded, bringing her fists up and taking a stance in preparation for their sparring match.
His comment irked her, but she did her best to not let it bother her, or at least not let it show. “I’m glad.” She said, making the first move. She went straight for his right again, moving to circle around him, keeping to his blind spot.
"At least you remembered to keep an opponent's weakness in mind." He said before he turned to land a hard punch to her stomach, "I've adapted for my right side, though."
Megohime took the punch with a grunt, stumbling back before, rushing his right side again. She feigned a left hook, sweeping hard for his ankles with a kick.
Megohime let out a gasp, barely having the time to spin and bring her arms up to try and cushion the blow, which brought her down to one knee.
Her sleeve bulged and writhed, the same cobra Masamune had seen before slipping out from her shirt and latching onto the calf of his leg, fangs sinking into his flesh, teeth so sharp he barely felt the bite.
He hummed before the cobra suddenly exploded in a burst of blood, a dagger pulsing with cursed energy dripping with blood in Masamune's hand. When did he get that? Where had he been hiding it?
Megohime was in shock, she hadn’t meant to use her cobra at all, realizing too late that she had even done so. “Masamune..!” She let his leg go and stood quickly. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that..!” She looked genuinely scared, but was it because of him or the cobra.
“No it isn’t, you have to go to the nurse!” She didn’t understand why he wasn’t more upset by the fact that she had just poisoned him.
“N-No, um..” She didn’t actually know, she had never used her Shikigami against another human before, only curses. “I don’t know.” Megohime figured being honest with him was the best option. “It’s not just venom, it’s also my cursed energy, so when it takes affect, you’ll feel it.” She paused. “I don’t know how long that will take though.. you’re the first human I’ve used it on.” She kept pace with him, worried for his well-being.
Megohime wanted to punch him in the back of the head, how could he be so calm? He was the one who was just envenomated, and he just found it interesting? Maybe he wasn’t all there anymore. She hurried him to the schools doctor, sitting outside and waiting while he was being treated, staring at the empty skin where her Shikigami used to reside.
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